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Everything posted by masterfatman

  1. Maby some have seen this one before http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tan7iiLJtr4 //Anthill
  2. masterfatman

    Evolution and the fate of multiplayer

    Hi just my two cents, Agree 100%. Â Still playing AA and BF2 from time to time and now been playing ArmA for a week or so I do se a difference in the MP world of those games/simulations. I bought ArmA to experience the large maps witch I missed in the other games/simulations and this game really offers that (never had the chance to play Ofp) and at the same time I se a huge mode community with talent trying to make the game/simulation a joy for all of us (thx guy`s and girls). Evolution: As I understand it, Evo is the number one mode for MP. Â Evo is still enjoyable to play, but I do mis the small islands around it to get the full package (it`s a sea, air and land map), but never been in on any boat action/assault yet. MP experience: I belive that we all have experienced a MP session with really helpfull players (thx guy`s), rambo types (non teamsplayers are in all type of games), TKèrs and other typs of players we all would like to transfere to the moon . It`s correct that it depends on our fellow players to make MP sessions enjoyable, but aslong admins dont have a tool/tools to kick out cheaters and hackers, there are a big chance that people will loose the joy of MP. Do not know if all good teamplay servers are passworded today because it`s the only way to protection against cheaters and hacks as I se it, but I do understand if they are. Waiting in bas for a lift is something we all have to get used to. No what really can piss one off is when a chopper lift of only with 2-3 players or in the beginning of a game all jumps in a car or truck on their own and drives off. Â Hey this is a tactical game/simulation not a one man show going for points so you can fly a chopper get it . The rank idea in Evo is quit good - mission first. Do understand that once a while some would like to fly a jet or chopper in MP and dont have the time to gain rank. Â My highest rank on jolt server ever was LT, but at the sametime I dont care about my rank - for me it`s about teamplay no more, no less (a situation that easy could occure regarding piloting is all are many in the air and few on the ground:D). A question to all in this topic. Â Why do you not use the voice over ip given to you in this game? . One member came in on a very important problem in ArmA, PvP MP and a good one I may say. Personal I think that if BIS added some tooles to the game to fight cheaters and hackers I think we in time will se more servers who offers PvP type games. This is a game with a huge potential and I want to say to all you talentet people, who provide us with modes - do not stop because you have not reached your highest level in mode creation yet. Â Thx guy`s and girls. Omg this is a interesting topic and always something to add. Over and out. A.k.a Pingo