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Everything posted by meyamoti

  1. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    No its given a gust of wind that causes it to momentarily "shoot backwards" I agree,I don't see how the graphics are bad,why do you think I called the interveiwers blind? Another thing I noticed..I'm 70% sure that vehicles can have reflections in AA...look at the blackhawk and watch it in the vid.
  2. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    Perhaps I've been playing games for far too long, but ever since the BattleField: Vietnam generation, I can't really appreciate the subtle differences in graphics quality in new games. As long as there's decent lighting (which OFP1 doesn't have, imo) smooth framerate, enough world clutter to hide behind, and far views, I'm perfectly happy. Perhaps I've been playing way too many old abandonware games and freeware adventures these days. And why is it that kids these days have killer computers everywhere??? I don't even have the liberty to get an XBOX 360 because of the lack of time to play such an investment. I meant the revewiers. Crytek is probably also richer and has a larger team than BIS,or did. Their comparing AA to pretty much one if not the top company in graphics and such..as usual,reviewers that bitch if they don't get everything,god forbid they get these uber high quality graphics on a huge ass map with very high view distance.
  3. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    as usual,blind bastards only concerned about graphics.
  4. meyamoti

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Yeah...and if they used marines then people would star the "OMg you people stole the idea of bf2!" or some lame stuff like that...They may or may not be done with the game/adding stuff and whatnot yet,and don't forget,if somethings not there then the community can add it later on.
  5. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Wonder if the theme used on the trailer will be ingame..or a longer version.
  6. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Just saw the video and whoa,BIS sure has been busy and are doing an excellent job,I love how in the animations of the walking soldiers...so smooth and their body's move up and down alittle bit as they walk. And I could be wrong but I think the blackhawk at the urban LZ has reflections on the glass! (watch the doors mostly) The entire soldier model and textures look very realistic,their movement so smooth,I like the movement,gives good atmosphere,the view distance is incredible and the soldiers looking around is defnatly a plus. Who can't love the part where the soldiers are overlooking a city? And the end of the move is great,I'm glad to see BIS didnt pretty up the pics afterall,its all as it looks. We love you BIS!
  7. meyamoti

    SimHQ E3 Interview

    Wonder...if its US Army why didn't they just make a new apache and include it rather than the super cobra? Haven't seen the new trailer yet,waitin for download.. I'm sure they'll work on the russian forces more,currently their mostly showing US because thats kinda what appeals to most people,then again note how Russia's got more vehicles and they seem to look more refurbished for that note...hey HMMWV,did you spot in this pic- http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armaavid7.jpg how one humvee is the one that is used and the other is the testing one? It's kinda wierd because the "actual" humvee in the front looks better "polished" (not shine) than the one behind it.
  8. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Hm,is it me or are the soldiers in the front walking faster than the one in the back? Speed variation? If so neato,no biggie if not. I like the video alot,its better than I expected,it looks more like real life if ya ask me,more realistic than anything else,I'd definatly have to say their doing a great job,the new patrol animations look lifelike. And no Bravo6 this isn't old footage,I'v got every video and picture of armed assault from before OFP:E was even released and there was confusion between the two,its much newer. I like how the trees sway in the wind without having a helicopter to come make them move and whatnot,guess thats a civy ural? Hmm..and one thing that bugs me,I can't decide if its the quality of the video or if theres some kind of filter on it,like one of those smooth stained glass ones or somethin..just the way the stuff blends together makes me wonder. Oh damn I hope it comes out sometime this year >.<
  9. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

  10. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Yeah but whose the publisher for Game2? Hmm...I could be wrong but on the picture of the Russian soldier and the two BMP2's...I think Armed Assault has soft shadows or softer shadows...
  11. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Don't forget,not everyone runs the same way
  12. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Damn why does nobody look at my posts >.< Maybe by 12 missions they meant single player missions,not campaign.
  13. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    True..AA was mostly intended to simply be an upgrade but I guess that since they couldn't find a publisher,they decided to work on it a bit up to what it is today,maybe..As for the missions I somehow doubt they meant campaign mission,how many "single missions" were in OFP+Resistance? You know what I mean,not the campaign but the missions. And yeah that guy does look alittle apeish..or he's about to go prone from running...bet thats fun irl... "*run run run,THUD* OW son of a @#!$ Damn rocks!"
  14. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    "Medic! My arms dislocated!" "clear!" Bzzt Hooray for uber shock paddles of all healingness I duno..bah. Hm,people tend to run differently when running,nobody is the same so its kinda hard to say really,unless anyone has some pics,please post if ya do,or PM em.
  15. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    According to the last two interviews, yes the second gun works. There will even be mulitple gunner positions on tanks! (They might not have all shadows yet because perhaps not all models have the lowest LOD's,we'v seen the ACU having it but not the desert BDU..hm) Plus I gotta say...those are definatly THE sharpest looking soldiers I'v seen yet in any game. It's all sounding great,with all this I can only wonder what VBS2 would be like. Multiple gunner positions on tanks?! You mean we can use the machine guns on T-72's and perhaps both on an M1-M1A2?! Oh this is going to be better than sex! I also like al lthe natural stuff their adding,tides,constellations,wind and all that stuff,more vegetation. (hope they keep the rain ting fixed like in OFP,then it would be even better to drive around during rain,even more so if there are splashes and whatnot) One last thing I wonder is it would be possible to make several models or a randomizer that has diffrent BDU camo's,so not everyone is wearing the same exact uniform. It may be early work,note the sky,and I could be wrong..but if you look at the lower left hand corner,I belive you can see a bit of the ocean.
  16. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Skins? Eh,I hope they keep it to original OFP in that sense,alot of faces and the ability to add/customize your own,none of that "usual arcade clones running around" stuff.
  17. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Like,wtf mate?
  18. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    "Whoa dudes,that new morning shot is morning shot is "awesome". It shows that BIS is the master of video games. Hail BIS,master of video games." Woot O.o
  19. meyamoti

    Speculations and facts

    Helicopters over water kick up more particles that on ground...
  20. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Doesn't really look like either...yeah its a minature model of an Mi-17 ..heh..although enviroments may not be top notch,something about their resolution mostly...but the soldiers look great,not overly done and there is dirty places,not to mention they have the bottom of their pants tucked in with the boot bands,yay. Shame William had to take down the pics...ah well..good thing I saved em Wait....now that I look closer at that picture,that looks like theres a biped or whatever you call em attached to it..
  21. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    And normals look prettier when finished...all the pretty colors...x.x
  22. meyamoti

    the character models

    Increase in weight,decrease of speed and things seem to become heavier..yet the armor would protect you..hmm...I'd take the armor,if nothing else it would probably help build up strength somewhere because you'd have to become accustomed to wearing it so long...oh wait we mean AA It would be nice if they included this..possibly weapon properties as well but I see that as more of a game2 thing..anyway its time to head off to bed,don't worry yourselves over this too much do not judge until you have played the game.
  23. meyamoti

    NO jets in ArmA?

    Yup...easiest way to distinguish would be rear base,F-22 has two exhausts,F-35 has only one.
  24. meyamoti

    Speculations and facts

    Oh yeah,another thing in sound would be that if you fire enough rockets from a helicopter or something for a quick period of time,your game goes "deaf" momentarily. I never noticed the splashes in the rain,will have to check this out. Buildings? Can't say I tried going into one so I wouldn't know...but I can understand why,there might be a layer or something in the vehicle that causes the rain to "not get in" but its not on buildings,I'm not sure. I'll attempt to get some pictures later,quality wont be best and color may be a bit screwed up. Very true about the closeup textures,closeup you can see all the scratches on military vehicles and even the threads on infantry clothing.
  25. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Hm...the rounded line in the hood around the lights,adding a "jeep" like feature..the windshield seems tilted forward,windows are smaller,doors are curved,the second light on the right isn't there,the hood has a more boxy shape on it than a V with the parts that stick out..and theres no vent (or w/e it is) there in the hood itself,the larger cylinder thingy and the tires..and whatever the hell that box is on the top,thanks hmmwv,never knew that