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Hi all, This is the first public BETA of the Generic OPFOR Pack. Please post all bugs you encounter here. Suggestions are also welcome. This is my first addon, be nice  . This pack represents is some light OPFOR not tied to any specific area of conflict. Some roles they could fulfil: Paramilitary Groups Insurgents/Guerrillas Very small 3rd world army Private army Partisans Also included in this pack are some security contractors. Several good addons have been made for the East/West side, but they lack a decent all-weather OPFOR to make missions against. This pack will, hopefully, narrow that gap and allow for more scenarios in OFP. Units are available for East, West and Resistance sides. The following camo schemes are represented in this pack: ERDL/Leaf Pattern Olive Drab Tigerstripe Tan 6 colour desert Rhodesian USMC Urban Civilian Screenshots: Required Addons: JAM2 Mirrors from ofp.info: MIRROR 1 MIRROR 2 The file is slightly larger than 5MB. Mission: Tacrod has made a quick mission with these units. You can find the user mission topic here Bugs: Several users have reported freezing. The users seem to be using NVIDIA 5700 FX Ultra cards. ShadowY has reported that including the S&E Marines pack appears to have fixed this freezing problem. To any user experiencing freezing, and is willing to be a 'guinea pig' please PM me. Â
Since the Loadgame bug is serious enough to warrant a fix, I'm releasing one. Thanks to Mr. Yoda for the tip. Changes: --------- - Hollow man bug - Reduced armour value - Added a desert group Here's a temporary link until the mirrors come up (after which, I'll edit the first post to include a link): Fix (1.45MB) Replace WYW_OPFOR.pbo. Edit: Evil Ikonboard code
Helmet does not affect armor values on the unit. Can't change armor values on the fly, unfortunately. For those tinkering around the config, here's how it works: Changing basic things like armor would be done under the base config, that is, WYW_Base. Weapons and other stuff specific to the unit would require you to modify the config specific to the unit. Once you figure one, you have figured all. The config is pretty much a sloppy copy and paste job... Regarding your requests and ideas, I of course consider them (Ha! I know better than to make promises on the forums). Right now, I'm just dreaming up some ideas before even working on them. Some Ideas: - Technical - A regular 4x4 SUV - A motorcycle - A truck In the meantime, I recommend BIS civilian vehicles as a substitute. Those BIS vehicles need to be used for something else other than cover! There's also a technical somewhere that's not FDF. The targets pack would require some creativity and balance, you want to give the targets some uniqueness, but they shouldn't be too unique such that they end up being characters (The spirit of generic is lost): - Guerrilla Leader (The south american type) - Guerrilla Leader (The more european type) - Guerrilla Lieutenant - Businessman type guy Now the best substitute will be a BIS Civilian with an attitude (CfgIdentites, people!) or a regular OPFOR with a unique face. Or just Guba. I would also recommend the Farmland Civilian pack if you need some scientists to escort. That's it for today.
Hello all, I just got back from vacation... Well, I'm not sure what's causing this freeze myself, but I'm hoping to solve it in the next version. In order to solve this, as I have stated earlier, I need some form of guinea pig. I hope to release the first non-beta early next year, but you can never tell Hopefully all issues will be resolved next version.
Creating some effects in the 1st view
newiy replied to MiG's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi Mig, You have to make a model (can be just a flat plane with texture) in the Pilot-View and first LOD of the mode because inside vehicles, it is the first person LOD that displays. Make sure the model faces the camera of the player. However, if I'm not mistaken, all 'hlava' selections will be rendered invisible in first person view, however, this can be solved by declaring the 'inside' of the mask as a hidden selection and using setObjectTexture to texture the inside of the mask. The command should be run from the init eventHandler of the unit. Since this change should only affect the player, I think it's best to script it to check if the player is the wearer, if not, it should exit. -
@ebns72 Suggestions always help! Looking at the pics, I agree that the ERDL is off. Bah! Never rely on friends with powerful washing machines as colour references. Just to let you know, the ERDL in this addon is supposed to be 'brown' ERDL. I also agree about the armour. Will fix . I swear flashpoint does weird things to my models! I'll move the vertices around to see if I can get rid of that effect while avoiding clipping (I've learnt a couple of tricks since I last wrestled with the body armour). While I'm away you can try to get better results yourself, I suppose. Sleeveless guy needs to be remodelled in general. At the time I worked on him, I had not yet discovered the joys of 'Convexity>Create Convex Hull' and 'Topology > Split' yet (all budding modellers take note!), resulting in a lot of weirdness to the model. The models are unbinarized so you can try by copying the first LOD of any model + proxies to a new file and the armour (IIRC, the selection names are 'armorfrt', 'armorbak' and 'armorside' or something). Write a simple config to test the model ingame. If you do get better results, share with us! More groups - OK, I'll do that. Saboteur and Grenadier... will add. I was kind of afraid that the units menu was too spammed. A little more spam won't hurt, I suppose. ;) BIS hands - Well, in most cases, insurgents (and other assorted 'bad guys') don't wear gloves. I've never really seen any in the photographs. I'm a little apprehensive about remapping the cheek texture on the hands, though, just seems wrong. I'll experiment with your suggestion anyhow. I'm going to remap the textures on the arms to make them more seamless, in any case. @ni-mh - It should only happen when units don't initialize properly (in which case, it's flashpoint's fault). Either that or the test 'ghost' units got spawned! << highly unlikely. @868 - Do post it on the User missions forum once you get a host, I'd like to link to the topic.
I have no idea. I suspect the cause is a mix of many factors before a freeze occurs. My intuition tells me the problem lie with the models rather than the config or the scripts. Locke@Germany has reported them crashing Binarize. Maybe both bugs are related? I won't be surprised if they were. Why you even require TactEvents is a mystery to me, as I am not even sure what the contents of TactEvents are! The scripts I wrote have no external dependencies and are highly specific to my addon. In fact, in one of the PCs used to test this addon, S&E's marines wasn't even installed at all! Anyhow, glad you got it to work while I go puzzle this out.
@Locke Not obvious to me, but I'll fix it as best as I can. @Rhodite The DPM scheme is not represented in this pack. The name of that camo scheme is Rhodesian. I assure you, it's not BAS TSF textures. A side by side comparison with the TSF will put this doubt to rest.
@tacrod: Hey, thanks. I will add a link to your mission topic on the first page. @All who has 'freezing' problems: I need a 'guinea pig' if I am to solve this problem. It seems to occur to users with nvidea 5700 FX Ultra cards (another user has reported this). ShadowY says that S&E's marines will fix the freezing spontaneously. I really don't want you guys to miss out on this addon. I'm giving this bug priority to fix, but I need a 'guinea pig'. @BoweryBaker A targets and VIP pack will be considered. It will make a good side project. Someone other than Guba (he's died enough times) to assassinate!
Odd... I have no idea what causes it. Anyhow, do you have Hardware T&L enabled? I have nearly every other addon on my old comp, and no such freezing occurs. I'll check it out when I get back from vacation. Can you PM me your system specs in the meantime? Also, are you willing to help me test it to see if it freezes your game when I get around to fixing it? EDIT: ShadowY, I have old versions with LOTS of bugs lying around. Are you willing to be a guinea pig? I will need your help if I am to narrow down the cause of this MAJOR bug. PM me if you are interested.
Of course we need missions Avon! That's why I started on this pack in the first place. I felt that people might not have been making missions as many missions as they could have because, well, there are lots of nice units but no one to shoot at, except for Russians and the US. There's only so many scenarios and stories one could make in a US vs. Russia conflict. Also, excellent recent addons lack an OPFOR to go against in a plausible scenario. Well, that was my reason at least, back when I was still messing around with the mission editor and scripting stuff. Unfortunately, I could not spend time on missions AND the addon at the same time (being only one person who also has RL to worry about, bah!). So to all mission makers out there, I hope this addon has opened new doors to you. The class names should remain the same in the final, so now is a good time to start.
That's what I did. Sometimes, you get weird effects because of it. Mapping it was not that fun, though. The brown is just default BIS stuff.
Hi all, EDIT: Public Beta 1 released. Go to Addons and Mods: Complete. Mandatory teaser shots: Rebels outside an abandoned building: Guerrillas: Security Contractors outside a hotel in Lipany:
I always thought operation flashpoint needed some good generic OPFOR, so I decided to try my hand at making some. But I'm new to addon making (so I'll definitely need some help)! I could definitely do generic, but good? Right now I need reference pics and anything that'll help make textures. Pics of gear, preferably in OD or Khaki is appreciated. I also need advice on loadout and how to do the webbing... I've started on some generic jungle units that represent light infantry of a generic army. I'm planning (no promises) for the following camo schemes: Tiger stripe, OD and ERDL. Right now the model is sort of somewhere between the first two choices, but with some modification it could become the third. I'm not sure if I have the skill to do the fourth... I'll post some pics tomorrow of my work (so you'll know how much help I need). I'm kind of busy right now, so don't expect much activity until at least late october. EDIT: Here's a pic of a guy in ERDL camo http://www.freewebs.com/newiy/erdlOPFOR.jpg EDIT AGAIN: Um... copy and paste the link in your browser window.
That sounds good . Can it be done with a formula? Perhaps you can make the getdammage delay proportional to the reciprocal of the damage? Something like: _delay = (1 / (getdammage _unit)) * _k where _k is a constant.
<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? getdammage _unit <=0.1 : goto "RESET2" Just modify this line by increasing 0.1 to something bigger to increase the damage required before any of the random effects take place. The line is under #START.
Hue/Saturation doesn't degrade textures! Not for me, and I use GIMP. Maybe changing the colour makes noise more visible? Maybe this is caused by recompressing an already compressed format?
I don't think anyone would want to or can carry alot in a tropical jungle environment. The temps are around 25 - 34 C (80+ F to you 'Muricans), humidity 70 - 88%. The temps by themselves are not a problem, but when coupled with the humidity, they can really take a toll on your stamina. Sweat doesn't cool you down, it just makes you sticky for most part. Stuff takes forever to dry, and during some times in the year, it really RAINS. Those times of the year are really bad, because it alternates between extremely hot and extremely wet really, really fast. It is important to carry as little as possible. Don't spare the bug repellant. Bring extra footwear, because if your only pair gets wet, you won't like it much. Water is extremely heavy to lug around, but always make sure you have enough, in the jungle, sweating is something you do all the time. A poncho is good. And yes, cover as much skin as possible, the bugs there are not merciful, I tell you.
Updates, eh? All I can say is: just wait. Working out some kinks.
Alternatively, you can add a random facescript in your init part of your eventhandlers in your config cpp. Since I don't have reference handy, syntax not guaranteed. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class EventHandlers { init = "(_this select 0) exec ""\arescti.pbo\facescript.sqs"""; }; Face script would consist of a list of faces in an array and a random no. generator plus a setface command. Hope this helps
Nice. The last time I tried scripting a blizzard it crashed my OFP
I've got a few suggestions on improving the textures. Homogenizing the colour, tile them, create a new layer, use some soft brush with 30 - 60 % opacity in a colour of choice and then add some weathering effects (to break up the uniformity, much like camo does), using smaller brushes to add detail where necessary. Experiment with combinations of different colours and brushes. Noisify slightly if you wish to break up the pattern even more. Create another alpha layer to add irregularities to the shading, if you wish. Just tweak the alpha of the layers to get the result you want. And if you can create a layer for chipped off sections of the wall (copy and paste, soften the edges or lower the alpha). Just play around and experiment, it's quite easy to get a good result, in fact,it is hard to mess up really bad. I myself find texturing more fun than modelling.
Hey, progress is going good, in fact I believe a public beta should be in order by the end of this month. So you guys can complain/whine/criticize while I'm on vacation during December , then I can fix it for the final version! I have to squash a bunch of annoying bugs first, though, an internal beta should be up this weekend (or the next, any volunteers? PM me), after I have hopefully squashed a majority of the bugs, that is. Thanks for all the advice, guys, I can't really implement all of them, but I did try my best. I also learnt alot in the process. They really look disorganized when mismatching camos. Guys in non-mismatched camos should also be available. Just to show I'm not slacking, here's some pics... they look very different from the previous ones. Some are edited though: The army of the badly dressed. (believe it or not, they are all the same unit)- Some base models (old and outdated pic): Insurgents at a village, minding their own business- Mercenary dusk raid- Another one bites the dust -
AFAIK aside from changing the time, no way you can do that.
I can't seem to access your forums