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Everything posted by markb50k

  1. I don't know but I'll check it out. Are you sure that the dropped troops are yours and aren't just another incoming squad? Either way I'll investigate and if so put a fix out in the next update which I'm close to releasing
  2. markb50k

    TGW Vehicle Fixes

    Should the nvg be in quotes? "NVG"?
  3. Dang man thanks! I'll add that in to the next update. Wow. With this you can actually have some Russian on Russian action. Great job
  4. In summary there are certain things that the mission must have in order to function so if you don't choose any civilians the game will pick a default civilian faction on its own based on the terrain. Woodland it picks chernarus civs, desert picks takistani. Like said above the numbers for each side are just used to establish ratios. So a 2 for USMC and CDF gives you the same effect as 99 for USMC and CDF : roughly 50% division between the two. Now also realize that "vehicle" factions and "infantry" factions are compared separately against each other as well. So the game figures the vehicle ratio just comparing the vehicle factions' numbers. And like you surmised, Rydygier, the actual distro between foot patrols and vehicle patrols are establish on the second screen Understand that numbers established for friendlies have no effect on the numbers you set for enemy factions. Each sides ratios are figured out separately within their side If you leave out something like don't select any vehicle faction, again, the mission has defaults based on terrain. USMC, RUS, and napa for woodland, takistan, us army, and takistan guerillas for desert. ---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:18 ---------- To pull a group into yours select the group in high command and use the COMMS menu option, I think it 0 8 1 then group join player The team switching options I left in because they were included in domz's mod but honestly I hardly use them if I am using high command since the AI starts going nuts when you switch When enemy partisans are formed its all random where they are spawned other than it's centered on a house location. I use some code to figure a safe location for them to spawn but sometimes that puts them out in the street a little awamy from the door. I figure that's better then them spawning inside a house and dying immediately from the collision logic. So in larger towns you will most likely not see them spawn since there are so many possible locations they could spawn. Sorry that they sometimes popup suddenly but it's a give and take between complexity of code and realism I had to settle on. ---------- Post added at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:27 ---------- If you select 0 air groups then it won't spawn any air groups and thus you will accomplish one of your bonus tasks of destroy all enemy airpower. That message is intended and you can see all your objectives on the map screen task list The wave will finally end I assure you. You just got unlucky and spawned where the random logic put a bunch of enemy. There is some logic that says if there are no more active enemy running around it will uncache one of the enemy units outside the cache distance so that may explain the behavior you are seeing
  5. Wow. I'm not sure there could be a better compliment than that. As for playing with different factions. In lost you are limited to playing only a west or guerilla faction. In my newer mission apocalypse you can have much more choices and play as Russia. However since takistan and Russia are both east (opfor) they will always be allied. You could download mods like Iranian forces to give you a takistan like foe for Russia however. Question, how useful is giving a west or guer version of Russia and takistan? I would probably hesitate to do it for russia since there are so many Addons that give more Russian forces and if I give a west version of the bis Russians I'd have to do config version of a lot of other Addons Oh something else you could try in apocalypse is make east and west allied and use the takistan guerillas as the enemy. Anyway I'm rambling. Thanks for the feedback!
  6. i dont completely follow the issue here, but one thing i think is important is that in LOST you have the ability to switch your player character. Which means sometime after the mission starts, the player actually does a switch between bodies. If RINCEWINDER add the spells to the player too early, after the player switches to the new unit type, it wont have the spells anymore.
  7. Version 5.5 - new : ability to disable color effect shader from weather module. new Weather menu in COMMS-> General menu (0-8-6). This should help with those few where its pitch black all the time. ---------- Post added at 14:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:05 ---------- well, just to give you some info, the gather loot action on corpses is dependent on the corpse having weapons on it. So if some other script is adding weapons/magazines to units you may see some erratic behavior. I run CBA but not ASR and I dont ever have weird issues with these actions... ---------- Post added at 14:18 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ---------- Nice, may look into that. I also notice the AI artillery mod. Do you think that would be something useable in my Apocalypse mission where it is AI intensive and I would want AI just to "know" to use Artillery on each other?
  8. Great. I'm glad you are able to run other mods well with the mission. I think it's also helpful that others can get ideas on different setups from your experience. Thanks! Ps. What is TDS?
  9. yeah, projects like yours are pretty much the reason i built it. Give an quick and dirty, yet thorough, avenue for folks to see different mods in action.
  10. markb50k

    RUBE Weather Module

    I find the weather module non-obtrusive and seamless, yet immersive. So I think that's pretty much what you wanted with it, huh? I enjoy it very much. My only supposition that it is related to this issue, is because its the only piece of code in my mod that effects the environmental view from the player's perspective. I have a quick code fix that i will be testing out to give the user the ability to toggle the color mask. If that is what the issue is, users will see an immediate remedy to the problem they are seeing. But yeah, I havent had this issue before, and i cant reproduce it, so it would surprise me either way.
  11. if you dont mind the herculean task of editing my mission to allow multiplayer, i have a single player CTI mission (APOCALYPSE) in my sig.. at the very least, its a quick way of seeing Dingor in a wartime setting...
  12. Thanks, is the 94364 build a new one just released? Is that the build others have? Either way, I will look at an option of, from the menu, turning off the weather. I did not write that code, so it is doubtful i could figure out the issue, and turning it off would be my real only option. Perhaps I'll post a question on RUBE's weather module thread. ---------- Post added at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:21 ---------- Oh, one other possible cause of this... is this only happening on a restart/ new game? Or did it happen in mid-game? Thanks
  13. markb50k

    RUBE Weather Module

    Hi, I have implemented the weather module in a couple of my missions, and users are reporting a problem where their screen, when not using NVGs, is pitch black. with NVGs on, everything is fine, but without, they cant see, even in midday. Nothing else in the mission code effects the player's view, so I will probably try to give them the option to disable the weather module, but was wondering if RUBE has any ideas on what could be causing this. I use the preset weather configs for each island that I support BTW. Oh and will calling "ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable false set the view back to normal as a quick fix?
  14. No prob. I'm just making the edits on my local version. Just wanted to make sure you were aware. And thanks very much for the hard work. It shows.
  15. Weird. Is it a specific map? Is like to try to reproduce this. And it's a new game? I'll need as much info as I can to figure it out because I don't ever get this issue
  16. markb50k

    TMT Turkish Mod

    To those playing this mod, is it stable enough to add to my Apocalypse mission. I'm really looking forward to getting some more Turkish forces into it. To the mod maker(s), are you guys responsible for the Turkish Special Forces addon as well? I am now supporting that mod and wondered if they are included in this mod as well.Thanks!
  17. Version 1.8 - new feature : now when an officer is spawned the game will attempt to make it the same faction as the soldiers in the group. - new addon support: Stagler's IRA insurgents - new config : MARKB50K_Config_IRA that gives you option to play IRA as Independent as well as OPFOR - new addon support : (NAF) Nogovan Armed Forces project, including all addons in the complete pack as well as the Nogovan Jas39 Gripen - new addon support : GLT Myke's Czech Air Force Jas39 Gripen - new addon support : Studio Mod.UA's Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukranian Recons, and Ukrainian Marine Troops included as INDEPENDENT - new config : three new config PBO's allow all three of these mods to be played as EAST or WEST as well - new addon support : Binkowski's OMON Units, giving Russia some additional special troops - new addon support : SARMAT Studio's Russian VDV Airborne troops, both woodland and desert camo addons - new addon support : Sabre's Army of Czech Republic troops, both woodland and desert camo - new addon support : Aeneas's Dutch Army Troops - new addon support : Aeneas's Danish Army Troops - new addon support : SWAT.TR's Turkish Special Forces addon
  18. couple of issues: Weapon "rki_ak2_m203" config is wrong, its model is pointing to "\rki_rifles\rki_ak2_tgs" when it should be pointing to "\rki_rifles\rki_ak2_m203". Thus, Lt Infantry grenadier is erroring out. Sappers and Engineers dont have repair ability. Should have an "engineer = 1;" added to their configs.
  19. I'm busy adding new troop mods in but when I get to new islands I'll check it out. As for namalsk I'm afraid I tried again to get the island working but the fact is that there isn't any way to get the houses on that island to work with the mod because technically , unlike every other map, the island maker made the houses part of the land. They aren't even objects thus I can't detect them code wise.
  20. Are you using the skiptime feature? I would skip an hour and see if that helps. It will reset the weather module which is the only thing I think might be causing your problem
  21. Or perhaps a skodas config. It is a car too...?
  22. Version 1.7 - new : ability to increase share of all 'alike' factions. For instance if you are selecting British forces, you can know with one click increase the share for all British factions/mods at the same time. Quite necessary now with so many supported mods!!! - new : ability to recruit nearest soldier by using support points (option added to COMMS menu 0-8-1) - new : capturing enemy intel now shows THEIR current objectives so you know where you can expect attacks. - MANY reinforcements for British forces, Germany, Australia, and Russia, plus added support for Spain and Greece! Greek Forces Mod Cleggy's Ridgeback Patrol Vehicle Cleggy's FV432 Bulldog AFV Meatball's F-18 Hornet (USMC and Australian) FFAA - Spanish Armed Forces mod incl. Marines, Airborne, Legion, and Muslim OFPFOR Terrorists ANZAC Mod - Australian, NZ, and Fiji armed forces AMT Mod - Bundeswehr (German Army) Vehicles BW Compilation - more Bundeswehr Vehicles Modem's NH90 German helo Operation Unknown helos - CH53 and CH46 RKSL Eurofighter Typhoon Oleg's KA50 Hokum Troubles's complete BAOR (British) forces - Tanks, AFVs, scout cars, trucks, helicopters, and GR3 Harrier TheGameWarden's M2 Bradley Woodland Reskin TheGameWarden's RAH66 Commanche gunship Asian MBT pack (new tanks for Japan Forces) Red Hammer Studios' BMD2 APC (incl versions for non Russian armies) Red Hammer Studios' BTR70 APC (incl versions for non Russian armies) - new config : optional support for FFAA mod's terrorists to be on either OPFOR or INDEP - new config : optional support for ANZAC mod's Fiji troops to be on any side
  23. I'm not so sure it would be very hard to do. If someone wants to take a crack at it, by all means! I'm guessing the coding for Iron Front is similar to Arma 2 yes?
  24. This is a general question, not one specific to a particular addon. Lets say I have downloaded a vehicle addon from someone off of Armaholic, and I notice some issues in-game with the vehicle, Like I see a spelling error in the displayName, but really the actual change doesnt matter, i'm just asking in general. I have Eliteness so I have been able to view the config.bin and inspect the config entry for the vehicle. I know that i need to make a change to the config, so I decide to make a change and test it out locally. I derapify the config.bin into a config.cpp. I make my edit and then rePBO it. I start up Arma 2 and go to the Editor, i can now see the displayName has changed for the vehicle, great! But when i start the mission, i get an error that the game cannot open the object P3D file. I confirm that the path its looking for is a good path. I confirm The path and filename are there in the PBO file. I think i am missing one small step in editing the PBO but i cant figure it out. Do I make sure i auto-rapify when I create the PBO again? I've tried it both ways. No luck. Is there some step you are supposed to do that I am missing? This happens with any PBO i try to edit, I've tried it with an addon from AAW and one of Trouble's BAOR vehicles. All I am editing is a single value in the config.. Any ideas? Thanks
  25. Pretty sure i figured it out. Since I dePBO'd it, it created a directory of the PBO name, and I was rePBO'ing that directory, causing a nested directory structure.