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About major_upset

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  1. First off sorry if this has been asked a million times before. Ok I've got this mission where a Mi-26 Halo (OWP) is set to drop in a BMP, with the sky crane version. I've got it to have the BMP hooked up from the start, and get it to go where I want. However getting it to actually "Drop off" it's cargo, is something I haven't a clue about, I've looked through the addons readme, and all it says is, I must give a  "true" variable for "global_unhook" (global_unhook = true) or use "chopper_name flyInHeight 15" Do I need to make a script? Can I use a trigger, or game logic to make it happern? (if so how?) All help welcome. And sorry for the noob question. Â
  2. major_upset

    How to rearm helicopters?

    So in your example, you'd want: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hind1 addMagazine "RHS_12_7mmGun"; hind1 addMagazine "RHS_AT2"; hind1 addMagazine "RHS_Rocket57x128"; Ok thanks I give it a try.
  3. First searching the forums as produced nothing. I've made a little mission where you fly around and kill stuff in a Hind. (The RHS port to ArmA) no problems there, but I want to set up supply bases so the player can land rearm, refuel and repair his Hind and get back in to the fight. I've tried: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hind1 setfuel 1; hind1 setVehicleAmmo 1 In the On act field of a trigger when the hind is in said trigger, but nothing happerns. I've also tried.... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit AddMagazine ["RHS_12_7mmGun",100] _unit AddMagazine ["RHS_AT2",100] _unit AddMagazine ["RHS_Rocket57x128",100] But it just gives me a load of error text in the top left hand of the screen. Any help would be great...
  4. major_upset

    NVIDIA 163.67 BETA

    Got it myself, and everything seems to run fine, however I've got a weird issue with with the mouse pointer flickering. On the desktop/normal use its fine, but go into Arma or COH, and the pointer flickers. however in game the other thing's like the aiming recticle are all fine. Can anyone help me with this? ==EDIT== Ignore me forgot to set my nivida card to max settings.
  5. major_upset

    Tanks to hold fire till

    I'm still greatfull for the help.
  6. major_upset

    Tanks to hold fire till

    ok cool, thanks for the info.
  7. major_upset

    Tanks to hold fire till

    But of course, the same code. No I mean some sort of  <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname holdfiretill > 300; codeÂ
  8. major_upset

    Tanks to hold fire till

    Thanks guys. That'll help with the tanks that I've got advancing, now that just leaves the stationary ones, however I think I can get round that one by putting... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">tank1 setCombatMode "red"; tank2 setCombatMode "red" In a trigger that's fired by the attacking force. as they roll though. But I'm sure there's a code you could drop into a unit's init box though. Â Anyway cheers guys.
  9. Hey guys, I'm back with a question, that's doubtlessly been asked a million times before. Is there a code to stop tanks, troops, etc from firing untill their a set distance away from their target, say like 300 meters or whatever? I'm sure I have read that you can do this, but I can't find the tread, and as always searching the forums as turned up nothing. Cheers in advance.
  10. major_upset

    Message to show via addeventhandler

    Damn thought that was the case oh well, I can live with out it, targets over text any day. Thanks for the help anyway.
  11. major_upset

    Message to show via addeventhandler

    Errm... I've just tried it, no luck. OFP comes up with... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">false driver |#|':_tnk error unknown operator  _tnk I've tried removing all the _tnk entrys with no change. I've noticed that the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler [{hit} , {[this] exec {crewmessage.sqs}}] seems to be unpredictable, the vanila units work but not the addons I'm using.
  12. Ok first off, I've searched the forums with no luck. I have a mission where the player is in a tank, and I'm after is that every time the tank is hit (but not killed) a message shows. e.g. We've been hit! so as to appear that the crew is freaking out. I've tried <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="this addeventhandler [{hit} , {_this exec {crewmessage.sqs}}]"; and <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">init="unitname addeventhandler [{hit} , {_this exec {crewmessage.sqs}}]"; Both in the unit’s init field of the tank and in a trigger. By the way The tank is set on the map as empty, with the crew put in it via the movein command. Is this where I’m going wrong? Also can I make the messages show randomly. E.g. we’ve been hit! or What the hell? if so how? advanced scripting is lost on me. Any help would be great. Sorry if this dosn't make any sence.
  13. I've found a second way. 1: Place your playable unit and lay down two waypoints. both a good distence from the player. 2: place three triggers that'll fire when three units (say ammo trucks) are present. and group them to their own trigger. (Truck 1 to trigger 1 etc. Remember to give the trucks waypoints so they'll drive to, and fire the triggers.) 3: synchronize the three triggers to the players first waypoint, and try it out. It works, and you can't move on till all three triggers have fired. No scripting needed. Anygood? Or just n00bishness on my part?
  14. major_upset

    barrett 50 cal sniper rifle

    Sure the intention of having a .50cal sniper rifle is to use it against material. Shooting people dead can be done quite fine with 308 winchester. Although the .50cal BMG has a very high energy and can as a AP bullet pierce many mm of RHA at far distances, it would in real life rarely to never be used to take out IFVs but only (if at all) APCs. These rifles are mainly designed to hit a target which is hiding behind something ie. (car door, concrete wall, etc.) And that works very fine in real life. Shooting at cars would for sure mean a dead penetration too. Now the big question is if you can do that in ArmA... we know that in ArmA bullets can go through wood fences for example but I think that ArmA still isnt that ready. A 50cal would pierce a car from the side and kill someone at the other end of it too, which doesnt work in ArmA. Anyway ArmAs penetraion and damage models are highly messed up and I would NOT advise ArmA as a testing tool "to find out" how these weapons work in real life. So the correct term for the rifle would be counter sniper rather than Anti material? Sorry about double post
  15. major_upset

    barrett 50 cal sniper rifle

    No, it's a trend that not every single game has the proper armor/penetration simulations required to legitimately enable such features. Properly simulating the physics behind anti-material rifles is just too complex for most modern games, especially since these games are not designed soley for the purpose of simulating realistic small arms balistics and armor penetration. It's still a trend whichever way you look at it. @ [CS]SOBR[1st-I-R] I got a feeling that if criminals started using .cal 50's they'ed end up with the army or national guard tearing them a new one