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Everything posted by meyamoti
I can already see it.. "omfg the gun is broke!" 'What gun?' "the tank gun!" 'Whats wrong with it?' "IT WONT MOVE!!!" 'Are you alone' "YES DUMBASS IM ALONE!" '.............damn rookies.' Of course if they give no rank system which is good,then not many will be bothered,because lets think about..people who care solely about ranks are willing to teamkill their own team mates just to get a vehicle,now think of it in OFP terms..pretty bad eh?
Till you see the group of T-72's comming down a road and once more you think. "Oh shit!"
Leave krug lone
Not really,it has the OFP name and Codemasters logo,it would just be much more simple to get a new image entirerly.
Great artwork nontheless.
Good point..though the real life images are different from whats used on todays game covers.
Ingame image for a game cover would be better,no misleading or anything of that sort,but thats not how the gaming business works..blah.
Oh I haven't read that yet,to be honest this is somewhat fishy to me,and it makes me very curious,why release these commands when we don't have the tools yet...I wonder...
Mmm where to hide as an rpg soldier..I'd have to say a roof close to the abrams,the one behind it,the main gun cannot aim that high up and you are given a perfect view of the tank in all dimensions. The commands look quite interesting as well,however I am no coder/scripter so I'm not sure what they mean,but I'm guessing the gun vector have something to do with multiple guns. Wow they included configs and alot of stuff. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Procedural_Textures A command that tells if a normal map is on a vehicle?
It all looks great to me,I just woke up after a nice nap so I'm going to be doing some reading,as for the cover with the HDR lighting,I can't say I ever liked HDR to be honest,the damn thing blinds you so easily and its everywhere x.x Ah well. I love the smoke,some of the best I'v seen,it doesn't look like a puff of cloud anymore,funny that some of the highest graphicated games still use those..
*Works on polishing shoes* ^.^ Hm...anybody have any idea what the 23:59 is supposed to be? Unless its like a time zone in which case would be....*taps head* 11:59 or so am or pm...hm...Okay now I'm confused,oh and congrats on the wedding,sorry I didn't speak of it before. Time fer some grilled cheese.
And I get to beat the first person that says BIS was a dissapointment to them with a steel toe shoe. But the messages are strange,first it went from "Not ready" then to "All your F5 are belong to us",I can understand a bit of humor in that. However the dates are somewhat interesting,to me anyway,when the first 'wait' screen was there the ETA was the 17'th,then they crossed it out and added 18'th is a more solid time,however why would there be a 14th crossed out when it wasn't there in the first place O.o It might be something big it might be something small,who knows,all we can do is speculate,say its perhaps something big or something small,but of course such speculation is because it is what we hope for,thus some that don't get what they hope for will no doubt gripe,yes I have had my dissapointments in life,but I have learned that you take what you get and be happy you got it,anything is better than nothing.
Considering you don't respawn (which imo is great) thats pretty much true,I rather enjoy dieing in OFP and not getting back up to fight unless I restart or so.
There is nothing wrong with sitting in a place and defending yourself,this isn't like bf2 where you go into a persons base and just kill them over and over (unless scripted to have respawn points) But 'camping' as you call it,is a bigger danger in this game,you stay and your foolish because you have given away your position,not to mention somebody could pick you off from any direction,OFP is not always or usually about close range combat. And its pretty simple to fix the camping issue,go around the camper and go somewhere they won't see you and pick them off,usually behind them or so. Question is how will people be recognized in uniform and whatnot,a name above? Sounds kinda odd to do so...but its getting worse and worse each day,just yesterday I was playing bf2 and (theres a point to this story and it has to do with what I'm explaining) I respawned at my own base,not even 3 feet from a 'team mate' the person shoots at me,so I figure maybe I startled the guy and thats normal. So I move a bit,well the person continues shooting and eventually TK's me,his excuse? Red name bug,needless to say,I was a bit upset that somebody could not identify a persons uniform that was only 3 feet infront of them,thats just sad and makes me fear for some of the bf2 community comming to armed assault if they can't recognize the difference between uniforms.
Yeah...theres alot more going on than most people tend to think,I said it once and I'll say it again,if your curious of some of the things Armed Assault will have and if you have an xbox,buy OFP:E and play it,yes its Flashpoint again but in a way its a whole new experience,enviroments are more lively,oceans are no longer flat but waves that vary in distance and strength depending on the weather. As for wind direction and whatnot,I cannot say for certain,though I do believe I have seen smoke pointing in different directions in some skirmish rounds,I cannot say for sure really. And I think I should just say this yet again and get it out there,remember how rivers were rather impossible in OFP..okay yes you could have make a model of some sort and gave it a texture,but it would stay still right? Well in OFP:E I stumbled upon the fountain beside a church,I heard the sound of water and decided to take a look,yes I saw water but it was also moving,but it wasn't moving up and down which was good,it was like an animated water texture,if used correctly I believe this can be used to create a river,provided they keep it in Armed Assault,which I see no reason why they wouldn't,that said,thats just one of the things that can be seen,sound has been changed as well,but its not really something that can be told,you have to hear it for yourself. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....ulation there are a few things I didn't include but I'll read through it again,anyway I have to get going,sorry for the off topic post,just thought I'd toss that out there for the readers,and sorry if its a bit hard to read,there are quite a few typos I didn't go back and fix ><.
Exactly how is it evil that he directs us to another thread that serves the purpose of the 17th/18th speculation rather than piling 3 or more pages onto this thread which would be off topic. Although I have to admit the 100th flashnews page is rather amusing,all your F5 are belong to us..heh..
I'm not sure where you see that the thread is locked,if it was earlier its not now.
I would suggest you check the news website at around the afternoon of the 17th or the night of it.
Oooh intelluctually confusin,I like that. And I did not take it as such a thing as per agreeing or disagreeing,I won't jump on you for thinking differently,afterall,everyone is entitled to their own opinion.-
Indeed,impatience isn't always a virtue.
Not all that old really,in terms of the smoke effects rising into the sky I cannot say if its texture or not,I believe its a command script,as its shown in OFP:E as well,the clearer the weather the higher the smoke rises and straighter,the stormier,the shorter the distance but the longer the slant.
Why would they have an Mi-24 placeholder if they didn't intend to have an mi-24 in the final game? Do you understand the word PLACEHOLDER? I.E. it holds a place. Also there is absolutely, positively no reason the Mi-24 wont be in game! None whatsoever. It isn't a rare helicopter at all, and it will be in the game, 99% sure. I meant place holder as in holding a place until they get a new one.
A Hind is not a Hip :P. But no,we have not seen any Mi-24 other than the very first video's,which of course were extremely early,the guns were present yes,but animations and character models were exactly like OFP:E aka placeholders. There are many questions unanswered yes,one would be why we see so little of the Russian forces. I have a few theories on this,keep in mind theories are not facts. 1. They are reworking the vehicles,I highly doubt that the North would have only T-72's,BMP-2's,Mi-17's,UAZ's,Ural's,ZSU-23 and the BTR. (BTR-60 I think...I know it has no turret.) It leaves many gaps,where is the North's heavy battle tank,such as a T-80,their 'attack helicopter' Mi-17 can't carry AT missiles last I checked. 2. The vehicles are there,but they are being kept hidden,we have seen alot of US stuff right? Well the US stuff was apparently worked on first,and our little informant,William Porter whom provided some images that didn't match the timeline,was on the US side,so its natural we don't get any images of the Northen base. And what of the South Sarhani's? Is a simple repainted Ural all they have? I would tend to think not,so many things don't match up and so many questions remain. If you guys remember back to the images of the UH-60's released by William Porter but then taken down later because of his "base commander" then you would remember the problem with the rotors. For those of you not familiar,there was a bug or misdefining of some sort that caused the rotor blur to show up with the rotors while the rotors were not moving,you might notice the same issue in the picture with the Mi-17. Further more there was the mysterious image of Sahrani on google earth,no coordinates were given so nobody else could find it. Could it be a hoax? A photoshopped image? Seems like a pretty big hassle to do it,and whoever did it seems to have a good idea of how the island would look. Yes we were given an image of Sahrani but only in terms of its topography,showing land height and few features. And what of the blur to the north,why would that be there? My guess is that, IF it is valid,then it may be a possibility of the Northern base,but nobody other than BIS nows this for sure. My speculations are not facts,they may be but I wouldn't take them to heart,but too many things are misplaced here and don't add up. We have two US Marine vehicles,AH-1Z and Stryker,the super cobra equipped with AIM-9's and AGM-114's,in its current state,the north has no helicopter or AA system to really go against it. Yes they have a Shilka but even that is more limited. Then we have southern Sahrani,using older US equipment,in terms of weaponry such as rifles we have seen a mix,vehicles we have only seen a repainted ural,but heres where it doesn't add up. There are M11-3's and Vulcans,both of which would be outdated and not used by the more modern using US forces in the game,they have to be hiding some things there. In terms of vehicle classes,power and balance,the game other than infantry does not work well together,so yes,I believe there are things kept from us,and I can respect that. As for the suprise,Placebo's words kind of make me wonder...He didn't necessarily say the suprise has "absolutely nothing" to do with Armed Assault,he said. "It is not 'specificly' related",a carefully worded statement,do not get your hopes up,but don't be too oblivious.
True,I am not saying your wishes are a bad thing nor am I trying to demote them,I am just stating that they may be a bit far fetched for AA,but we'll just have to wait and see won't we.
Heheh,your funny. Stuntman,those wishes though nice are a bit too far fetched for Armed Assault,Game2 possibly but AA,I doubt it,as they said dynamic destroyction is specificly in Game2,as for terrain,I can't say because we haven't heard anything on it.