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Everything posted by marine26thmeu

  1. marine26thmeu

    Soldiers witch Llauma head's - project

    Really awesome work, can't wait MIG.
  2. marine26thmeu

    Soldiers witch Llauma head's - project

    Judging from Serial Killer's FIA pack, he did a great job of incorporating Llauma's heads without the dependency of other addons. MIG is there any chance you could apply the same to the US Soldiers addon you made? Thanks
  3. marine26thmeu

    FN SCAR and SHRIKE 5.56

    Great looking rifles BB, do you have any idea how you're going to do the iron sights? Keep up the awesome work!
  4. marine26thmeu

    Mercenaries 1

    W W...These are complete badass units. I especially love the carry enemy and IR stick missions. The scripting is right on as the A10 nailed that IR stick and then some. Thank you for these revolutionary addons!
  5. marine26thmeu

    Soldiers witch Llauma head's - project

    Yeah, that would be great if he did. Not saying I wouldn't want to try his units, but I'm trying to cut down on the amount of addons in my folder and overall storage. Not to mention it would be much easier. Great looking units though.
  6. marine26thmeu

    Soldiers witch Llauma head's - project

    Ok, you'll have to excuse me for not being able to understand all that's required for this addon. Sorry for not understanding, but normally units don't require that many supporting addons. I know because they use Llauma's head (different models than the standard) it complicates things. But in order for these units to work you need all of the mentioned addons listed, and the WP mod installed as well, or just a pbo from it?
  7. marine26thmeu

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I checked on page 13 already just to see if anyone had brought attention to it, but has anyone noticed that the echo from the M16/M4 lasts a little too long? Other than this minor thing the FFUR mod is blast to play. Thanks
  8. marine26thmeu

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Awesome pack!
  9. marine26thmeu

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    ....wow, just wow. Awesome work, beyond words really. Those are super high-res textures/models. Just curious, was that screenshot taken with or without DXDLL? Thanks
  10. marine26thmeu

    Mercenaries 1

    @orange juice Dude I've seen that weird looking creature bouncing around, but not with some funbags on it. The bananna I've seen before yes. Getting back on topic: Either way eventually the addon will be released, hopefully this doesn't turn into a flame war. After all it's just an addon, a very refined and polished looking one at that, but nothing worth getting angry over.
  11. marine26thmeu

    LSR Addons

    Awesome looking carbine, is this new weapons pack going to use the new ammo magazines that the M4 w/Eotechs (that came with the pilot pack) as well as your original magazines, or are you going to consolidate them into one type? Thanks
  12. marine26thmeu

    Mercenaries 1

    This comment isn't directed towards any one person: Hopefully we have enough going on in our lives to occupy our mind and the delay or cancellation of a computer game addon won't cause us any emotional distress. Just the usual .02 And on a sidenote even though I don't know you orange juice I find your avatar deeply disturbing, don't ever change.
  13. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    @thunderbird, are you going to keep those updated textures of the US troops you did? They look great, just was curious.
  14. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    On a lighter note, @thunderbird I really like the updated textures you put out. They definitely seem darker than the original, plus I figure if people wanted the original they could alway use the ones from Hwyk's pack. At least in my opinion they match Laser's version of woodland, which seems to be darker than the original Hwyk pattern. Great work anywhow!
  15. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    @Sam, I hope you're aiming all this towards the folks over on that island and sure not at the Japanese Americans (who kicked ass in the 442nd/100th RCT in WWII) in the US. God knows I've been hassled in my backyard because some asian beatnicks thought I was responsible for Nanking. I have no problem with you blaming those responsible. Also I think it's only fair that politics be left out of this game forum, true people who aren't asian for the most part don't know about the history between certain E. Asian countries. But this particular thread was meant for OFP, and not the politics. I'm not saying to deny the truth, but maybe not in this thread as it's for the release of the FFUR mod. Just my .2
  16. marine26thmeu

    Star Wars mod

    That clone gunship looks awesome, Star Wards in OFRP will definitely give the Star Wars Battlefront game a run for it's money. Already the textures are a lot sharper than Battlefront, and seeing as how it came out after OPFR there's something to be said right there. They're of course different engines altogether, but regardless seeing as how the amount of time between that's pretty amazing. Keep up the good work, everything is looking great.
  17. marine26thmeu

    Marines v1.1

    I also have to say one thing. With all the different attempts at bringing USMC units to OFPR it's great no matter who makes them. I think a large contribution to those USMC mods never making it completely or lasting was part to the lack of people being able to sustain the projects. NX_Shadows, Fischkopp and everyone (I know I'm forgeting to mention others too) who started various USMC mods or addon shops to me just seemed overwhelmed with trying to create a lot of addons that some from the community were demanding. Put in short I think mod projects sometimes are doomed from the start simply because they are projecting to produce results that the team may not have the capacity to meet. From seeing all the USMC addons come out up till now I think a contributing factor has been they have come from different sources, i.e., PrepH: UH-1N, Fskpp: HUMMVs, CH-53s, E&S MARPATs, SC MARPATs, Vit AH-1W/Z, etc. The trend has been popular and otherwise significant addons coming from a diverse range of addon makers. Either way it adds up for great units, thanks to all you addon makers who have made the USMC presence in OFPR.
  18. marine26thmeu

    Marines v1.1

    Awesome units! Downloaded and tried them out, NVGs, MARPAT textures and everything already mentioned by everyone is top notch. Thanks SafetyCatch!
  19. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Those are some good looking pics, they have more depth to them than the previous ones. Although the E&S M4/M16A4 sight was nice to start with can't help noticing before it was used for rifles with the A2 uppers. Yeah I know it's nothing that affects gameplay of course, but for us gearwhores out there we're like those damn people who are bound to speak up during a silly movie scene. Anyways always great work the FFUR is coming out with.
  20. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    @thunderbird84 I saw some people requesting that you replace the current animations (found in 5.0 beta) with the new DMA ones. Hopefully you'll keep the original and if people want to have the newer animations they can add that on their own instead of having that as the default?
  21. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Yep, the Thunderbolt was essential to killing tanks in the Gulf War. Other than the F-15E which isn't really much of a tank killer (but has the potential to carry a variety of intended munitions) the Warthog is one of the best the USAF has.
  22. marine26thmeu

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Those are some great looking units Acacyn, talk about hi-res textures those are what makes OFP hold its own!
  23. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Murmur2k had that error before too, although it hasn't happened to me in awhile now. Mainly it was the CTD errors (which thnderbrd said was fixed in the upcoming release).
  24. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    I don't know about any of you guys who are using the 5.0beta version, but so far this past month I've been getting CTD errors every single time I play, sometimes 5 to 15 minutes into playing. Whether it's through playing the BIS single missions or through the mission editor this is annoying as hell.
  25. marine26thmeu

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Those are some good looking textures both on the soldier and the AT4! Really am looking forward to see what else you guys have behind the next release, awesome work as always.