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Everything posted by markb50k

  1. markb50k

    Project CDF

    yeah gossamer you should probably rename the vilas pbo in your archive because it will overwrite the real vilas pbo that has the configs in it. most people won't overwrite the vilas pbo when prompted. I didnt.
  2. markb50k

    Project CDF

    Awesome, thanks for the new stuff. Although I think you ought to leave in the 2S1 even without the Arty working right. It can still work properly with AI shooting it in spawn-shell mode
  3. markb50k


    you can create a small config with defines the vehicle class that's missing.
  4. Version 3.5 (BIG UPDATE): - update addon : support for newest VME PLA mod (China) - update config : MARKB50K_Config_VMEPLA - updated to support newest VME PLA - update addon : support for newest Bundeswehr Infantry (Marseilles77) - update config : MARKB50K_Config_LOBOGulfWar - handle errors in MiG23, Su22, and MiG27 Swingwing scripts - new : in map, clicking on ANY sighted group will give you a display of units/vehicles and health - new : selected group will have a icon added to it so you can tell which is selected - new : you can now do a couple of things with friendly groups not in your High Command through COMMS menu (0-8) - recruit the whole group - recruit a particular unit type - while this group is selected, CTRL-click ANOTHER group you can have the two groups MERGE. Lots of times I see alot of friendly groups with 1 soldier remaining, now you can have them join up together. - new HQ upgrade : RECRUITMENT DESK - when deployed, ACTION available to call all nearby (200m) civilians over to you - when a civilian is near, ACTION available to PAY a civilian (150 support points). - Recruitment Desk also allows you to carry some money with you. While you are carrying the money, and you are looking at a civilian close to you, an ACTION is available to PAY the civilian. - In both cases, when paid, a new PARTISAN will be spawned in the area and will join your High Command - new HQ ability : FUEL CAN - with the Refuel Upgrade, through an ACTION on the barrels, you can carry or have your soldiers carry a small FUEL CAN - when you are looking at a vehicle closeby that needs fuel, an ACTION will pop up. Will add some fuel to vehicle. - awards a small amount of support points - new HQ ability : FIRST AID KIT - from MASH Upgrade, through an ACTION, you can carry or have your soldiers carry a small FIRST AID KIT - when you are looking at a nearby wounded soldier, an ACTION will pop up. Will heal soldier. - awards a small amount of support points - new HQ ability : REPAIR KIT - from Repair Upgrade, through an ACTION, you can carry or have your soldiers carry a small REPAIR KIT - when you are looking at a nearby damaged vehicle, an ACTION will pop up. Will repair the vehicle a little. - awards a small amount of support points - For REFUEL, REPAIR, and HEAL, selected soldiers and your HC groups can do all of these SPECIAL ACTIONs through the COMMS menu (0-8). However you will not gain support points if it's one of your soldiers doing the action. - new : in USERCONFIG you can now have your STARTING and/or RESPAWN unit type RANDOMLY determined from all friendly forces. - fix : several bug fixes/tweaks
  5. ill see what i can do, and will PM you with the updated .hpp files. My pleasure to help.
  6. Bug Report: On several of the civilian cars.. maybe all? I am getting a spam of errors in my RPT I specifically remember the kia_ceed as one of them They say that they are missing a HitEngine in the HitPoints array. Looking at the .hpp file, yup, its missing from the class HitPoints you use. Not sure what affect it has in-game, but it is filling up my RPT file infinitely, like 2 MB a minute.
  7. markb50k

    German Assault Addons - Army

    Thanks for the clarification. Looking forward to your version of the Bundeswehr in the desert!
  8. Awesome, can't wait. The quality on the troops is really good. I've been running your beta-version in my own testing of my mission, and have been putting them to the test. Really no issues at all. So looking forward to when you release them for everyone to see.
  9. yup, i dont think there is, but I was thinking just wait until the commander fires to prevent it. But, I think that would be problematic, because I dont think you can programmatically detect whether the commander is turned in or not. Either way, seems a lot of trouble trying to get around an engine limitation. Anyway, Love your work!
  10. markb50k

    German Assault Addons - Army

    on your updated pic, you show three textures, 1995 version, 2000s version, and a desert version. But, do you provide any desert troops? Im going through the configs (dont have the game on this PC) and i cant find any desert troopies. Thanks.
  11. markb50k

    German Assault Addons - Army

    I know KFOR is Kosovo, what conflicts does SFOR and EUFOR represent?
  12. How about a script or fired event that removes the ammo when the commander is turned in?
  13. Thats basically correct. So if you choose 1 - USMC and 4 - CDF, then when any group is formed, it will probably be CDF (4 chances vs 1 for USMC) ---------- Post added at 17:47 ---------- Previous post was at 17:45 ---------- Well, like you have already figured out, you can just steal a vehicle or take a damaged vehicle, fix it up and you're good. Also, as you surmised, you can order one when you have enough reinforcement points. When it comes it will be fully crewed, and will join your squad when it arrives. Then you can order it to do whatever, attack bad dudes, land so you can get in, etc.
  14. 1) you dont build things. Apocalypse is not Warfare, so the whole base-building is not present in the game, so you wont find options to create helipads or light vehicle factory etc. You're Mobile HQ is the only thing that resembles Warfare and it has some capabilities but definitely not base-building. 2) the reason you see no more upgrades is because you dont have any money. You need to get more suppport points for options to appear. Once you do, you will see more. I'll fix the cut off title, its supposed to say "Purchase upgrade" 3) sorry, since i redid the menu the message '0-8-5' is no longer valid. i'll fix that. but the option is still there, you just have to look at the support menu and there should be an option to "Mapclick-> select support location". Select that, and then click somewhere on the map and that will be the location that the support you call will go to. 4) you make other squads only through Recruiting (which you seem to know about) and by requesting reinforcements (by using support points in the Reinforcement Menu, and again only the stuff you can purchase will show up). You don't build them like in warfare. 5) even if you choose Resistance as Friendly, you dont get more troops than the enemy. it just means that both Resistance and West factions will be available for you to choose in the factions menu at the beginning, but the TOTAL number of groups available to you will be the same as the enemy. My recommendation, for a harder match, is to set your Friendly Troops, Vehicles, and Air to 50% (x0.5) in the first screen. That will mean that your TOTAL number of groups will be half of your enemies. That should make it much harder. Great questions. I hope I've addressed them! Thanks for the feedback!
  15. well, load order means nothing once you get to runtime. In runtime, the script is just looking for the class presence in the configfile >> "CfgWeapons". No matter what the load order, as long as you are loading ACE in your modpath it should find them. PM me the array you are using for: mbVanillaWeapons and mbVanillaMagazines in the init_weapons.sqf (I'm guessing this is where you are making your edits, right? If not, send me what you are using as the new array)
  16. My guess is you had a typo when you added in your new classname or forgot a quotation mark or a comma. The civilians and troops are invited in different files. If all you see is the civilians it probably couldn't compile the init factions file. If you aren't already you should run arma with the -showscripterrors option enabled on the command line. It will make it really easy to see those kinds of errors
  17. markb50k


    Kommiekat sent me a link. If anyone wants to try to download this it might be a better option. http://dl.vmall.com/c0haiogpw9
  18. ok ill look at the code. AH64s are in USMC so they should spawn for friendlies, but definitely not for enemy. ---------- Post added at 15:42 ---------- Previous post was at 14:38 ---------- Code looks like its fine, Shadowcatcher, can you tell me what weights you are putting in your faction choices? Its been so long since i've looked closely at the Lost code, so I misspoke above, the only gunship patrols are enemy, and friendly factions chosen CAN contribute classes to the possible enemy spawns. So its possible that AH64s gets flown by opfor. so if you choose USMC, the AH64 gets added to the possible list of enemy gunships. if you choose BAF, the BAF AH1 gets added but only one instance of each class gets added. If you choose Russia, this gets added... ["Mi24_V", "Mi24_P", "Mi24_V", "Ka52","Mi24_V", "Mi24_P", "Mi24_V", "Ka52"] so, the majority of the time, even with one AH64 entry and one BAF AH1 entry added to this array, the Hinds should win out most of the time. Now for when you choose CHKDZ, since they have no gunships, you will ONLY see western helicopters, so you are correct there. I would always choose RU vehicles with at least weight 1 in this case
  19. i keep kicking around the idea of a COOP version, but i have no clue how to code a multiplayer game especially with this many running scripts and AI. If SOMEONE wants to help me out, I would be very glad. I know there is a big time demand for this in Multiplayer.
  20. noticing a memory leak with some of my spawned processes not getting cleared. will put out a new version 3.4 shortly. ---------- Post added at 07:42 ---------- Previous post was at 06:56 ---------- Version 3.4: - new : ability to recruit by map location. Now you can recruit in far towns, and assign troops from a distance to search houses, recon areas, etc. - tweak : removed Motorcycles from vehicles that get icons on your intel screen. - fix : added counters to prevent some long-lasting spawned scripts to not run forever. - fix : added check if the AI acts stupid and LANDS at the local airport, the troops onboard will disembark and continue mission. - fix : several small bug fixes/tweaks.
  21. the numbers in both cases are weights. i think in init.sqf you see i use the numbers for the weapons to construct the big array of weapons, and for each number i add another copy of the corresponding array. for init factions, yeah, more rifleman means i want rifleman weighted more than snipers for instance. as for the odd note, are you saying that you see AH1s and AH64s as the enemy helicopters as well? If so, that is not intended. let me know and ill take a look.
  22. markb50k

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    Great helicopter. Love the color schemes on all the countries versons.
  23. Version 3.3: - new addon : Marseilles77's Austrian Infantry - new addon : Vilas's modern Polish Army - new addon : Scar/nes4day's F-22A Raptor - new addon : Pathetic_Berserker's Mi24-A Krokodil gunship - new addon : SoulAssassin's M109A6 Paladin - new config : Vilas Poland - gives RESISTANCE version of UN Troops - new config : Austrian Infantry - gives WEST version of UN Troops - updated config : VME PLA (China) - removed CfgMagazine error popup on his Grenadier's - new : in USERCONFIG you can now adjust the overall skill of each side. See included settings.sqf for possible values - new : sighted empty vehicles now indicated on map (orange dots) - fix : player's country was being displayed incorrectly - fix : error in dead body cleanup - fix : civilians were not being cached as intended. performance improvement. - tweak : dead bodies cleaned up quicker - fix : debriefing now shows up at mission victory. You will need to make sure you get the new copies of the mission PBOs. - tweak : trimmed down faction list by combining alike mods of same country into one choice. Much less clicking.
  24. markb50k

    Isla Duala

    I make a couple of SP missions that support Duala. In fact, i'm playing a version of it on Duala as we speak.
  25. Don't worry about it. The inko addon changed its patch name in the config. But ons hasn't been updated to keep up with it. But it doesn't affect anything otherthan an annoying popup since the class names stayed the same