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Everything posted by markb50k

  1. Ok that last part is easy When you are picking factions remember that you also have the ability to select your player character. Just select a particular soldier type in the unit list and hit the select as player button Or In your user config file you can set the player character to be chosen randomly
  2. Also make sure you actually have all of I44 mod loaded. some of what you are describing could happen if you just had Merderet loaded but not the full I44 mod
  3. wow, you got tons of issues. are you sure you installed correctly? ill check my files and make sure i didnt screw up something at the last minute. Did you set EAST to friendly? if you did you should be able to select GERMANY. Did GERMANY even show up in the dropdown list? Do you have any other modern factions selected. Make sure no other factions other than I44 factions are selected.
  4. Happy to hear the Tornado even mentioned. Man, i've been waiting patiently on that sucker for a while now. Would gladly like to see that one instead of a new Typhoon, since the one we got is pretty spectacular already.
  5. Features: Version 4.35: - new addon : MV22 with Door Guns (USA, UK) - new addon : AC130 (USA) - new addon : Mi28 Havoc (RUSSIA) - new : For varieties sake, you can now set an alliance to use a mix of paradrops and boat insertion. Just set Infiltration to "Mixed" on initial screen. Code will randomly determine which to use. - new : USERCONFIG - MB_ReactionRange. Defaults to 400. This is the distance at which nearby groups get alerted (code-wise) to a death event. - new : AI squads (not player controlled) will automatically get in the 'attached' turrets on the MV22, AC130, B17, and Ju52, when they are ordered on board. Any AI in cargo will be moved to fill up the gun turrets.
  6. i've played it with ACE before and from what i saw, its playable. But I dont support it, in other words, i'm not going to put code in to get around ACE conflicts.
  7. Awesome. glad to see it works well with I44 :) y'know i would really love to put out a coop version of the mission. I honestly have no idea what would happen if you did a quick and dirty version, but I would LOVE for someone to take a crack at it. I am almost positive just adding some playable characters in the mission.sqm will NOT do the trick. every player would kick off the spawning scripts and your processor will bleed, lol. If you or someone else knows scripting, please take a crack at making this thing coop. good luck.
  8. I was wondering if anyone can do a quick look at the vehicle config file for the b17, believe it is csj_b17 and let me know the vehicle class names of the turrets. I'm working on some code that will add automatic AI-support to the turrets in my mission, but need the class names. Unfortunately my I44 files are at home and i am not able to get to them at this moment. Also, if anyone knows of any other aircraft in the mod that uses this neat 'attachTo' method for turrets, that would be great to get those class names as well. Thanks
  9. Kinda excited about the new release, and what goodies i have in store.. - I added some cool code that will seamlessly add automatic AI support for new aircraft mods that feature 'attached' turrets. I already have the AC130 and MV22 with Door Guns working, and am looking into the Invasion44 B17 as well. It works really well, and boy does it add some more "ooh-ahh" to the mission.
  10. yup, i totally understand. most, if not all, of us have jobs that can be a bit unfriendly to our modding time.. :)
  11. Looking forward to it :)
  12. That wasnt the code I was referring to. But you are correct, APOC treats that functionality a bit different than in LOST, at least i think it does.. Not to give away too much on how the AI reacts...
  13. Let me check on that. have an idea. EDIT: nope, thought it was some code i might have left in, but i had already removed it. So, I dont have any idea why they dont shoot you other than AI can get stupid sometimes. Anyone else getting this? ---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:28 ---------- Fishshrike: - is it possible that your unit type is the same side as the 'enemy'? Like did you go with the default "FR_TL" force recon team leader character type and set WEST to enemy? - do you get this same issue in normal (non-LOST) mode?
  14. LOST is now a 'game-mode' of an Apocalypse mission. In your Arma 2/userconfig/MARKB50K_Apocalypse directory you'll find a "settings.sqf" file. open it up in Notepad and change the MB_LostMode variable to 1. Restart the mission in-game and it will be in "LOST" mode. ---------- Post added at 19:22 ---------- Previous post was at 19:08 ---------- Version 4.3: - new world : Invasion 44's Merderet v2 - new addon : Daveygary's Rangers (USA) - new addon : TF86 Seals (USA) - new addon : Tier One Operators (USA) - new addon : Generic Black Ops (USA, German KSK, Generic) - new : USERCONFIG - to prevent spawning of random abandoned civilian cars, set MB_SpawnCivilianCars to 0 in the userconfig file. Useful for Invasion 44 to prevent modern civilian cars from showing up - new : in LOST mode, you can now walk up to a friendly vehicle and recruit it to 'Take Command'. Before it would only work on a dismounted soldier.
  15. I use a FSM because i have to do some other stuff in that script, pertaining to whether the user is present or near. if the user is really close you get the full support point bonus, if player is somewhat close you get half. also, since its script driven, i didnt have to handplace triggers, which would be a big bother with the number of diverse maps i support. to see the code, just dePBO and look at the scripts/fsmCamp.sqf file. this is a small part of the file, but contains all the code that handles this.. //check for visited locs and town hint name _locs = nearestObjects [getPosATL (vehicle player), ["LocationLogic"], 500]; _temp = _locs - GlbTownLogics; _locs = _locs - _temp; If (count _locs > 0) Then { { If !(_x in GlbVisitedLocs) Then {GlbVisitedLocs set [(count GlbVisitedLocs), _x];}; } forEach _locs; _loc = _locs select 0; _name = (_loc getVariable "name"); If (_name != vNearTownName) Then { vNearTownName = _name; ["", "", _name] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; }; } Else { vNearTownName = ""; }; If (vLostMode) Then { If !(vSearchCampHinted) Then { _playercamps2 = []; _veh = vehicle player; If (_veh isKindOf "CAManBase" || _veh isKindOf "LandVehicle") Then { _playercamps2 = ((getPosATL _veh) nearEntities [["LocationLogicCamp"], 200]); _playercamps2 = _playercamps2 - (_playercamps2 - (GlbHeloLocs + GlbCampLocs)); //intersection with all actual camps }; If (count _playercamps2 > 0) Then { vSearchCampHinted = true; _str = "Across the country, military encampments dot the landscape. Searching these camps may turn up weapons, ammo, vehicles, and fuel. And of course, enemies. On your map, the color of the camp will denote who owned this at the outset of the mission. (Travel to any camp and search it to complete this task)"; Hint _str; TASK_SEARCHCAMP = player createSimpleTask ["Search A Camp"]; TASK_SEARCHCAMP setSimpleTaskDescription [_str, "Search A Camp", "MILITARY CAMP"]; TASK_SEARCHCAMP setTaskState "Assigned"; TASK_SEARCHCAMP setSimpleTaskDestination (getPosATL (_playercamps2 select 0)); TASK_SEARCHCAMP setTaskState "Assigned"; player setCurrentTask TASK_SEARCHCAMP; ["Search A Camp", "Current"] call CLAY_fnc_taskHint; }; } Else { If ((taskState TASK_SEARCHCAMP) != "Succeeded") Then { _playercamps = []; _veh = vehicle player; If (_veh isKindOf "CAManBase" || _veh isKindOf "LandVehicle") Then { _playercamps = ((getPosATL _veh) nearEntities [["LocationLogicCamp"], vPlayerCaptureRadius]) - GlbTownLogics; _playercamps = _playercamps - (_playercamps - (GlbHeloLocs + GlbCampLocs)); //intersection with all actual camps }; If (count _playercamps > 0) Then { TASK_SEARCHCAMP setTaskState "Succeeded"; ["Search A Camp", "Done"] call CLAY_fnc_taskHint; }; }; }; } Else { _playercamps = []; _playercamps2 = []; _camps = [[], [], []]; _veh = vehicle player; If (_veh isKindOf "CAManBase" || _veh isKindOf "LandVehicle") Then { _playercamps = (getPosATL _veh) nearEntities [["LocationLogicCamp"], vPlayerCaptureRadius]; _playercamps2 = (getPosATL _veh) nearEntities [["LocationLogicCamp"], vAICaptureRadius]; {(_camps select GLBFRIEND) set [count (_camps select GLBFRIEND), _x];} forEach _playercamps; }; _allegiences = []; { _allegiences set [count _allegiences, ([_x] call mb_fnc_getAllegience)]; } forEach [EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE]; { _grp = _x; _sideIndex = [EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE] find (side _grp); If (_sideIndex >= 0) Then { _allegienceIndex = _allegiences select _sideIndex; _veh = vehicle (leader _grp); If (_veh isKindOf "CAManBase" || _veh isKindOf "LandVehicle") Then { _allegience = _allegiences select _sideIndex; _nearCamps = (getPosATL _veh) nearEntities [["LocationLogicCamp"], vAICaptureRadius]; { (_camps select _allegienceIndex) set [count (_camps select _allegienceIndex), _x]; } forEach (_nearCamps - (_camps select _allegienceIndex)); }; }; } forEach (allGroups - [group player]); _affectedCamps = []; { _allegience = _x; switch (_allegience) do { case (GLBFRIEND): { _ownedCamps = (_camps select _allegience) - (_camps select GLBENEMY) - (_camps select GLBTHIRD) - (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience); _ownedCamps = _ownedCamps - (_ownedCamps - GlbAllCampLogics); _affectedCamps = _affectedCamps + _ownedCamps; {GlbOwnedCampLogics set [_x, (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _x) - _ownedCamps]} forEach [GLBENEMY, GLBTHIRD]; { (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience) set [count (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience), _x]; [_allegience, _x, (_x in _playercamps), (_x in _playercamps2)] execVM (GLBMODPATH + "scripts\fn_onCampCapture.sqf"); GlbCanExpand set [_allegience, true]; (_x getVariable "campMarker") setMarkerColor (GlbMarkerColors select _allegience); } forEach _ownedCamps; }; case (GLBENEMY): { _ownedCamps = (_camps select _allegience) - (_camps select GLBFRIEND) - (_camps select GLBTHIRD) - (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience) - _playercamps2; _ownedCamps = _ownedCamps - (_ownedCamps - GlbAllCampLogics); _affectedCamps = _affectedCamps + _ownedCamps; {GlbOwnedCampLogics set [_x, (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _x) - _ownedCamps]} forEach [GLBFRIEND, GLBTHIRD]; { (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience) set [count (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience), _x]; [_allegience, _x, false] execVM (GLBMODPATH + "scripts\fn_onCampCapture.sqf"); GlbCanExpand set [_allegience, true]; (_x getVariable "campMarker") setMarkerColor (GlbMarkerColors select _allegience); } forEach _ownedCamps; }; case (GLBTHIRD): { _ownedCamps = (_camps select _allegience) - (_camps select GLBENEMY) - (_camps select GLBFRIEND) - (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience) - _playercamps2; _ownedCamps = _ownedCamps - (_ownedCamps - GlbAllCampLogics); _affectedCamps = _affectedCamps + _ownedCamps; {GlbOwnedCampLogics set [_x, (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _x) - _ownedCamps]} forEach [GLBENEMY, GLBFRIEND]; { (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience) set [count (GlbOwnedCampLogics select _allegience), _x]; [_allegience, _x, false] execVM (GLBMODPATH + "scripts\fn_onCampCapture.sqf"); GlbCanExpand set [_allegience, true]; (_x getVariable "campMarker") setMarkerColor (GlbMarkerColors select _allegience); } forEach _ownedCamps; }; }; } forEach GlbActiveAllegiences; If ((count GlbAllCampLogics) == (count (GlbOwnedCampLogics select GLBFRIEND))) Then { TASK_WIN setTaskState "Succeeded"; vEnde = true; }; };
  16. Good Luck in this new genre! If anyone can pull off magic, its you!!
  17. markb50k

    Dutch Armed Forces

    You are correct. Currently there is no need for any 'special config' to play Apocalypse with DAF units. Just start up the mission and you will see "NETHERLANDS" factions available for you to pick.
  18. not intended, but not really preventable, its one of those little things that bleeds through when you take a modern-aimed mission and convert it to WWII era. I could put an option to turn off civilian car spawning altogether, if it is too immersion-breaking? Is that a feature you'd want? ---------- Post added at 18:16 ---------- Previous post was at 17:58 ---------- EDIT: put that option in, will be in next version
  19. markb50k

    Dutch Armed Forces

    The mission is SP only. I have been kicking around the idea to do a COOP version but there is so much scripting in the mission, i'm a bit scared of doing it. as for scripting help, PM me and let me know what you need. I can usually put something together if i have some guidelines and best yet, some similar code to work off of.
  20. markb50k

    Dutch Armed Forces

    Your full DAF mod is supported in my Apocalypse mission. You should try it out and it will be a great way of testing your mod out for how they perform in-game in battle. Also, i can help with scripting and config-work if you need any. just PM me. PS. The pics look great. What vehicle is that in the first one?
  21. ok, thanks for the explanation. thats explains it perfectly. For APOCALYPSE, if you pick THIRD SIDE for RESISTANCE, even if you don't select any factions for it, it will use the default RESISTANCE factions, which is either NAPA or TK INS, depending on the map. That's where your modern stuff is coming from. To prevent any of those guys, you need to make it a 2 SIDED battle, so set RESISTANCE to either FRIENDLY or ENEMY. Solved. PS. in LOST mode, since it is always a 2 sided battle, no need to worry about this. ---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 15:45 ---------- EDIT: will be releasing a new version tomorrow. Adding in support for "Merderet v2" map from I44, and the TF86 seals, Tier One, and Generic Blackops mods. ---------- Post added at 15:52 ---------- Previous post was at 15:49 ---------- Took a look at the code, and to implement this, i would have to rewrite the camp-capturing code and put a lot of checks in, depending on if AI are in the area, or no, and if the player is alone, or with AI, etc. Would be a big change for a feature I'm not really in favor for. If it was an easy code fix and i would make it a configurable option, but alas, its a bigger impact than i want to tackle.
  22. Jets and choppers: if you select just 1944 factions you shouldn't get any jets and choppers. Please make sure no other factions are chosen down your list. If you still get jets and choppers copy you faction choices to the clipboard using the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button and PM me it so I can debug it. Country vs faction: when you select any faction in the screen it will automatically assign a 1 to that factions country because a faction AND its country have to be selected for the faction to show up. I do the automatic selection to save people some clicks. Don't worry if the USMC factions have a 1 by their country... They will NOT be in the mission unless you select their FACTION as well. The two numbers faction and country give you the ability to specify how often a country is picked when spawning and then how often a faction is chosen within the country's forces.. ---------- Post added at 13:28 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ---------- Starting in vehicle: the player has these choices for how they start - In plane as a paratrooper is the default - if you select INFILTRATE Yes for friendly then you will start off on ground or in a boat depending on the map type - if you select INFILTRATE Yes and START WITH HQ Yes you will start with the HQ right next to you on land maps or the HQ will appear on the beach if you start in a boat There is NO option to start in a tank. You'll have to find one on the battlefield or order one thru your reinforcements ---------- Post added at 13:31 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ---------- The armaholic page I don't update. And I'm not sure how often that page is updated by the moderators. YES Invasion 44 is supported and you can use I44 factions with the mission. I would recommend using the media fire link to ENSURE you have the latest version ---------- Post added at 13:36 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ---------- I don't support any ACE units because in order to support any ACE troops I have to support the ACE mod and there's just too many conflicts with the mission If someone's done a nonACE version of them i can support them ---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ---------- I'll take a look at all three of those. Thanks for the feedback!