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Everything posted by monkeyboy27

  1. monkeyboy27

    Fixing ArmA

    ^ Yeah. Surely they're just doing the same routine that every game developer does. When a game comes out, all the really good programmers go straight to work on the sequel, whilst all the trainee guys get to work on the patches for old games.
  2. monkeyboy27

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Companies like EA and codemasters don't care about making fun games........ they just care about making money. Back in the days of 8 and 16 bit..... they were fantastic developers/publishers. Codemasters were especially good, when they first came onto the scene. Now they just care about making money.... and games like Arma aren't anywhere near profitable for them to touch. Basically they've completely sold out. I just hope BI remains true to their fans, and don't ever sell out like other developers have done.
  3. monkeyboy27

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Arma is just awesome........ I absolutely love everything about it.
  4. monkeyboy27

    ArmA Rated one of the HARDEST GAMES OF ALL TIME

    That list is a joke. Out of the 9 i've played...... I'd only rank Il2 and Final Doom as being really difficult games. I've always complained that the GTA series was criminally easy.... They put an 18 certificate on the games, yet the difficulty level is clearly aimed at 10 year olds.
  5. monkeyboy27

    Does wind effect ballistics in ArmA?

    .561 mils, baby. Â That's a 276mm group at 500 meters. Yeah, if it was fixed to a bench. In the hands of a tired soldier who's been running about for half the day...... it's not going to be the same.
  6. I need to make a building invincible for one of my missions. I've filled it full of troops and one of the objectives is to clear the building, the only problem is it always takes too much damage during the process, and gets destroyed. There must be some way of making it invincible, or raising it's hitpoints. I did a search, but couldn't find anything.
  7. monkeyboy27

    Vehicle's exploding damage

    I'd imagine a shika would kill people within quite a large area, because the ammo would go up and start flying everywhere. A jeep shoudn't though. It shouldn't destroy buildings, or damage tanks though. Again, we need to get rid of the hitpoint thing.
  8. monkeyboy27

    Just something

    Is there a limit on turrets in Arma? Because if there isn't, then you make each cargo position a turret, and put a fixed m16/ak as the weapon for that seat. Obviously it'd be a bit weird because a sniper rifle would suddenly turn into a m4 when you get into a vehicle, and it wouldn't deplete the soldiers ammo count... but it would work.
  9. monkeyboy27

    How to get addons to show in game?

    Aye... the addons don't usually replace anything (unless they specifically say they do) so you need to make new missions to use them.
  10. monkeyboy27

    The weapons thread.

    I think most of the weapons are pretty decent. The white crosshairs are bugged on a lot of weapons though, they don't line up to where the iron sights are pointing to. If you use the white crosshairs a lot, I'd imagine this being a big problem. the only thing I'd change is the automatic recoil ajustment. The gun shouldn't go down again after it recoils, it should be the job of the player to level it again.
  11. monkeyboy27

    Red sunrise

    Aww.. crap.. you destroyed the building? I definately got it invincible in "preview" mode, I guess something went wrong compliling the files. Only 1 apc got destroyed? Damn... Normally way more than that die. It's made it incredibly difficult to balance this mission, having the apc's floating under fire, sometimes as many as 7 get taken out, and the mission gets incredibly difficult if that many die. I reckon eventually I might have to "fake" it, using an artillery script to get the guns firing randomly near the apcs, and then use other scripts to blow up some apcs, so a set number always make it to the beach. The way it is now, the difficultly is totally dependant on what happens in the first two minutes. The helicopters do fire, i suspect it may be because the bmp's were too sucessful for you, so there weren't enough targets when they appeared. Its a known issue the AI heli's are a bit rubbish at target finding. I think I may have the mi17's rotating the wrong way, so the guns are pointing on the outside of the circle... I'll have to check that one. The blackhawks at the end definately fire, because I've been killed by one of them! I set the be32K to crash on purpose, once they've dropped the troops they have no use, and I like explosions, so I made it happen before they fly out of range. Theres more work to be done on them though. The planes fly so fast, having them bail out one at a time didn't work because they'd get spread out too far. The planes have 24 or so troops each, so it takes a long time for them to all jump out by one. Fixing the altitude is a priority though. I couldn't get them to behave properly though first time round, they kept diving and gaining altitude till they stall.
  12. monkeyboy27

    Red sunrise

    Okay, heres the first release of my red sunrise mission. Its a huge beach assault, with the russians attacking a heavily fortified US position. You start as a squad leader in an APC on the north end of the beach, although you can switch to be a squad member on the south beach, or a paratrooper who will land as the APCs hit the beach. If you're starting in an APC, theres always the possiblily of it being destroyed before it reaches the beach, so just restart if this happens. Once it hits the beach, you'll autoeject, but your squad doesnt always follow, so tell them to disembark after you get booted out. This is because of issues I had with the squads leaving the BMP too early due to the incoming fire. Everything should work... if you're left hanging around near the hotel, its probably because some guys are still alive around there. Clear the building, and it should move onto the next waypoint. It's a big long mission, which takes me about an hour or so to test to the end. It's quite difficult, but I've completed it without loosing any squad members, so it's not that hard. Special thanks goes to GranQ for his addon, and Lethal for helping me to make the hotel indestuctable. (If it gets destroyed for anybody, let me know). I used 1 addon in the mission. GranQ's fantastic Be 32K Here is the link http://www.wikiupload.com/download_page.php?id=105745 (click the download box, then enter the verification code) Lemme know if you like it, or if you find any problems! edit, 2nd link http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=978
  13. monkeyboy27

    Red sunrise

    Glad you liked it! Its a work in progress, so I'm sure there'll be other versions. Eventually it'll probably get made into part of a campaign, when I've figured out how to make cutscenes and all the other things I'll need for a decent campaign! You're right about the end... It does end too abruptly. I think I'll turn the town into a military base, and then put something in the briefing about how the americans left it on minimal staff, because they had to go down to the beach and fight.
  14. monkeyboy27

    Red sunrise

    Cheers for the help big it's a single player mission. I added the link to the first post. Glad you liked it troop. Yeah, I know the AI has problems navigating all the dirt humps, but I felt there needed to be some cover in all that big open ground, and the humps seemed the best choice. I posted some AI in there to begin with, and the mostly get stuck they just bob up and down like prairie dogs... still... extra cannon fodders never a bad thing Clavicula, try downloading it again, the file on the wiki upload site is definately ok, so it must have gotten corrupted during the download.
  15. monkeyboy27

    Red sunrise

    Thats strange, I just tested it on 2 machines with seperate arma installs, and the file works fine on both of them. Did you download GranQ's addon? What did the error say?
  16. monkeyboy27

    I think PC Game magazines need to play catch-up!

    I think it's a lot worse when it's the other way round. I've gone out and bought plenty of games on the merit of their reviews, only to realise the reviewer must have played the game for all of 5 minutes to not realise it's a bug ridden POS. Medieval total war 2, for example, got fantastic reviews, so I bought it, only to realise it was a completely broken POS that's going to be waiting about 2 years before enough patches come to make it playable. IIrc Battlefield1942 was getting 70-80% reviews when it first came out because it was a bit buggy, but that didn't put off the gamers.
  17. monkeyboy27

    Red sunrise

    oops, I did something stupid with the armaholic upload thing. Replaced the link with one that works
  18. monkeyboy27

    Invincible building

    You're right something strange is going on! Now it appears the hotel is invunerable to 1 shot kills (like 3 satchel charges, or crashing a heli into it) but still gets destroyed by cumulative damage. I destroyed it with the rockets on an mi-17, and the at-6's on a bmp. In the mission it's always bmp's that destroy it, because they're shooting their rockets at the machine guns I placed on the balcony.
  19. monkeyboy27

    Invincible building

    Cheers dude!
  20. monkeyboy27

    Invincible building

    Cheers guys. I've not used event handlers before though. I'm still working through all the tutorials on ofpec, and haven't reached that section yet How to I associate it with the building? Specifically its the hotel in Chantico, Id 64642. I tried lethals method as well, and I couldn't get that to work either. It kept giving errors. I put the building ID in, and it brings a "do:type string expected code" window up, and says "error invalid number in expression" at the top. Is there a mistake in the code? I'm pretty new to these things, so can't really spot them myself
  21. monkeyboy27

    Invincible building

    Cheers guys. I've not used event handlers before though. I'm still working through all the tutorials on ofpec, and haven't reached that section yet How to I associate it with the building? Specifically its the hotel in Chantico, Id 64642. I tried lethals method as well, and I couldn't get that to work either. It kept giving errors. I put the building ID in, and it brings a "do:type string expected code" window up, and says "error invalid number in expression" at the top. Is there a mistake in the code? I'm pretty new to these things, so can't really spot them myself
  22. monkeyboy27

    Binoculars, why can't i...

    It should be in there, just for moving slightly. You can run about with your eye to a rifle scope, so theres no reason you shouldn't be able to do it with binoculars as well. I don't even think theres a need to animate him lowering them, all they need to do is make them go wobbley and unusable, the same as the sniper scopes do when you walk with them. Nobody would be able to run around looking through them constantly, it'd just help us shift about a bit when objects get it the way of our spotting.
  23. monkeyboy27

    Amphibious landing problem

    I got it working eventually with the diableai move. I think I must have typed it in wrong the first time. All the squads are seperate from the bmp's now. It took a while though, having to name and script 70 troops, only for half of them to be dead before they reach the shore!
  24. I'm trying to setup an amphibious landing using bmps, but I can't get it to work properly. I've created a few BMP groups, and put all of the guys in cargo, and put the whole lot in the ocean. I then put a move waypoint on the shore, followed with a transport unload, and a seek and destroy. The problem is, the moment the mission starts, all of the guys bail out of the bmp and end up swimming in the water. When they don't have any waypoints assigned, they don't bail out, but the moment I give them any kind of waypoint on the shore, all the guys in cargo get out, and swim along with the bmp. They're not supposed to be doing this are they? I also tried using the "moveincargo" script, and that was worse. The vehicle appears above the water, and then drops in a few seconds later, and all the guys get out. How can I get them to stay in the bmp until they're safely on shore? I did a search, and couldn't find anybody else with this problem, so I guess I'm doing something stupid Any kind of help would be much appreciated.
  25. monkeyboy27

    Waiting for a miracle...

    Because people might still be playing the game a few years after its released. Surely its better the game still looks good then, than it looks crap and out of date. The thing about flashpoint that was unique, was they did have the higher settings available. You say "why not have high as max and not very high".. well almost every game does this. Thats half of what they mean by "optimizing". They'll take the game, run it on a highspec pc, and then use that to judge various factors. They'd put 4xAA instead of 8xAA as the max setting, because they know nobody's pc will play the game properly with 8xAA. Surely its better to have the game scalable, so if people are playing it with better hardware 3 years down the road. They'll do the same with other stuff, like limit the anisotrophic filtering, disable high/widescreen resolutions, and then shrowd the entire game with a load of fog to reduce the draw distance. Thats what they mean by optimizing. Personally I think it's better to let people choose their own settings like BI do, but 99% of other developers are scared people will whine if they can't "max out", so they put limits on the settings. Theres no way any PC can run games on max settings for 3 years. 1.5 years is about the lifespan of a gaming pc if you want to be cutting edge. 3 years ago the geforce 6800ultra was the best graphics card you could get. A 6800ultra would struggle to run most games on anything higher than "low" these days. Ps... sorry for being such a fanboy... I feel a bit ashamed