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About mawgspawn

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  1. I would like to say this is a great board and i have found a wealth of Info here that has been very helpful. Â ANd Thank you for putting up with my newbie questions. Â Anyway, I would like to have a 113 start in the ocean fully loaded with a squad. Â How would I go about this?
  2. that worked, thank you. Didnt realize you cant do it in preview mode, you must export it. Thanks!
  3. mawgspawn

    Ending mission intros

    Do You need a breifing to go from Intro to mission? In other words...is it possible to use the end 1 trigger to cut directly to the mission?
  4. Being new to mission editing, but really getiing into it, I hope that this is not one of those questions that gets asked 1000 times by newbies. Anyway. I can't figure out how to get my intro to end and automatically go into the mission part. I read a posting on another board talking about setting a trigger to be ativated by "EndVar", and setting the player Init to EndVar=False, then at the end of the intro setting EndVar=true. But the posting was rather vague and I couldnt figure out how to make the trigger become activated by EndVar. If someone could give me step by step instructions on how to do this, I would be Very Greatful. Thank you. Alexander R. Warner
  5. mawgspawn

    What do i do about red hammer?

    I meant of course Gold upgrade...not old upgrade, of course. Alex Warner
  6. mawgspawn

    What do i do about red hammer?

    I purchased Op Flash old upgrade with the red hammer campaign (i bought the upgrde mostly for the new campaign) However, the upgrade upgrades the game to 1.3 ,and I am already 1.46. Will installing this upgade screw up my 1.46 installation? and if so is there anyway to play the new campaign missions? Alex Warner