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Everything posted by netops2001

  1. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    I get that same crash and error not sure what it is ?? same thing happens to me when i use Drakkens little bird but no error just crash
  2. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    humm thought i'd add my two cents on this issue of packing eight people into the helo. I'm a crew member in a MD500D so i have some experiance with these birds. The typical allowable payload in HIGE (Hover In Ground Effect) is 775lbs that is with full fuel and i think the fixed reduction weight of 120lbs is calculated in there to so we will take it out, it is comman practice to reduce fuel in order to increase payload weight. But in OPF ya normaly start with full fuel in your vehical. So we have 895lbs to work with by the way thats if we are takingoff below 5000ft elevation the higher ya go the less payload you can lift. So here's how it pans out I weight 185 when i fly with my gear 20 pound pack I guessing that Spec ops probably carry about 10lbs of gear on a fast insurtion mission someone correct me if i'm wrong, but they probably weight a little more than me too so i'm gonna use 185 as a base weight for the passangers. and 170 for the pilot. So if we have one pilot and 4 Spec ops on the out side racks thats 910lbs you already have to dump some fuel. Now if ya put 8 men in there like was suggested thats 1465lbs and  you arn't going any where.
  3. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    Anyone know when the fixed 1.46 little birds are gonna be released?
  4. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    I tried to download the little birds from another site but got the same error when i used PBO Decrypter 1.5 I went ahead and decrypted and then restuffed all the pbo's and put them in the addons folder. It worked well kinda. The little birds showed up in the editor but when ever i look at the in the game it crashes to desktop and gives this error "Cannot load mipmap bas_lbs\m\tjpcntcon.paa" my first thought was that that this may be an error related to my graphics card drivers, but i also tried it on my laptop which i had just upgraded the drivers on and got the same error. I downloaded Drakkhen's modle aswell and am having a similar problem when i look at the modle in the game it crashes to desktop but i get no error message. plz help i realy want to fly these birds.
  5. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    i tried to decompress bas_lbs.pbo with PBO Decryptor v1.5 and got these too errors in the log file File: m\tjpmikebox.pac Compressed: YES Extraction result: CHECKSUM Error! File: m\tjpcntcon.paa Compressed: YES Extraction result: CHECKSUM Error! can someone plz help.
  6. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    is it possible to work around this by editing the missin file??
  7. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    oh will the addon work without resistance??
  8. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    what does the 1.75 refer to in the 1.46/1.75 i know that 1.46 is most resent version of OFP but what is 1.75
  9. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    the four pbo's i put in addon folder are bas_lbs.pbo, bas_lbs146.pbo, bas_soar.pbo, bas_soar146.pbo and there not inside of any other folder there just sitting in the addons folder
  10. netops2001

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    I can't seem to get the addon to work  i put the 4 pbo's in the addon folder and i have 1.46 but when i go to the editor and look under air no little birds. i've never had a problem with addons befor can someone help