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nordin dk

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Everything posted by nordin dk

  1. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    Murda Inc can teach you
  2. nordin dk

    Game you are looking most forward to

    You got it all wrong, this is the game to look out for
  3. nordin dk

    Funny last words

    "I've always really loved....."
  4. nordin dk

    New un resolution

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ACEJim @ Mar. 13 2002,23:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sharon is just stupid. He blows up Palestinian police stations then he complains Arafat isn't doing enough to curb militants. He advocates "targeted assassinations" often killing innocent bystanders in the process, but becomes enraged when the Palestinians use the same tactic. Isreali troops shoot children dead in cold blood and Sharon wonders why the Palestinians hate Isreal. Last week he used a tank to blow up a Palestinian car - killing a mother and two children - and he dares to call anyone who criticises his mindless terror anti semitic. Sharons racism and collective punishment of an entire race of people is disturbing close to another tyrant who dragged Europe into war in the 30s...<span id='postcolor'> I agree. It's a major problem how a lot of critiscism of Israel automatically gets the "antisemitic" stamp. It devaluates the credibility of Israeli officials. An international peaceforce is the way to go. And less possessiveness on behalf of all humans We don't own earth, we are only the care-takers. hippie hour over
  5. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    Where is that from ?
  6. nordin dk

    Suma - gimme weather or gimme sunblock!

    You could probably get one of the clever guys who make new textures to make you a ghost. If you make a custom face that's all white, it looks really silly but might be fun for ghost. There's even the perfect ghost-house, Guba's hedaquarters.. on Malden I think...
  7. nordin dk

    Where are you from?

    I think he just wanted some more attention...
  8. nordin dk


    What does that look like ?? Obliage = to "obli" more than opposing player like ownage...
  9. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MosquitoMkVI @ Mar. 12 2002,15:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sorry if this is a little off the ranting going on, but I've noticed now in a few threads Americans saying "you don't live here, so you don't know what it's means to be an American!!!", or something to that effect. My question is: What inherent traits, and ideals uniquely define American? What makes you inherently American? NOTE: This is not a flame, just some questions? If it's possible that noone in the world can understand what it means to be American, then there must be something or other that uniquely defines "American", although the only trait I've personally been able to find is being a citizen of a piece of real estate." A little background: I lived in the US for several years, and have traveled extensively in the continental US. I have been to 42 of the 50 states, including Alaska, and make it a point to try to get to know the people in the places I travel to. The majority of Americans I have met on my travels were very nice, hospitable people, but not any different from Canadians as far as I can tell!<span id='postcolor'> This is the kind of thing that could make the thread interesting, instead of being just flame. What makes America great? Or special? !! And don't take this offensively, I'm very serious!! It would be interesting to hear, what young americans feel makes America special. It might enlighten some of us...
  10. nordin dk

    Just who are you?

    Yes, this thread should be pinned...
  11. nordin dk


    Yes, you will. Its superficial lower whole number is belongs to us!
  12. nordin dk

    Just who are you?

  13. nordin dk


    I'm beginning to feel somewhat tribulated by this thread. Will it never be revealed, what it was that embarrased Ruskie so?
  14. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Akira @ Mar. 11 2002,21:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well if its a joke ok then. Just didn't have the smiley after the first post.... And I am in no way saying your opinion matters less or more, and I most definitly see what you are trying to say. Its really hard for me to say whether I agree or not though. Dresden most certainly a mistake, and a great tragedy, but compared to some other "atrocities" in the world I can't even compare the two. But the targeting of civilians and "terror bombing" was definitly a low point and huge mistake by the Army Air Forces. I too would like to live in peace and tranquility with the rest of the world....but there are people that won't let that happen...and it AIN'T just the US! And yes I am aggressive...or defensive...sometimes the same...but being on this forum has taught me to be.<span id='postcolor'> I like this post a lot more than the former ones We all get so easily carried away. What was the topic again?
  15. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    The brainwashing comment was meant to be a joke, here's the smiley to go with it then see? Point approaching... ...here it is: One atrocity doens't justify the other. That's all. This applies to all nations, all breed and creed, all sexes and all species. Do you understand my opinion in this matter or not? Do you agree or not? Do you at all understand what I am saying? You are so damn aggressive...
  16. nordin dk

    Anyone else seen the thing on cbs tonight about...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Akira @ Mar. 11 2002,20:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 11 2002,20:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well you don't need to, nobody does. But you react so strongly, as if we're accusing you as a person, of killing and polluting... And by argue, I don't mean yelling and such, I mean argumenting. As in putting some weight behind your words.<span id='postcolor'> When you say America is killing the enviroment, or American "society" is destroying the world you ARE attack us personally for are we not members of that society in which you attack??? Thats the problem....you people NEVER make distinctions or specify...its always "America" or "American society", never Exxon, or Ford or whatever. Your sweeping generalizations are the cause of the flame wars, not our over-defensiveness (ok sometimes it is). These sweeping generalizations are in direct contridcition to what people claim to be...enlightened "internationalists". If you are so enlightened you'd never make such comments or statements based on one or two Americans, or companies. Its like me saying all Germans are Jew hating Nazis. Until those distinctions can be seen the Flame Wars will continue.<span id='postcolor'> Yes, I agree when we attack the actions of the US governments, there's an inherant accusation of you as inhabitants. But instead of saying whether or not you agree with these actions of the official US, you resort to namecalling and chestpounding, as I was trying to say before. I guess I weren't clear enough about this...
  17. nordin dk

    Anyone else seen the thing on cbs tonight about...

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Murda Inc @ Mar. 11 2002,20:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Mar. 11 2002,14:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And this is why I think you should tell us something positive about your country, perhaps you can turn this forum condition that you so abhore around, by having a positive attitude. I'm not trying to patronise you, I mean this seriously.<span id='postcolor'> I'm done "argumenting" with you jackass. And please dont feed me the BS of, "Oh you cant think of anything positive to say about the U.S.?" I just don't feel the need to compile a list of "My countries greatest good deeds"<span id='postcolor'> I was actually trying to be serious, I even said so, specifically to prevent a reaction such as the one you gave. I repeat, I am not patronising you. I am not challenging whether or not you are able of saying something positive about America. You still haven't, and this is not doing you any good. Why are you being so aggressive? If you choose again to resort to namecalling, instead of actually doing anything constructive about what you concieve as a problem, then you prove a lot of people right when they assume you are stupid. Please, prove them wrong.
  18. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    I stand corrected. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You all have played out your arguments, and they no longer have any standing..as you all use the same ones over and over and over and over and over and over!!!!<span id='postcolor'> Yes, for a reason. And stop calling me a twat or an ass or anything else like that, unless you want someone to take you seriously. Now let's yell at eachother in the other thread instead...
  19. nordin dk

    Anyone else seen the thing on cbs tonight about...

    And this is why I think you should tell us something positive about your country, perhaps you can turn this forum condition that you so abhore around, by having a positive attitude. I'm not trying to patronise you, I mean this seriously.
  20. nordin dk

    Anyone else seen the thing on cbs tonight about...

    Well you don't need to, nobody does. But you react so strongly, as if we're accusing you as a person, of killing and polluting... And by argue, I don't mean yelling and such, I mean argumenting. As in putting some weight behind your words.
  21. nordin dk

    Where are the islands?

    I really am sorry...
  22. nordin dk

    Ep2 clone wars trailer

    Did they take out Jar Jar?. Damn, now I have to wash my keyboard again, for uttering his name...
  23. nordin dk

    Anyone else seen the thing on cbs tonight about...

    Tell me something positive, and you can begin to prevent more US-bashing. You never argue, you just pound your chest. That doesn't make it better.
  24. nordin dk

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    You obviously have been brainwashed by the Killermonkey What pisses me off is all the talk about nukes and other weapons of mass destruction, and you don't seem to think they are bad....correct me if I'm wrong. And why defend your nations atrocities by comparing them to other nations atrocities? That's the way a fiveyear old argues. All these months, I haven't seen a single American writing something to the effect of "Yes, I agree with you. Killing many people is wrong". All we get is selfrighteous chest-pounding. P.S. Afghanistan=Assholestan? Wobble, please prove that you are beyond that kind of rascist idiocy.
  25. nordin dk

    Where are the islands?

    Noget sku' de jo HedeHusene (only funny if you're Danish and know this joke) ((well even then it's not that funny)) I'm sorry... sorry