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Everything posted by Maio

  1. Let's call it an ever evolving sandbox.
  2. I think that this would be a good point to start filing a page or two with speculations regarding the exact date when they will release the first content batch on dev branch. Who's with me?! Allow me to start... Soonâ„¢
  3. Not as far as I know, but back when A3 was announced they mentioned something about a hovercraft. Who knows, maybe it will popup in APEX.
  4. A bowl of organic fair trade APEX NEWS Brand Cereal with a healthy dose of WE ARE GETTING NONE OF coconut milk. The trick is to let the cereal soak up all of that coconut milk (2-3 months, give or take) until it becomes a tasteless gruel. Oh yeah and kale...
  5. Are you asking it in a "This guy sure can write a Picasso of a post" or "I'm concerned our son may be on LSD" kind of way?
  6. Maio

    Arma 4 set in WWII? (Poll inside)

    Indeed. Locking thread.
  7. Man, I don;t know anything about the pshico-social side effects of promoting two dimensional female archetypes via various one-way media channels/interactive media ... All I want is to play some homo-erotic e-volleyball with a bunch of guys... .. it's a proven US Navy team building method.. ... and before any of you wiseguys point out that I'm diverting from the main topic, let me say this: 1. This is MY thread 2. There is no right or wrong, only power and people who wield it. 3. Incidentally, I am one of those people 4. By this point a sense of unease should be creeping in your mind 5. Lack of stimuli (APEX news in our case) can lead to abnormal behavior, even for apex predators such us forum moderators 6. Off topic banter can be healthy, as it offers forum dwellers a chance to unwind and develop bonds 7. Wow, apex predator, I don;t know about that... ^_^ 8. Add one tablespoon of sea salt 9. Point 6 is encouraged, but will remain highly regulated 10. You are probably pissed that this I just me babbling and not actual apex news 11. He also implied you may be developing abnormal behavior... ONTOPIC I can't wait for APEX, all this info we are getting is great! Good talk, let's get back to work!
  8. There will be no women attending the party, so for the love of the RV Engine, let's close this subtopic. Yes... all the the party attendees will be muscular dudes in their prime... but a lot of us are European... so we are used to that type of close quarters interaction... as for our extra continental friends... I don;t know... live life a little? What happens in Arma stays in Arma? E-Bro's before... you know the rest? I guess what I'm trying to say is... DON'T TURN THIS INTO ANOTHER PRO_CON WOMEN SOLDIERS THREAD Good? Good... now take your shirts off and let's play some platonic volleyball...
  9. Maio

    Will BI implement FAST ROPING?

    Ugh... sorry. Me and the other mods were on our annual "2 day, all expenses paid" indoctrination trip... Let's see now... Thank you for using the BI forums. BI values your input and your thoughts have been taken into consideration. Feel free to engage with the rest of our awesome community here on the BI forums. What's that? Your topic has zero replies? Why don't you temper that growing sense of social inadequacy by browsing the BI store for a potential purchase. 10% of all purchases go to an organization that teaches BI moderators people skills and how to optimally apply passive aggressive humor in their duties. That's it. Remember, you are a rockstar ;) Best regards, Maio Senior Self Appointed Spin Ninja
  10. Maio

    Ideal setting for an Arma game.

    For me, the era/setting is irrelevant as long as the content and overall presentation fits.I am eagerly waiting for the APEX update to see what it brings to the table in terms of "near future" tech, as I have grown tired (I know it sounds pretentious, but I cant find a proper word right now) of the current content.
  11. Maio

    Will BI implement FAST ROPING?

    Let's not turn this into a defend BI's honor thread :)
  12. Oh, I know that one. Thanks, regardless.
  13. What Hind/VTOL ?!?!?!
  14. Guys, I have a teeny - tiny suggestion. Could we please speculate about info that BI has already released and not on our own wet dreams? Sure, I would love to see Heavy Lift Tilt Rotors, amphibious UGV's that can extend lateral panels that act as cover for the Marines and military Exosuits, but posting about it clutters the thread. It's just a suggestion. You can do whatever you want, it's not like I can do anything about it. I'm not being sarcastic btw,.. go ahead, do what you want. This is a community, sharing our dreams is caring. I will not stop you from doing it in this thread I have started for a specific reason. Wow... good job, you found this. Now you are probably wondering if this means anything... I was wondering the same thing while I was reading through all 36 pages of this thread. Also, I said Marines... I wonder what that is all about ;) Ok, I love you guys. Post away :)
  15. Maio

    Music Recommendations

    Feel the love!
  16. I have a request. If you find something new, please send me a PM with the info and link so I can update the initial post. Much appreciated :)
  17. Maio

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Joke's on you. Check the A3 website :)
  18. Maio

    New merchandise stuff

    I acted as a consultant for the packaging. The video format, timing and overall presentation is structured the way it is in order to generate word of mouth. However... I would take a closer look at the Arma 3 website ;)
  19. Sush... I said sush! ...
  20. I always enjoyed the Gothic series...
  21. Maio

    Why i love Arma 2, but Arma 3 makes me meh

    OK, we have reached the "The community is doing BI's work!" point in the thread cycle... so I'm gonna be a good security drone and lock it. Reasons: 1. This topic has been discussed before and it always leads to a dispute, with neither side being able to convince the other, thus trowing the thread into chaos. 2. Neither side is wrong or right, but due to the fact that we usually apply confirmation bias when it comes to fueling personal beliefs/convictions, leaving this thread open would serve little. (but fell free to give me a good enough reason via PM and I might re-open it_ 3. This is an unauthorized gathering! Disperse! All hail Bohemia! All hail his Majesty Prince Pettka, Lord of the Bounce and High Septon of the Nobel Order of Configurers, first of his name! oh yeah... I forgot the British fellow... All hail that dude as well!
  22. Maio

    Why i love Arma 2, but Arma 3 makes me meh

    Pardon me, but are my mushy vision globes deceiving me? Is this... one of those threads... of which the elders spoke of?!
  23. Maio

    Arma 3 sale

    Thread topic related problem - solved. L00ncan, see if you can get some help here: https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/153-arma-3-troubleshooting/ Thank you and have a good night/day :)