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Everything posted by mithrandir
If I change the benchmerkresult "now its 1694". What will happen? More specific!
The confussion about this new toy is total. I havnt seen any usermade mission yet (except the one AVONLADY mentions). Hope BIS will include a new missions with the laser weapon in the next patch. Rather useless if BIS develops new weapons but no one knows how to use it!
Dont you tink this will be the next official campaign from CM or Bis. First west side then East side, why not the resistance side also
They released em yesterday, havnt used them yet. http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=windows9x  for WIN ME http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?PAGE=windows2000  for XP
I've tried an unofficial mission called "SF Task "hard version"" (A d*amn good mission). I started this mission in cadet mode (were you see yourself, team and enimies on the map). After saving this mission once, when restarting the mission from the save point I obviously is in veteran mode, cannot spot myslef (or enimies or teammates) on the map. My first thought was that this had something to do with the fact that it was an unofficial mission, but maybe its a gamebug which came after 1.30 upgrade. Havent tested this any more but i will now startoff the Red Hammer, so I'll see if it comes back.
convoy is very hard, died allot!
Were can I find sp mission BOMBERMAN converted to MP?
mithrandir replied to mithrandir's topic in MULTIPLAYER
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bucko on 10:04 pm on Nov. 27, 2001 Check  my profile and send me a message ,,, can do all Champaign missions are in mp on http://www.axleonline.com/  but they are  down at the moment <span id='postcolor'> Yes! as M.FRAG says it's not in the campaign! But Bucko do you have Bomberman as MP? -
as topic. Anycone?
Can someone please tell me how to make a backupcopy of OPF?
mithrandir replied to BlastinFooz619's topic in OPF MISSIONS
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from ufo hk on 11:00 pm on Nov. 25, 2001 "If your intensions are good why do you want to copy the CD?" Blast... actually answered this question in his original post "...i need to make a backup copy of OPF..." Read the agreement carefully - and you'll see you're  entitled to make a backup copy of the CD. <span id='postcolor'> Ok! Sorry to both of you! -
I've always had problems with firewalls. I've tried out a bunch (all) of them. The only I get to work with OFP is TINY firewall. This is also a good FW. Can be downloaded for free at: http://www.tinysoftware.com/home/tiny?la=EN&va=aa
Can someone please tell me how to make a backupcopy of OPF?
mithrandir replied to BlastinFooz619's topic in OPF MISSIONS
If your intensions are good why do you want to copy the CD? -
Johan Gustavsson eller nĺn annan svensk...Hjälp!!
mithrandir replied to killler1963's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Jag vet vad han menar? -
What site?
It's quite big 45 Megs, but you can find it here http://www.fragzone.se/#2
New user made mission with laser designator...
mithrandir posted a topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
...anyone know were to find a one? -
Paint?? What for? Use paintshop pro if you want to paint something. Whats wrong with realistic combating? HL/CF is not realistic combating!!! HL/CF is about jumping like frogs when playing on the net!
I love this game. Here are my wishlist for a possible OFP2 relese: In SP mode: 1. Keep the realism as it is today, but... 2. Improved AI and fleXible AI as in no 3 3. When playing a campign, AI soldiers which manage to survive a mission should earn eXperience points. In the begining of a campign all soldiers are rookies but as the campaign progress AI soldiers become more and more skilled, as long as the manage to survie. 4. Ability to capture enemy soldiers alive (they surrender). 5. Some few misssions with (inhouse battle's) for instance get into i hangar and kill all enemyies inside, destroy an aircraft...etc etc. 6. A newer war scenario (desert strom, afganistan) 7. Abilty to move (with boat, plane etc) to the other islands within a mission. 8. Keep the islands/worlds as big as the are today. In MP. 1. Some MP friendly maps/islands i.e. smaller ones. 2. Join game in progress. 3. A standard respawn function. (The respawn functionality) Shall be in the game engine, not depending on what the mission author decieds. And BIS if you reads this. Keep up the good work with OFP. This game is already the greatest game ever...and the support is supperb!!!!
In the Convoy Mission. Anyone that been able to climb the ladder to get up in the tower? Is this is new in 1.30? While driving the truck in convoy mission, pressing "fire", the truck starts to tooting!!! Is it new? In convoy mission, the medic soldier #4 or #5 seem to be an idiot, when arraving back to the village, he disembarks and starts running back to the battlefield were we was attacked earlier? After a long time he rejoined my team?
I finished, I really enjoyed it but the distances the fighting takes places on is to long. The key to victory in this mission is to pic up a binocular. Score 4400 pts/// mission time 30 minutes (after several attempts) Kills: 2*officer 2*spetznas BMP ambulance Machine gunner grenadier 2*crew 2*soldier
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Net Op on 2:56 pm on Nov. 15, 2001 If you all would be so kind as to point me in the direction of some missions for West forces, in a Co-Op setting, utilizing infantry (as opposed to using air/armor). Â I have noticed that most missions posted on-line are either for large squads or something other than infantry. Â Thanks. <span id='postcolor'> The complete 1985 campign converted to multiplayer CO-OP missions, can be downloaded at AXLEONLINE.COM
I having problem playing MP with an firewall. OFP 1.26 is chrashing when accessing MP (on a DSL) when any FIREWALL is active. I have tried zonealarm//zonealarm pro//sygate. All of them causing OFP to chrash. The ones wich allow manuall port settings I have tried setting up correct ports according to forums and other sites. Disabling the FW OFP is running OK. Other MP (CS) games dont crash! Someone help me.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Kep Kelagin on 11:07 pm on Nov. 10, 2001 try blackice Defender, Â i use it , and no probs with any game whatsoever http://www.networkice.com<span id='postcolor'> Thanks Kep Kelagin! I tested a trial version with blackice... and OFP is not crasing with this one.
I am new with OFP on MP....so have understanding. Is CO-OP working in OFP MP (can some mates get togehether and fight on one team and the computer controlls the other team) Is there any good CO-OP missions availble?
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from jonoager on 9:21 pm on Nov. 4, 2001 I am using XP and found that the firewall feature is inhibiting it somehow. Â Disable it and OFP works just fine. Â I tried putting in the settings for OFP (port 2234) into the firewall (which worked just fine with ZoneAlarm) but it didn't help. Â Any ideas on what the settings should be? <span id='postcolor'> I have similair problems with OFP/MP and firewalls. I have tried both SYGATE and ZONEALARM. The problem is as follows: I can set up a server... Players can join the server we can also start to play but when (for some reason) we want to close the game (ESC and Cancel) ofp crashing. When I disable the Firewall everything works fine!!!!! Â Â What Firewalls can be used (among the free ones) Â and not causing OFP to crash. Â I am using OFP 1.26 ver.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Thundercok on 6:41 am on Nov. 8, 2001 Yes, the co-op is excellent and what we have been waiting for.<span id='postcolor'> Great! thank you