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Everything posted by nolips71

  1. nolips71

    Uk muslims want full apology from bbc host

    why should he be reprimanded for saying what must of us brits think
  2. nolips71

    Your computer

    samsung hardrives come with a 3 year warrenty and ive got one, its well good
  3. nolips71

    Your computer

    ya my stuff is from OCUK edit: thanks anyway badgerboy i already knew about them and flashed my bois the other day but i will check for a new one
  4. nolips71

    Your computer

    hmm i like the names of your computers
  5. nolips71

    Need some suggestions on gfx cards

    No, the 5900U might be faster in some games (like Q3 for example) but overall the 9800Pro is the better card of the two. Most hardware sites will tell you this. Also,  the FX cards  are way behind Radeon cards when it comes to games using DX9. i think not actually, just about the only dx9 game radeons win in is half life 2, and i wonder why. wonder who is in each other pocket. or why would they supply the game free with the flash cards. nvidias woops ATI arse in doom 3. this is a review of my card (MSI Geforce fx 5900UVTD-256) hexus benchmarks these show the benchmarks. my card woops the arse off the ATI's on most things. (by the way im expecting links showing benchmarks of radeons beating nvidias) Edit: these benchmarks are taken with the crap nvidia drivers, now they are fixed so means even more performance increase
  6. nolips71

    Need some suggestions on gfx cards

    sorry to come in on this late but i have a geforce FX5900 ultra overclocked to 5950ultra speeds and i have to say it woops arse, the fx gets alot of bad bress that is illdeserved just because of the fx5800. lets face it the fx 5900 ultra is better then the radeon 9800 pro and non pro
  7. nolips71

    Has ofp gotten you into trouble?

    my english teacher was pissed when i said that i didnt do my coursework cous i was playing ofp
  8. nolips71

    Cia in praha (prague)

    do not forget to ramraid BIS and knick VBS
  9. nolips71

    What militaria do you own?

    does the uniform you get with cadets and optional extras count?
  10. nolips71

    Military funny pics

    german tornado pilots who would have them
  11. nolips71

    Military funny pics

    http://www.ericsfunnypictures.com/CarBoat.html that was on the BIS server last year and somebody said it was Nada adamkova dunno if it is though
  12. nolips71

    Bob hope dead!

    lol indeed
  13. nolips71

    Starwars kid

    deffinately, these days you can get your arse kicked for laughing in class never happended to me though
  14. nolips71

    Starwars kid

    people get the piss took out of them everyday. he will get over it. he is only trying to get money from people for taking the piss out of him
  15. nolips71

    F-111 user input for next beta

    can you leave the air to air variant i use it alot
  16. nolips71

    A few raf aircraft...

    3 view picture. its a crap one from the RAF website but it will do
  17. nolips71

    New bas thread

    took the words right out of my mouth
  18. nolips71

    New churchill pictures

    cool allways wanted a churchill and it looks realy good, anybody know where i can download one?
  19. nolips71

    A few raf aircraft...

    indeed, once ive got this out of the way i will see what i can do
  20. nolips71

    A few raf aircraft...

    feel free to post requests for RAF aircraft used within the last 65 or so years including ww2 we are currently into making jets but i have my eye on the mosquito
  21. nolips71

    A few raf aircraft...

    right on que, i have him well trained
  22. nolips71

    A few raf aircraft...

    quite a few of us around then, i am an air cadet, crippler used to be, you are and so is deatmeat, wonder if there are any more anthor piccy of the eurofighter model comming along shortly
  23. nolips71

    A few raf aircraft...

    141 boston sqn the oldest sqn in the corps
  24. nolips71

    New bas thread

    ok ladies put the handbags away