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Everything posted by meyamoti
I still don't understand whats with all the bitching about graphics,they look fine to me.
Nah,those screenshots are probably old old OLD,unless their workin on some new stuff...wait..the arbams wasn't that clean on the rear at first..hmm,ah well. It is rather interesting And it is possible they are trying physics but having a bit of trouble with it,I can't say I'v driven a vehicle under the gas station in OFP:E when its falling apart,so I can't say for sure if objects go through the vehicle or not... Unless these walls are scripted to fall in a different direction,which wouldn't really make any sense.. Its rather hard to tell....But I would venture very early image,little camo on the abrams and no 50cal like we saw in the video. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armaofpcde5.jpg Then again there are the more complicated shadows,its hard to say,before anything jumps onto me for say...bitching about WIP,its not bitching,more or less speculaiton of time the image was taken,I have not put any 'omfg they need to fix that' or anything,mostly theory and speculation. And let us not forget,not everything we see if brand new,remember the images with the tank shine that brought alot of bitching was released around....what..February? And then they explained it was a Dec screenshot.
Wire guiding exists in OFP. Play in veteran mode Ouch,good point,I'll have to try that sometime,mostly where I tried it was online and it was a simple click,boom,anyway shuttin my newbie self up A loader..well..in terms of abrams tanks the loader has his/her own gun,the problem is what of other tanks? T-80's and T-72's don't have these,not to mention that if you come across a person online that just doesn't feel like reloading it or something of that matter,your rather screwed. Now if the loader had more things to do then it might be an option but as it stands,it would be useless and a vast grave digger.
Damn right,bf2 is mostly for looks though,I did alot of exploring outside of the map,when you havent started yet your camera SOMETIMES has the ability to move,I was amazed at how much terrain EA was stupid enough to leave out,I'm talkin miles of expansion and not a one of it walkable because you would be dead waaay before you got to it. And the great thing about AA if like OFP (probably) Is that it will be easier to mod,not to mention you won't need multiple mods to have certain units,instead you can use em all at once,and that is one of the reasons I love OFP..anyway.
The artillery works,its the team mates ya gotta watch out for really,you'll peg more team mates than enemies with artillery saddly.. The way the artillery worked is that you click a spot on the map,a red circle with the marker would appear,team mates would think this is a candy sign and come running to it. The artillery would hit in the general vacinity of the target,not neccessarily directly on it,afterwards your team mates would get pissed and swear at you for daring to drop artillery on them when they weren't looking at their HUD. Though I have to admit,one thing in bf2 I like is how the missile controls are on helicopters,in OFP its a pretty simple click and fire,90% garunteed hits,whereas bf2 you have to guide the missile to its target. Now wether or not thats correct,I think TOW might be like that since its wire guided by hellfires I don't know,but it would be nice to have somethin other than click fire,boom,click,fire,boom...ah well..Game2.
If you want an idea as to how it feels,try OFP:E,after playing the PC so long,the way the gun moved just felt rather akward for a while,its somehow different seeing the screen move with every little movement.
If anything I figure what you mentioned would be in Game2 Tostitos Besides,we all know the community if more than capable of changing sounds if they do not sound good enough.
Like months if not year or so old,before the new animations,new models or normal maps.
Oooh it looks great! gonna download it so I can test it out provided I can get it to work..love the gray sky,never seen that one before
Aside from ducking and reworked animation sand camera angle (yaknow..when you try to use a humvee mounted weapon on something in the air and the camera just won't move?) I don't see why they would change it. But hey,what the hell do I know eh? now off to sleep..the tomatoes call..
OFP allready has dynamic shadows that move depending on the suns direction, but the shadows are pretty basic in OFP compared to the new shadows and shaders used in ArmA. Tides allready change in OFP gameplay, if you play long enough near where theres a low level water crossing you will notice the depth changes over time. In long CTI's this can make waterways crossable or uncrossable in vehicles depending on what time the CTI starts at in OFP. Hmm..never noticed the thing about the shadows...what I meant was that the water level changes and wil probably be like OFP:E,it rises but with waves rather than flat water.
OFP addons include humvee's with grenade launchers,50 cal's,M60 machine guns and TOW missile launcher. Take a look at them sometime.
Helicopter cockpit instrumentation improvements?
meyamoti replied to ricnunes's topic in ARMA - GENERAL
Woooo! Driving without a speedometer or anything,fun. -
Question is how does it work? Several model parts or a scrip that somehow cracks the model and blasts it to pieces?
The waters fine,you have to see it close up to really see how it looks,like other games. As for the skybox,huh? If your talking about clouds then there isn't really anything wrong with em,remember clouds come and go and look like anything at many random times,its not always the same look or appearence.
Indeed,Its quite interesting with the dynamic shadows now,I love that feature,in most if not all games as time goes by,shadows remain the same,but now we'll get shadows that move with the direction of the sun,awesome . Then of course is the water changes as already stated. Though that last image is rather strange,can't say I'v ever seen lighting like that,course I live in a forested area with little water so thats rather bound to happen.. As for the camera nick,read all of the blog rathe than a small section :P Frank bought another one that was less quality.
Attack formations generally depend on if people keep up with their leader,hmm...the thing I suppose would be why send modern units to Sahrani..however I suppose that same question is absolete considering there are...wait a sec...yeap those are M1A1's so I suppose the US doesn't have their most modern up there either.
Rather hard to decide when we haven't played it isnt it? But if its like CTI then yes it will be fun o.o
AA is rather useless other than to get rid of jagged edges,I never found much use in it to be honest,whats a few pixel edges hurt,and don't forget,what we have seen has been wip,they may or may not include it,in which case you'll just have to live with it. Damn the typos are bad lately..
I thought weapon sway was adjusted with config?
Lmao!...Oh man,this is as good if not better than "Mine" "Mine1" and "Mine2" Definatly great commedy
Yeah...but the series got worse as it went and more graphic demanding and less content. (bf2 franchise) I duno how realistic the game will be and whatnot,however we don't fully know what Armed Assault is capable of,perhaps we should wait to find out what it has before we start tossing rocks.
Hmm...advanced coding so that the key buttons change depending on the vehicle...though it would be interesting,sadly doubtful...but I don't really know the limits of this stuff.
What about if all things were released but modules to improve things were released? Like say normally in a helicopter a few keys would be used,and if a expansion module was released then even more keys and more realism would be added to that category.
Yeah but their T-80's with the armor and whatnot had pretty much 100% countermeasure effect,it turned any kind of missile into a useless projectile,oh well,don't like it,don't use it I guess. Hmm...the National Guard in OFP rather than the higher...wait,I thought all those branches,the Missile Beuro,the Air National Guard and the National Guard made up the US Army? I could be wrong...okay yeah I think so,because there are things such as communications and whatnot involved.