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nordin dk

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Everything posted by nordin dk

  1. nordin dk

    Palestinian case.

    I like to think of myself as neutral, but I have ben colored by whatever information gets through the media, as is the case with most people watching a war from another country. On another note, It seems like a bad idea for the Israeli to undermine Arafat's authority. He probably has little control IRL over the more violent chapters of the PLO anyway.
  2. nordin dk

    War on terrorism?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now is the opportunity for the USA to literally put its money where its mouth is. Before the invasion they proposed exactly this action; to rebuild Afghanistan to the point that they can again function as a civilised nation. Will this happen? Time will tell.<span id='postcolor'> You mean, will they build that oil-pipeline that all this is really about? Oh yes they will. And they will do it with the right hand, while building housings and hospitals with the left. Quid pro quo?? And so in the long run, the Afghani people will not benefit from that oil-pipeline, but the US will. And the Al-queda will move their "Camp Pshyco" to Saudi Arabia or Somalia or the Philipines, and there will be more terrorist attacks later on. ...probably... I just hope the grassroot organisations can get some work done there, setting up schools, farms etc. etc.
  3. nordin dk

    Palestinian case.

    It seems like the younger leaders of the PLO have little respect for Arafat. They consider him to pro-American and to easy to give in to the Israeli. That's the impression you get, and I'm quite sure there must be a lot of internal struggle in a fractionalized organisation like the PLO. It seems, from a neutral point of view, like the western leaders are biased towards the Israeli. Especially the US govt. Perhaps this is not true, and I know that all reports coming through he media have been carefully selected. I just feel that we are seldom given a chance to see the conflict from the Palestinian side. It would be very interesting to hear from someone who is living in the area. If we can keep the war-cries to a minimum.
  4. nordin dk


    As you can see, I've beome pessimistic about this Forum, and that is a shame. I appreciate your post Hilandor, and now I have to figure out if I'm just taking it all way too seriously. I think the poll is a god idea, but don't mention names. That always gets ugly. Just ask what people think of the strictness of the Mods. If the majority wants it harder, you can give them harder, if they think you should ban more, you ban more...etc
  5. nordin dk


    Oh indeed there is. Pointless and silly, I love both of them. I'm not on some sort of anti-porn campaign either. I don't mind the boobs. I like boobs....alot. I just fail to see the difference between that (those) and other forms of mindless entertainment. Oh why even bother.... ...this thread will closed, as will any other thread discussing the mods or the closing of threads.
  6. nordin dk

    Sexiest NON attack aircraft

    Boeing 747, reminds me of my ex...
  7. nordin dk

    is this an international thing?

    I like to cherish my orifice-pumping moments...
  8. nordin dk

    Hot War!

    You're beggin' for a ban aren't you?
  9. nordin dk

    Hot War!

    No, corruption did.
  10. nordin dk

    ?Was my topic deleted?

    I posted this about an hour ago, and now I can't seem to find it. Mod's did you delete it? or has it simply vanished, or did I only dream that I was posting it?
  11. nordin dk

    ?Was my topic deleted?

    Muahahaha...it's already working, I got you to stop talking about filters vvvvv © © ż o
  12. nordin dk


    I think he is Silent Wings the "I-was-not-Silent-Wings-just-now-but-I-was-before-and-now-I-have-inconspicously- returned -just-as-the-other-(evil)-Silent-Wings-was-banned-I-cant-believe-the-coincidence-but-hey-l ife's-funny"
  13. nordin dk

    ?Was my topic deleted?

    I will return to take it back, I just need to find a magical fountain where I can restore my HP.
  14. nordin dk

    ?Was my topic deleted?

    Oh, what the hell...hijack away. I'll probably never get an answer anyway...
  15. nordin dk

    ?Was my topic deleted?

    Hey, don't hijack my thread!
  16. nordin dk

    Whare U From

    ooh, and U 4got to mizbel sum of da choysez, I admire your guts though... To all new Forum readers: if you want to ask a simple question like; "where U from?", "why do U h8 the USA?" or "How do I eat cereal?".....<span style='color:red'>dont!!</span> Do a Forum <span style='color:blue'>"search"</span>, and your prayers will be answered in no time.
  17. nordin dk

    Whare U From

    lol... What about Atlantis, you left out the fabled kingdom...
  18. nordin dk

    Everyone loves mr fishy fish

    And why was my "World's funniest joke" thread deleted?
  19. nordin dk


    So the meaning of the poll is to determine the demographical profile of this Forum's contributors? And I thought "WHUT" was referring to a some sort of merger between Wendy's and Pizza Hut. Well thank God there hasn't been a "Where U from?" topic yet. Entry: sar·casm Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m Function: noun Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut Date: 1550 1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain <tired of continual sarcasms> 2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm <this is no time to indulge in sarcasm>
  20. nordin dk


    I dont understand "Contient", could that be some form of l33tsp34k also? Perhaps he is hungry, does he need to go to the bathroom, what?
  21. nordin dk


    oh brother...
  22. nordin dk


    hey, that annoying Silent Wings guy was also Welsh Perhaps you know him?
  23. nordin dk


    rgr, welcome and sorry for the mixup, but your initial post was not all too clear....
  24. nordin dk


    So what are you trying to say, that you are not the Silent Wings that was just banned ? Or that you are in fact the same, and is just begging to be banned again?
  25. nordin dk

    ?Was my topic deleted?
