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Everything posted by meyamoti

  1. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Where did you read that? O.o....if multiple gunner positions are availble (depending on how many) then yes it may be possible..consider multiple guns and improved physics,thus making it easier to walk on ships (hopefully even when moving) Downloading and waiting to eagerly watch vids..and yeah,trees slowin ya down was implimented since OFP:E..even a tank would slow down,civy cars come to a halt. Yeah EA has a big staff n all but all I'v seen from them are the usual arcade and a "new" expansion pack which is bull****,then theres the ruined C&C line..anyway.
  2. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Not to mention with the small team they have,thats one of the things that impresses me.
  3. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Yeap...that might be why they didn't release too many pics in the first place because they knew people would bitch constantly about it and thinks its the finished product.
  4. meyamoti

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    I don't know if there will be an AH-64 Apache but I do know that there will be an AH-1Z (which aren't that diferent in terms of role - both are advanced gunship helicopters) And why I'm concerned about the Hind? Well even if like you I believe that someone would model one (in case BIS doesn't model the Hind) I would like to fight against a Hind in the Armed Assault stock campaign, that's why I would like to see the Hind modeled in Armed Assault and concerned if not. One thing I remember very well when playing OFP was the fear that I felt when I saw one of those mightly killing machines (the Mi-24 Hind) aproaching and it didn't matter where I was (fighting as a foot soldier or inside a tank or flying an Helicopter) the fear was still the same which was very high (specially when fighting inside a tank, since in this case there was nowhere to hide and nowhere to run). Indeed,seems everyone loves the hind,a deadly and mean lookin helicopter,I remember the first time I heard "Gunship..its a hind!" on the radio,I panicked and ran for the forest,heck with the UH-60 that was doomed. Hmm...the blades are blown off eh...well I figure that wouldnt work too well in modern day attack helicopters..considering many have radars and sensors of all sorts mounted ontop,I bet that **** aint cheap. I just hope the Mi-24 model is a bit better,similar to maybe Scars (speaking of which is that ever going to get out or are you guys just going to torment us with pics,say you need scripters,get scripters,and not say anything about it.) ,yaknow,more round and less boxy. Cause lets face it..in OFP up close the Mi-24 did look kinda like a complicated flyin box...but with infantry models are spectacular as they are,I doubt the Mi-24 would look the same.
  5. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    Im pretty sure we can, why would BIS remove trhis feature? Indeed,this whole face and hands feature was yet another thing that made OFP distinguish itself,none of that everyone looks exactly the same stuff.
  6. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Thats one of the freedom choices of OFP,you can make it realistic and stay in your chopper or you can fly somewhere and be an ass an bail out with no problem. They could get rid of this,yes,but then if you took alot of damage you couldn't bail out.........come to think of it...do helicopter pilots even carry parachutes?
  7. meyamoti


    And what about the making of the file itself? Would be a bit of a pain to make a hugearse file and make it all look good and whatnot,not to mention how long it would take to load up in a editing program,provided your comp doesnt freeze.
  8. Indeed,the only things that used normal maps in OFP:E were the soldiers,water and ground,OFP:E soldiers were nice and all but the current AA ones are much better,believe me... And your right about the texture quality lower in most cases,looking at the buildings you can easily tell that. But otherwise it looks good imo,even with those old original vehicles. In terms of graphics it seems that AA is taking full advtange of them,note the blackhawk rivets,soldier vests and of course tanks. I'm pretty happy to see this,and I wonder what the community can do with this,I'm pretty sure that it will definatly help addons and whatnot,making the 2D stuff look even more 3D than what it already is. I'm just hoping that not too many addons will be incompatible with the upgraded engine,would suck to high hell if they all had to be remade. Still,those are some sexy lookin T-72's and UH-60
  9. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Unless it has a similar OFP:E like effect with the water..the shader isnt as visible in clear weather and it doesnt move as much,its almost like looking at a blue glass horizon. In normal weather its in between,a bit of movement,some waves and shaders,in rainy weather its got stronger waves and the pixel shader of the water is at its best.
  10. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I could be wrong but on the 15 or 16 minute interview where the guy is piloting the cobra,I believe he said something about being able to go outside of mission boundries without much worry...course I could be wrong...Usually in OFP when I went out of the boundry I found a group of russian forces or a tank waiting for me x.x....... Hmm...wonder what happens if ya do that in real life military...discharged or? Reinforcements? Hmmm...I thought the Marines would be the first ones to go in...like the Marines would send a small force and make a base with LZ's that are classified to be shown,and the Cobra's may have done some reconnasense (mispeled badly..I know...I need sleep..) and when they saw that large Russian force they gave word and the Army came in and they can show some pics....then again..if iirc,our friend William Porter got in trouble for posting pictures of the small convoy and the blackhawks at a small airbase. I have a funny feeling BIS is definatly keeping secrets,interview said 40 vehicles and yet we have seen..........cobra..blackhawk..stryker..bmp2...ural russian..ural civy...5ton..two humvees..Mi-17 and others,say what..15 or so at max? I definatly think their hiding stuff from us,to say there would be 40 vehicles and simply give that many for certain would be like a death wish. Which might also explain why we see marine cobra's but no marines,maybe they are somewhat scarce on the island and the army are the only forces allowed to release photos. I could be wrong but I just find it hard to believe that marine cobra's would be there without other marine units. As for the Russian forces..the blog has provided us with the most recent pictures right? And the US forces are there to help and all that..and Russian forces or something are preparing to invade,well if you were preparing an invasion or attack,would you show pictures of your forces? It would be rather foolish wouldn't it? Whereas US forces..or the army forces may be oblivious to this,and thus are releasing some pictures but nothing too confidential,mostly a patrol or two,and the marines might be a bit more weary and suspecting so they naturally wouldn't release much to any info. Once again this is just speculation and a possible reason as to why we see marine cobra's but no marines and very few Russian forces.
  11. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeah..I figure they are working on new pilot models or so,though they could use the ones from OFP:E,they were good..and there are the blackhawk pilos in the pics,unless their trying to give some variations. True about the USMC using em...though in terms of identification and I don't know if this is correct or not,however most USMC abrams pics I have seen have had the rearmost skirt piece removed and the smoke launchers are different,those are generally the biggest change...sometimes there also different guns mounted on the turret. Though if they make it too realistic then people are gonna be makin more civie mods. . "Yeah I was just fishin and whatnot when suddenly this BMP came out of nowhere,I was like. Oh shit son! And got my arse out of there." I duno....I'd like to say that because its a military game people will mostly focus on military,however there are those few that have made more civilian stuff such as grills and farm animals and whatnot. Indeed action is good and all but one of the things that made OFP special in my opinion is that you can go somewhere and sit peacefully while watching the sun set or so without the worry of somebody pegging you. I love it in OFP because you can sit around and listen to the nature such as the seagulls and the crickets and rattle snakes (or somethin) in the bushes....I can see AA is going the path of OFP:E in terms of enviroment,that is to mean it is more lively. Speaking of which...I'll be getting some pictures of OFP:E later today so that people without xbox's or so can see what the changes are,it may get a few of these little issues out of the way too,such as "just how much has collision been updated?" Or why the water appears like it does far away. OFP:E pic info- I will be demonstrating the enhanced lighting and if possible,get a video showing how it changes upon movement. I'll show how the tides and water changes work as well as enhanced collision detection. As well as the lively enviroment and some other things. Colors may be a bit distorted due to how the LCD panel shows it and whatnot. I'll provide a link to the threat once the stuff is ready and whatnot. Currently I'm trying to parachute onto a vehicle and then make the AI move it to see if I stay on,but so far I haven't had much luck...parachuting from a helicopter 15 feet in the air isnt really healthy if yaknow what I mean...
  12. meyamoti

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    Indeed...and those animations..I dont think I'v seen such smooth walking animations...it looks so natural and the soldiers even move up and down alittle.
  13. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Only thing about the AH-1Z that I see as being akward is how close the cockpit frame comes,ah well,probably not the same as the outside appareance.
  14. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeap,I'v seen abrams tanks with the woodland camo,hell,even humvee's with half nato and half desert. (usually nato hull and desert additions) Mostly a picture my dad sent me of a convoy... I too wondered about the colors,why they were so light and not so dark,but thats not really all that important,I still think the T-72's look better than the M1A1 atm though.
  15. meyamoti

    William Porter's Blog

    The blog is neat and the ofp.info website has yet another interview (rpg gamers) and on page 2 or 3 when asked when production of AA began,they said 2005,hmm...and here we all thought it was before I like the new pics,different faces, But I believe that blackhawk pic is an early one,or its perfectly clear weather..which seems to be true.... In terms of visual aside from the excellent models,the biggest graphic change I can see is normal maps,now yes we didnt really care about such things in OFP,the only reason I'm really for normal maps is..well,because of their reason,making a 2D object look even more 3D,less faces we'd have to use and all that. But I'm more interested in the code...I can't wait for them to show a picture or short video of soldiers using both miniguns on the blackhawk.
  16. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Damn I get a forbidden error. Okay its a firefox error,works with IE,wee new pics! *Reveiwing* Thanks for the link ^^ Great pics,I don't really see much wrong with the game. "See" being keyword,it all looks excellent imho.
  17. meyamoti

    Latest screenshots available

    Huh? O.o....OFP has reloading,but the clips aren't pulled out,you kind of reload and yet you don't...but I'd rather have it like that,at the shoulder or waist (unless prone) part,rathing that these games that have the ability to run AND load infront of your face while running,or the ones that to 'reload' the gun goes off the screen.
  18. meyamoti

    Just noticed they got it wrong

    4 rotor blades instead of two,both gunner and pilot seats are the same,the optic view has been removed,the tail has "wing fins" or w/e its called,and the TSS. I read that it was an AH-1Z,not AH-1W on a few interviews,not sure where ya saw AH-1W.
  19. meyamoti

    Why do you see OFP as the best military game?

    So then your more worried about how it looked which would be graphics,is that what your saying.
  20. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    Considering AA may be close to completion...what I'd tend to suggest is alot of people sit down and shut the hell up -.o,whats done is done,a large portion of the "dissapointed" people know they are still going to get the game and debating about it now is pointless,we spend hours or so going back and forth,same stuff,but once again,alot of the so called "true info" that people seem to be taking as serious happens to be the O.O oh noes,interviewers! And lets see...its written by interveiwers so it has to be true right? So,oh yes,lets be like the interviewers and believe the WIP is the final product,lets make a circle and banter and bitch about whats wrong while its still in work,you think that they don't know half the things here? Don't forget,many people compare BIS games to other games,but generally those companies have more money and not to mention larger teams. Another thing is reptetiveness,lets repeat an issue 50+ times,why not,when once again,its still WIP.
  21. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    I could see many things about OFP I like...for once,the obvious,freedom. Two would be animation times..in most if not all games,the time it takes to go between crouching or prone takes a mere second,during which you can fire with no trouble at all,whereas in OFP you can't do crap while doing so. Not to mention while crawling you dont a third arm that sprouts out of nowhere offscreen that scoots you up while the other two hold the gun like most games do. Then theres how easy it is to mod and whatnot,you don't have to spend alot of time making a specific mod to get everything,you can make addons and use as many as you want (provided you dont run into issues). Another thing I loved was how the gun didn't always stay focused on the center of the screen. The next would have to be vehicles,you dont drive and shoot at the same time while being able to move a gun,it just ain't happenin in OFP,you do one or the other,or you can drive and fire but not move the gun. Those and OFP's storyline seemed more military..no fancy bases,no "omg we have uber forces" (well..Russians may have) but yaknow what I mean. Plus,like stated before,the versatilty of being able to get to and accomplish mission objectives how you see fit,you can take the right way,or the wrong way,aside from being killed,the game won't stop ya. And one other thing I forgot,no jumping,this is one of things I loved about OFP,for once you go somewhere and you don't see bunny hoppers,and I hope they never add jumping unless done by command menu when near an object. But I suppose that would be more of a "climb over" thing,not so much as jumping,well,rants done,off to bed to sleep with my rubber chicken.
  22. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    Indeed..I could walk around on foot in most war games and find a barrier that kills me or something. "wtf?",same shit different day,small closed in space,I loved OFP because when I started walking..I got fifteen minutes in and thought. "Hot damn does this ever end?!" Its things like that that give you a warm tingly feeling inside. And to be honest I think AA's graphics are better than some of the more recent games really,so it might not have the uber high shaders that farcry or somethin had,that game,though you could be outdoors,was mostly indoors based right? Most games ya see with these really special shaders and whatnot are generally indoor based and usually the same stuff and have a restricted line that you die in quickly thats not really even all that far away.
  23. meyamoti

    Stryker Armored Vehicle

    Hope you got the money to buy the core and it >.> it costs a pretty penny.
  24. meyamoti

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeah...bit it was anounced that only certain major names would be backwards compatible,I thought it was microsofts choice on who went and who didn't.
  25. meyamoti

    IDEA Games at E3

    Crap,wrong thread.