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Everything posted by nephilim
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
will be tricky, not to say impossible. in modo you can set an angle, which then will calculate the smoothing of the surface. with oxygen you can set the hard edges directly. modo isnt capable of that, 3ds max is (in a way, but not as oxygen). id say go with the one smoothinggroup thing. -
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
@panda & dasquade be carefull when baking normals in modo and playing around with the material smoothing angle. the hard edges caused by the smoothing angle will be baked into the normal map aswell, which can cause some nasty artifacs in your normal map which you dont want to have! best would be to bake the normal map with the smoothing angle set to 100 or higher (basically so it has just one smoothing group like in max). this way the normals of the hi poly get captured correctly and you dont catch any nasty artifacts fromt he low poly´s hard edge. however, there´s a slight problem with that. once youve baked the normal map with the corresponding smoothing/ smoothing group, you cant change any of the two, as it will cause wrong normal map  renderings. so if you baked your normal map with just one smoothing group, make sure you set the WHOLE model to smooth in oxygen and dont leave any sharp edges. sounds strange at first, but the hard edges are defined through your normal map which captured the hi poly data. the surface shading of the lowpoly is pretty irrelevant once the normal map is applied and sharpening edges will usually break the sillouete anyway. depending on how arma is coded, this is the best solution. the whole sharpen edge thing should be ignored anyways if you use hi poly referenced normal maps. if you use photoshop based normal maps (YEECH!!! it will work, because the normals in the nm, basically do nothing else than multiplying with the normals of the lowpoly. i can set up a quick example if its necessary, but i guess you can figure it out yourself now. any other engine (crye, ut3 etc etc etc) utilize the same. btw: .OBJ usually takes smoothinggroups and smoothing angles in account, so i guess it might be oxygen that screws them up. -
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
solution: invert the flipped faces :P raytracing gives the better results. alternatively bake your ao in xnormal or crazybump -
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
some more polys and you could use them as hi polymodels for normal maps. seriously! eg all the detail on the pmag, its not necessary for a ingame model. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma
nephilim replied to BadBenson's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
where does he state that he wants to improve them?? and basic converting is no modelling.. moddeling invovles pushing around polygons etc etc... conveting is just the last step in the chain and i just done by 3-4 mouse clicks.. thats no effort... so yea modelling is FAR more than porting an existing model from another game... -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma
nephilim replied to BadBenson's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
what do you want to hear/read? its better to be direct and upstraight than trying to say things through the flowers... and aside from that.. its not "him" but "her"... well fine if GSC allows their content to be scattered over the internet, theyre morons.. easy as that. why dont you just port all of the stalker content so people can play a stalker derriviate for free? i guess they wouldnte care if they loose several grand of money.. you know.. people dont spend 24/7 of their life in these forums... you know i dont have anything against you personally benson, but rather towards people in the community who appraise authors of the imports in the same way as people who actually build them form scratch. and honestly i dont see the educational part in porting these few models. whats the benefit? you arent even gonna cfg it. most of the models have been done already in a decent quality by various authors, so instead of endorsing them and paying some respect, you get on with such crap... great.... from an artists point of view (which i am) thats like a slap in the face.. -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma
nephilim replied to BadBenson's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Wheres the education putting the stalker weapons into arma?? cause everyone had orgasmic spasms , drooling over the imported stuff.. i dont remember if he actually had permission... shouldve checked out when i was at crytek.. anyway. releasing game sources (model, texture, parts or the whole game) and porting them can be equally set to piracy, be aware of that. do you think all people on this board here have bought stalker? i dont think so -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma
nephilim replied to BadBenson's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
i take the B**** as an offense, thank you... and yes.. i think ports are lame... why because people who do ports get approval they basically arent supposed to.. and im not talking about the importing and cfg part, but the models.. everyone goes like whoa they look good!! ok.. but the importer didnt create them.. so its like wearing someone others hard earned feathers, cause importing a modell isnt really hard work.. im fine if youre doing tests with it and dont have a problem with you.. but i´m pretty pissed off of the communities attitude with such things... and no i wont download them.. dont worry... *skol! -
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma
nephilim replied to BadBenson's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
importing stuff from others games is pretty lame imho... and they arent even well imported... -
guys just to let you know, im still alive and started on the diemaco´s but due work i´m working fast as a snail on these atm :/ christmas is coming soon and ill have some time more time on my hands. cheers!
Meh all you addicts.... *grabsnovocainebottle*
stop cursing at people... it doesnt make your reputation any better.. i guess you know where you took the textures from, so have a little respect. at least this base is a small step forward, keep it up. and btw..i was one of the folks withing the SST mod...
Russian Airborne Armour Project
nephilim replied to soul_assassin's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
cavity map = basically just the blue channel of a normal map. it captures more detail than a AO map, which can be applied in the same way of onto the diffuse. -
Russian Airborne Armour Project
nephilim replied to soul_assassin's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
the way you describe the normal mapping is a bit off.. aswell. you might want to add to use bloom effects (from the effects tap, to get diagonal transistions. just using black and white wont give you transistions as in: ____/ aside from that, the tut is VERY basic, you couldve included the use of AO maps or cavity maps to enhance the diffuse. just my 2 cent -
you can bet your left nut on that. i´ve made the second version of the bugs. various team members can approve this, since ive keept them updated with WIP pics... all of the other stuff has been scratchmade aswell.
i dont think i (and others) need to be jelous about your bugs... ive made some myself in the past so... if youd care to do a little searching, youd find out that several of his threads have been closed as he imported ofp models without permission and without credits to the author, basically trying to pass this as their own, so no, i wont give him a break until he can proove he made that stuff himself. theft isnt tolerated on these forums, nor is it anywhere else.. he just has to proove it, thats all...
this is really getting interesting..... can someone post up some wireframes of the bugs, moritas, and the scripts of the bugs? maybe i can remember some bits of pieces ... i dont want to throw around with accusations right now but... he did similar in the past...
... before starting wit the morita.. id suggest you sitting on your bossom and spending more time on THAT model and its textures..
Yea a Max version would be nice indeed... but since teacup is a diehard maya fan, i guess he wont touch max at a otherwise i could make do some mocap recordings.
Petition for Tonal to ArmA!
nephilim replied to SolidSnake-(SNK)'s topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Exactly... BAS2 get creative ffs! -
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
very nice ´sqaude! screw guns! arma needs props! bring the poo and beercans! -
alien scorpion work in progress
nephilim replied to colonel well's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
i strongly hope that that thing is yours... not like the previous things you posted and got busted over and over... better start workin on your reputation.. -
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
really? how do the palms and other plants work then? -
WIP: stuff you are working on!
nephilim replied to adumb's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
the ghilie would look alot better if youd add some transparency to it, making it appear in strands rather than solid strips. -
project safety vault.....
nephilim replied to WingedSerpent1969's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
why dont you upload it to rapidshare, with pw protection? CD´s?? external HD´s?? i guess each arma-site´s avaiable space is limited.. and besides that, most larger mod´s have their own webspace to back things up if necessary.