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Everything posted by m21man

  1. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    You're missing the point. He is standing up and saying that rich people don't deserve tax breaks and should "pay their fair share", while he gives himself unofficial tax breaks and pays one-third of his "fair share". Reprimanding people for committing an offense while simultaneously committing that same offense is hypocrisy. Would you say the same thing if Cheney and Co. were caught using Kerry methods to pay 12.8% ? Personally, I suspect that you'd accuse them of "not paying their fair share".
  2. m21man

    Team America- World Police

    Neither went to Colombine. Parker attended Evergreen High School and Stone attended Heritage High School.
  3. m21man

    PboX v1.0 has been released!

    Hehehe, the inside of the BAS BTR-T addon is revealed *Puts on pirate hat* .
  4. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    Hold the presses, Kerry's got some experience in tax dodging too: And more: Documents (Boston Globe)
  5. m21man

    What questions do you want answered?

    They already said that there would be multiple gunner positions on OFP2 vehicles.
  6. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    If private schools want profit, then they'll accept more students who can pay full tuition. After paying expenses, the private school will have used up the $7000 from a voucher student. Teacher's still need to be paid, regardless of how much money the student is paying. I go to a private school (A small, hippie, inner-city Massachusetts private school ), and I can tell you, the school spends more than $7000 on each student. Teachers, food, campus maintainance, and other expenses add up to the point that the school has to ask for donations and hope for volunteer work when it wants to do anything more than minor renovations. There's no profit motive to accepting kids coming in on big scholarships, except that accepting smart, really motivated kids and giving them a good education will hopefully guarantee donations far in the future. On what the government defines as education. This definition includes teaching third-graders how to put condoms on bananas and zany ideas like "ethnomathematics" (I mentioned it in a previous post).
  7. m21man

    OFP2 interview

    Well, I learned a few things from this . The Highlights ( IMO ):
  8. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    That was my middle school. You can see what a firm base it provided for my high school years . There's nothing irresponsible here. You just take the $7000 being wasted on the public school education and let the student have it to help pay for what's left after scholarships to a private school. It should be the student's choice how he spends that $7000 on his education. That $7000 does not belong to the public school in his area, it is not the "school's money". It is the student's money, and it should be his choice where it goes.
  9. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    From my experience, public education is bad, but the poor quality I'm referring to is not related to funding. My gripe is with the moronic policies that schools have, such as teaching "Whole Math" (A program that, among other things, teaches children that math varies upon your skin color). Forget giving them more funding, the public education system needs reforms so that the school system actually teaches useful subjects such as practical, applicable math. I was thoroughly underwhelmed by my experience with "Whole Math", Â especially the unit on how ancient Aborigines measured their grass huts, and the staggeringly ineffecient long division that was taught (Which was basically a combination of Tic-Tac-Toe, mathematical voodoo, and playing "Cross The Boxes"). Studies also show that the average student's self esteem is going up, while the usefullness of his education and his likelihood of graduation go down. Basically, the public school system tries to teach America's children how to be stupid and proud of it. The system needs reform, but Kerry wants to pump more money into it and then hope for the best, even though that hasn't worked before. And Kerry also opposes vouchers, even for non-religious private schools. Of course he can't let inner-city students have a shot at a private-school education: There would be a dangerous risk that those students would become successful and then *GASP* become Republicans. Plus those students going to private schools would have low self-esteem and they wouldn't learn Mexican math.
  10. m21man

    Iran is threatening Greece, Turkey, and the EU

    Yeah, because if Israel saw an incoming Iranian nuke, they'd send a nasty little parting gift to Tehran. And AFAIK Tehran has a population of ~11 million people.
  11. m21man

    COMBAT! HMMWV Pack Released

    The tires are too big?!? The front isn't curvaceous enough?!? My God, this addon must be awful!
  12. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    The part I bolded is potentially one of the most idiotic statements I've ever heard. A Muslim with even an average amount of faith is repulsed by American popular culture (And what it says about American values and ideas). And John Kerry has a 20 year record of voting against giving the military more advanced technology. The AH-64, the Tomahawk, and many other modernizations have been on his hit list. Yes, one day fossil fuels will be obsolete. But until the technology becomes cheap, practical, and acquires popular appeal, America needs oil. By contributing some of his own fortune? No, he'll raise taxes.
  13. Yes, I just started working on the fourth mission of a campaign that will prominently feature all of Combat's addons, among many other addons .
  14. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    That story is already gone .
  15. m21man

    Did you stick to your New Year resolutions

    1. Summer job, but I had it all through the summer 2. No. 3. Yes. 4. No.
  16. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    Completely pointless comparison. People spray graves to insult the dead. The people who burned swastikas into the lawns were probably more interested in saying "Hey! This home is owned by NAZIS!" You don't have to belong to the Democrat party to support Kerry. And if Finnish leftists are anything like American leftists, then they'd hope that Kerry beat Bush.
  17. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    Because I've seen smaller acts of "Bush-supporters-are-Nazis" vandalism. One thing I can say with a fair degree of certainty is that this certainly isn't the work of the KKK, as you so ridiculously suggested. They don't attack white, middle-class conservatives, because the KKK is extreme right-wing (With racism and eugenics thrown in).
  18. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    I've met bushels of Kerry supporters who believe that anyone who sees any merit in any of Bush's policies is a hard core Nazi. The appearance of some swastikas on lawns does not automatically mean that they must have been made by a large-scale operation. This isn't a Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, it's most likely a handful of jackoff Kerry supporters.
  19. m21man

    Us presidential election 2004

    Please explain why the KKK is attacking the homes of conservative, white, upper-middle-class families.
  20. m21man

    Post your OFP nigglies

    The bullet does not appear underground; The bullet hole appears on the ground. And it is annoying, but if you're looking at the ground in a firefight then I'd say you're a rather distractable soldier.
  21. m21man

    M4A1 Pack

    Same model...
  22. m21man

    M4A1 Pack

    Same model...
  23. m21man

    M4A1 Pack

    No, you didn't make your point, you babbled.
  24. m21man

    M4A1 Pack

    No, you didn't make your point, you babbled.
  25. m21man

    M4A1 Pack

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