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Everything posted by meade95

  1. Thank you......Going to try this out later today...
  2. So I could place a Civ - Put the SetCaptive True in the inti field. Then place a trigger (perhaps) and have it set to once BLUFOR is within 10/20 whatever distance it change there value to SetCaptive False?
  3. Thanks Kylania - Looking these two over - But, with the warlord one....enemy AI won't kill him. You are more or less capturing him. And with the other ones POWs- How would one go about having them guarded (but not being killed by enemies) until possibly once an assault has started.... Sometype of trigger making the (POWs) as a threat once other BLUFOR are within a certain distance??
  4. How do I go about making an enemy "surrender" to me, once within a certain amount of feet? I would like to run an Op where taking someone alive would be prefered? Thanks - Also, it seems AI Helicopters have a habit of flying to low at the start from take off and crashing......what is the script again, if say I want to use way Points for my helicopter to transport my team..... But is there a way to simply make the Helicopter rise to 600/700 feet upon take off before it starts moving in any direction.
  5. In the "Statistics" screen - Those enemy KIA - Are those of ONLY those directly killed by your unit? Or would they include those you have called in airstrikes on - Just curious. I recently had an mission where I called in a precision airstrike. I was about 90% confident the airstriked killed the target I was going after. I then took my small team and EVAC out. Yet, I noticed on the statiscits screen my target was not listed as KIA. Is this likely because only those directly killed by your unit are listed... Thanks
  6. Can Helicopters (flying) be targeted by RPGs / OA? - I know in ARMA 2 it was only when they were on the ground would they be targeted by RPGs....has that changed in OA?.....
  7. Are you sure on this, with regard to RPGs??? I don't believe so. I've never had an RPG fired in base A2 game...unless the Helicopter was already ON the ground....Yes, some small arms fire, but not RPGs. That is what this addon does....has RPGs firing on Helicopters..
  8. Anyone using this addon? How's it working...
  9. Love the NayGul Valley....but it has many buggy errors. With both AI pathfinding or AI friendlies and eenemies getting "stuck".....Also, the AI cannot seem to shoot accurately when there is differing elevations between the two forces....
  10. I've been looking for basically an SOF type unit with black vests - I've seen them in a couple videos...but in all my searching of offical released Mods....can't seem to find them.
  11. meade95

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I think it is CCQ. A2 just doesn't do well with CCQ. Nor with easy of use for running combined assaults (with say multiple squads - the way RVS allowed for). If you could create A2 as is (for outside enviros) but added the atmoshphere and gameplay/simplay of say R6//RVS for CCQ.....There is nothing that could come close.
  12. Is there a big difference in performance between the M4s and say SCARs, for example? modeled in A2/OA??
  13. meade95

    Differences modled M4s Vs SCARs?

    I was more referring to range and knock down power.....CCQ aspects, etc.
  14. Is there a big difference in performance between the M4s and say SCARs, for example? modeled in A2/OA??
  15. I currently still use my older RH-M4 DL / weapons mod (that was for A2). How is this one different? My older RH weapons mods seem to work just fine in A2/OA
  16. I have a SP Op I'm trying to create - Basically a SAR operation - Everything is working well on it... However, when we start out, if I switch to another teammate (outside being the Team leader) my AI team leader automatically tells the two down pilots we are searching for (that will link up with us, once we move to closer WP, which I hvae a sync link with. Join team, and Join Team and Lead)... But if I switch teammates, to load up with some differing gear, the AI team leader automatically starts issuing orders to the down pilots. Mostly telling them to move and open fire (the two things I don't want them to do). The odd, thing is, these 2 down pilots should not even be part of our group until we reach a certain WP. A WP that is over 1000 meters away from where we start having be Helo' in...
  17. Excellent - I did not know that trick!
  18. Is there anyway to order AI teammates to help in carry KIA...If you want to Evac your KIA?
  19. I DL one of the FOBs - I would like to add some Offensive weapon systems to it - How do I go about placing say an M2 MG within a tower? I can only seem to place items on the ground level?? How do I place them within buildings not on the ground/1st floor... or more importantly up in towers? Thanks ---------- Post added at 06:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 AM ---------- Well...I found this link....will try to learn more from here... http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102965&highlight=Placing+objects
  20. What does a MASH tent accomplish, by itself? Anything. When you place one in a map? Or do you have to have a script to go along with it...
  21. meade95


    The only workaround to the going through walls...is probably another fence rightoutside the entire wall all the way around...
  22. meade95

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I don't see smoke hardly ever with Zeus, either. Now, I mainly play small SP missions against Takistan Militia....
  23. How does one go about marking on the "map" certain points, once you are inside a mission. For example if I note a MG Nest. Can't I mark it on the map? Or if I have a friendly KIA (that I want to come back for). Can't I mark on the map where his location is? Thanks