nordin dk
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Everything posted by nordin dk
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Aug. 06 2002,11:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Actually I am kind of jealous. Whatever nation we talk about we say "racist" only the jewish people have their own word. "Anti-semitic". I herewith declare my own word for germany: Anti-Kraut-istic! YOU ARE ALL ANTI-KRAUTISTIC <span id='postcolor'> I think it would be more correct to use the word "Anti-Teutonic". </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> BUT GHANDI? why him?<span id='postcolor'> Why not? He lead his people towards independence, while promoting non-violence. That beats the hell out of the fascist, rascist turncoat Moussolini for one.
Ghandi. Has anyone mentioned Ghandi?
Anagram Motto's of famous forum contributors. RalphWiggum "Hump girl, wag!" Albert Schweizer "Screw lithe Zebra" SpaceAlex: "Sex Palace" Aaron Kane: "An OK Arena" AntiChrist: "I ranch tits" (or the butlers plea: "Act thin Sir!")
Moderator Anagrams: Placebo: "Pea Bloc" (Another option is "Able Cop") Ex-ronin: "Inner Ox" WKKGimbal: "KK Wig Balm" (Damnit Gimbal, get a decent name next time! Warin: "In War" R.Geschwarzenge: "Ha! Screw Zen Greg!" Denoir: "Rode In" (well he did...) Sith: "Shit" (just too tempting) KingBeast: "Ban its keg!" (Honorable mention to "Angst Bike")
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (second_draw @ Aug. 03 2002,13:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">portishead<span id='postcolor'> I like Portishead, although I fear they won't stand the test of time. And they are hardly "rock"... Isn't it ridiculous how everyone thinks their favorite band is sooo original and unique? "Noone sings like that" "Noone plays like that" "No one writes lyrics like that" "No one plays the guitar like that "No one has the evil power that XXX do" etc. etc. I respect how a band will stay with you through a period of your life, how it appeals to you for some odd reason. That has happened to everybody who listens to music. Just don't claim it is the best band in the world or that it has something to say that no other band has. Or I will kill you in the name of the holy Saint Growup!
Mandrilaftalen: followed closely by Banjos Likřrstue: Incredibly Huge Picture! (169k) Nordin, you are an old timer and should know better!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BoonieRat @ Aug. 03 2002,11:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Were you serious about schitzophrenia running in the family?. which side?.<span id='postcolor'> I was serious. I know of two cases on my mothers side, and one case on my fathers. On my mothers side: her male cousin and an aunt as well. On my fathers side: his brother (my uncle). He's about as crazy as they get. I got it made!
Do you show any form of OCB? Do you turn the key 3 times in the lock? Do you turn the light on/off several times before going to bed? Do you vacuum or clean your house every day? Do you feel an urge to do somehing seemingly absurd or neurotic every day? I'm interested in hearing about this... More in general: Do you display any signs of having a mental illness? Do you worship objects or idols that in fact have no value or desirable personality traits? Do you speak to animals when they obviously do not understand what you are saying? etc. etc.
Can I say the Berlin Philharmonic? Oh wait... I'd say Pink Floyd, U2, REM. Even though PF and REM are hardly 'rock' bands. As for U2, "Achtung Baby" is to me the best album.
1st Rule of life: No matter how horrible things seem, they can always get worse.
So she could eat the roots? Yuck! Anyway, look what I found: From "OCD Online" What is O.C.D.? by Steven Phillipson, Ph.D. "bsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder, first and foremost. It is not a thought disorder. Although the thoughts associated with OCD are bizarre, they are not at all the focal point of the therapeutic objective. The essential features of OCD are recurrent obsessions (thoughts) that create an awareness of alarm or threat. (e.g., "I might get AIDS from the germs on that door knob;" "Since I had the thought of killing my baby, I might be capable of doing it;" "If I don't pick up that Band-Aid someone else might get sick from it, and I would hold myself culpable;" etc.). Persons typically engage in some avoidance or escape response in reaction to the obsessive threat (I typically refer to the obsessive threat as a "spike."). Obsessions take the form of either a perceived threat of physical harm to oneself or others or, in some cases, more of a metaphysical or spiritual threat to oneself, others, or perhaps a deity. I conceptualize the overall syndrome of OCD to consist of three primary branches. Within all three branches, in approximately 80% of all cases, persons performing these rituals are painfully aware that their behavior is unreasonable and irrational. However this insight provides no relief. Therefore attempting to help sufferers through reassurance has no long lasting positive effect... Read the whole article This looks like a good site. Here is something for the younger ones (with - which I find slightly disturbing - Â a Flash game about cleaning up your room? "How much can you clean, before it gets dirty again?" Is that gonna help???)
Not funny for me, I had a .dll error. Crappy Windows! (lesser known Tina Turner hit)
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ Aug. 02 2002,20:99)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have an obbsession with becomig a mod! <span id='postcolor'> That's quite normal, as can be observed. What did you do to get rid of your compulsions? Did you change something in your daily-life? Did you express your worries? It's okay if you don't want to share, I'm just curious.
How can Obsessive Compulsive Disorder just go away?
You sound very normal to me Aaron, except your obsession with becoming president. That is not healthy!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Simply Beethoven! I have heard others, they are good, but they dont hold my interest. Thing is, I only like the 5th. I like it all! Whenever I hear it I just want to go and conquer soemthing!(Well, the first song). the music is done so presise. Paratrooper old man, I have to disagree of the 9th. I heard if for a few mintutes and stopped. <span id='postcolor'> Aargh! Listen to the whole deal. Listen to the seventh also, I'm convinced you'll like it if you like the 5. And if you want music to conquer to, try some Shostakovitch (5. or 7. symphony), Tschaikovsky 4. symphony, Mosolov "Iron Foundry" (if you cam find it) or best choice: Prokoffiev: "Scythian Suite"...the list is endless.
Madness is as madness does, I always say, even if it makes no sense what so ever. Anyway: I don't know about this, but could these small OCB rituals somehow be linked with what they call Neuro Linguistic Programming, where your brain creates automotoric responses to fit certain actions or emotions. Example: When you look for a pair of scissors, you make cuting movements with your hand. (I do that) Example: In my buisness (classical music), it is very very common when speaking of another musician, to make movements corresponding to the movements said colleague would do when playing his/her instrument. "Mary? Oh she plays the violin" (simulates violin playing) "Do you know Jack? He plays the flute" (holds hands like a fluteplayer) Weird, but somehow it helps the brain remember and store information. But what is the brain then trying to do, when a woman has to lift the phone off the hook 100 times before calling? Maybe there is some sort of severed synapse in the sequence: Must Call Mum -> Use Phone -> Lift Reciever -> Dial Number -> Wait for Connection -> Speak To use OFP language, a trigger is not activated somewhere...
I tend to go through fases, where I listen to one composer a lot, but those that hang around most of the time are: Schubert, Bach, Beethoven, Prokoffiev, Stravinsky, Mozart, Webern, Ravel and Carl Nielsen. As a point of interest let me mention I start studying to be a conductor in three weeks.
You are (an) original. The guy will have a hard time trying to be like you, there can only be one Aculaud.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ Aug. 01 2002,22:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I use to be carzy abou things. I was so pariniod about germs that is was not even funny. I did't like to step on things, washed my hands till they where raw, and I use to like to have everything even, or have certain numbers. I also use to think maybe I am not saved, but I am all over that now.<span id='postcolor'> You scare me Duke. But these are excactly the kinds of things I am interested in hearing about. What goes on now? Habits and behavioral patterns like that don't just go away, you must have aqquired some new ones...?
Det virker som om der er en forskel pĺ de grafiske elementer, m.h.t. oplřsningen. Altsĺ, de boxe som indeholder links er mere grynede eller kornede end baggrundsbilleder og logo. Det er en mindre detalje, og det eneste jeg lige umiddelbart ville brokke mig over. m.h.t. sig, tak Jeg er selv lidt stolt. Det bliver sikkert ogsĺ fjernet eller hvad ved jeg. Nu fĺr vi se...
I don't understand what you mean...?
It's amazing how rejection by a woman is so scary, but I guess it's because it's like having a big f*cking finger pointed at you saying <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>"YOU'RE A LOSER!!".</span> Besides that, moths and similar flurry creatures can freak me out, but nothing scares me to the point where I just freeze or panic, at least nothing I've experienced so far. When I was a child, one thing that scared the shit out of me, was the nuclear bomb. I would wake up bathed in sweat after dreaming about nuclear war. Now it doesn't scare me half as much as the Teletubbies.
The use-and-dispose culture reaches new idiotic heights. There's too much crap floating around as it is. I can't imagine it won't succeed though.
If I can say this: there's a discrepancy between the different graphic elements of the site. Resolution is not the same in the images that make up the small boxes with links, and the other elements such as the top logo and the left margen background. Just a thought... I realy like that it is kept with relatively few colours. Gives it a distinct look.