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Everything posted by markb50k

  1. Thanks man. I know Hazar-Kot is a popular map, so after some thought, I'll probably still let it in even if it doesnt have enough base locations. Will take a look at it as soon as i can.
  2. Yup you're right. Other than getting newly release island versions, no need to update the mission pbos. All the code is in the Addon pbo. UPDATE: Version 2.61: - fix : new games were being held up at Initializing Factions
  3. I'm sure it's a typo in the factions file. Will put out fix in the morning. Sorry.
  4. I run this mod in my current playing of my mission, and I seem to get alot of crashes. usually when ordering around troops into/out of vehicles. Is that what other are seeing?
  5. markb50k


    I'm trying to add PLA forces to my mission, but having some trouble figuring out the different troop variations. Am I correct in that the AP troops are the airborne (blue camo), and MR are marines? Overall, lots of good stuff in this mod. Thanks to the VME team!
  6. Version 2.6: - new addon : VME's PLA mod. Now the armed forces of China can be used. Including several unit variants - Woodland, Desert, Urban, Special Forces, Airborne, and Marines, plus vehicles - new config : PLA is OPFOR, so provided new Config PBO to allow PLA forces to be put on any side... USA vs RUSSIA vs CHINA three-way? Yes, please! - new island : Huertgenwald is now supported! - new : RESPAWN ability enabled. - new : If you have a Mobile HQ, you will respawn at the Mobile HQ - new : If you dont have a Mobile HQ, you will respawn in an incoming aircraft like you do at the beginning. - new : If you have members in your group, your aircraft destination will be your troops, so you wont have to travel across the country to link up - new : ability to set the start time of the mission to a specific hour (12 AM - 11PM) - new : STATIC DEFENDERS. the game will attempt to man every camp that has static defenses. If you choose a side to have initial defenders, you should see ALOT more initial forces defending camps - tweak : chance of certain types of camps (ones with static weapons) increased slightly - fix : code wasnt allowing Long Range Patrol groups to transition to Camp patrols. Now they will and you will see a better spread of travelling groups vs defensive patrol groups. NOTE: the PLA config file was just built here while i'm at work so only about 90% sure it is bug-free. Let me know if theres an issue and i can fix it up.
  7. hey you said you play with this mod, can you tell me what all the different units types? they have the base soldier who is in desert camo, then a "C" variant in woodland, a "MR" variant (motor rifle?) in a blueish camo, a "T" version in what looks like Multicam, and a "AP" version in a lighter green with different weapons. Anyone know what this means? I'll post on the PLA thread as well.
  8. yeah a couple of little issues that don't seem to affect gameplay. i'm adding them in. I'm adding in the vehicles, woodland troops, desert troops, and sf troops. They provide a bunch of other uniform types but im not sure what they are for.
  9. markb50k

    Project CDF

    Gossamer, really excited about the thoughts of expanding the scope to include Russian forces. I like where things are leading with this mod, so congrats on the good work so far.
  10. how stable is that one? i considered adding it before but i saw from its thread that it had issues and hasnt been updated in a while? If you have any good info for me on that one, what works and doesnt, i can surely add it in! would be awesome to have the PLA in the game!
  11. markb50k

    Moschnyi Island (GSEP)

    thanks for bumping this thread. forgot that i had downloaded Moschhnyi and was meaning to add the map to my Apocalypse supported ones.
  12. markb50k

    JSDF MOD 1.0 released

    noticed the T4 is unarmed... is it a trainer? are you planning on arming that guy in a future release?
  13. Opffever, miles was very open to a non ace config as you can see in this thread so I wouldn't make a big deal of it. The tone of your post seems a bit demanding. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way but it's always a touchy subject when people really push mod makers on an issue that they want and the mod maker doesn't care about. I can tell you from working on the non ace config it wasn't something that simple to do. Lot of details to pay attention to and not something we should just expect mod makers to do quickly. I volunteered to assist and I think if users of mods would take an active role in assisting mod makers with features that they are asking for, I think all of us would win and get more of what we wish. My two cents.
  14. markb50k

    JSDF MOD 1.0 released

    Thanks for the update. Will get these new units added to my mission. As for the issue with no helmets, I saw this issue when I added them to apocalypse even the last version. I had to write special code to call their init sqf again after they are spawned. Gachopin you might want to check if there is some problem with all the texture switching you do on those units. I'd recommend putting some sleep commands in the script so it doesn't try to change their textures immediately. It doesn't seem to work all the time when you spawn them in mission
  15. well, i am looking at Demonized's SP respawn script and seeing how it works, and then figure out how to do it for this mission. So, i'm sure ill put out some version of this. Hopefully this will work. Its basically a glorified teamswitch
  16. team switch is enabled already. you just have to select the options in the comms menu or in the Group Manager dialog. PLUS you can save any time you want. To say respawn in necessary is an opinion and is a choice of style, since you dont like the use of saves. I'm not against adding features, as anyone reading the history of my missions will plainly see. I'll continue to look into it. But, its not as easy as you think since I dont know of any mission that uses High Command and respawn correctly. Plus you do have options currently. ---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:42 ---------- Let me know how that goes. If all you are doing is running the core "Apocalypse" pbo the only thing that can remotely be affect on startup is the config.cpp file, which hardly anything is in there except some other-side versions of BIS troops. This is assuming you are saying it wont even load the game. If you get into the game and it wont load the mission, let me know what mission you are doing and maybe i can figure it out.
  17. I'll take a look at selectable start time. Oh and I finished the huertgenwald map, many of the houses weren't compatible with my code so i had to do some work there. Will release soon
  18. Will put in separate folder for next update
  19. Found the issue, will put out new version shortly ---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:02 ---------- Version 2.5: - new addon : Python.au's RAAF C130J - new addon : Project CDF 1.06 - new : on initial screen you can choose to start with your HQ. The HQ will be at the drop zone when you arrive. - fix : bug in requesting mobile HQ
  20. ok will have to test when i get home. thanks. will look at an option to have it delivered on the ground with you on your initial drop into the battlefield
  21. markb50k

    Project CDF

    i can help with that. im slow but usually thorough.. lol
  22. markb50k

    Project CDF

    In config entry for PCDF_PRSZ_Engineer: isEngineer = 1; I believe thats the wrong attribute, its just supposed to be just "engineer = 1" so i think the PRSZ engineer wont have repair ability Same for PCDF_CDF_Engineer_2011 in the config, although since the CDF version inherits from the BIS CDF engineer he still has the repair ability
  23. -did it charge you your points? any message pop up? remember that it takes up to a minute to get added to the queue, and then you have to wait for it to arrive which could be 15 minutes or so.
  24. Miles Teg, done with the configs, sent you a PM with a download link. Working really well without ace or acre. Still needs CBA but most people use that anyway. Sent you details on what i did in the PM. Thanks for an awesome mod, the units are great! ---------- Post added at 07:06 ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 ---------- yeah for such a big mod its very well put together. i'm sure i screwed something up with my downloads for ACE. But with the non-ACE config i just did, should alleviate that problem as well. Definitely recommend everyone to check this mod out.
  25. yeah im not removing everything ace related. i know many of the config entries will just be ignored if someone is not running ace, so i'm leaving them be. mostly references to Ace objects etc i'm removing. havent gotten to backpacks, but almost done with everything else. should be interesting...wish me luck