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Everything posted by madmike
Ok what about the uraniam(spelling) thats all over Afganistan from unexploded bombs. I bet you will say will they put minefields all over there country so it doesnt matter and its a $hit hole anyway
have you seen wobbles post count, he only joined in Jan. Its over 1100
Happy birthday, hope you get pissed tonight
Soldiers are more likely to die in the most common cause of death....road accidents. In Bosnia shit loads have died but most of its cuased by going to fast. Doesnt help racing Warriors around Mt Igman either. 1 in 200 die every year on the road
Im joining the british army in 1 year as soon as Ive finished college so that I have qualifications to fall back on when I leave. Ive been brought up around the army so I can handle civvy life thats the same shit all day every day, working the same etc. The British army get single room in the UK and a few other places like cypress and germeny
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If u hit the wheels, so it can drive on<span id='postcolor'> That makes no sense, was it suppost to be cant drive on? it would still be able to drive if the wheels were hit. I think that it was becuase a lot, if not all tanks had petrol enigines and petrol is very flammable. probably why they use deisel. BTW what do americans call deiel? petrol= gasoline
I mainly use the iron site unless the target is very close. IN the demo I never knew about it and it took me a while to realise that you can zoom in by right clicking
NO the reason they didnt add them is because of the realism. Also it wouldnt be worth it to make new animations for a handgun so they gave pilots the XM (?) and the russians the Also in the campiagn the only time I got close to the ememy was on that mission that I had to get into gubas base and steal scud lanch site notes. Even then a MP5 did the job much better becuase its silenced. ALso you lot keep saying officers carry handguns but that was in ww1 and ww2. officers in the british army certainly dont have them(talking of infantry, not armoured or air ) and most western amries have similar OPs so I doubt the US officers would carry them. just extra wieght and useless at typical engagement ranges
I agree with you nordin about the atrocity point. The US is on the rampage becuase it had the WTC knocked down, but this is leading to all sorts of problem and countries that are doing thier version of the war on terroism. AN example being Isreal attacking gaining more land each time a terroist kills their people. And now the US is saying "dont do that, how can you do that, etc", but look at them, they are just as bad. Setting a bad example but saying do what I say not what I do to Isreal. The action that the US has taken is wrong IMO and I can imagine that they will have far worse attacks than sept 11th.
Ha,LOL have you ever seen a soldier walking around with 2 pistols? Play CS or max payne if you want that
THe best book I read was called close quater battle (CBQ). There are a few in the series, I cant remeber the athour of my book Anyway its a true story about a welsh Guy that joins the PARAs at 16, fights in the Falklans(very good), them later he does the SAS selection but I think he fails the interogation because he swaers at the interogator, so he does it all again but this time when he goes off to do jungle training he slices his hand open with a machete, so he then has to do his jungle trianing again. He then goes on to the Gulf war and is a squadron of landrovers (nearly gets killed by a A10). After that he does mainly training other countires special forces and when he goes to columbia he stopped of at a food store. When leaving he sees a young lady being hassled by a gang, so he runs over, grabs the girl and drives. For the next hour the 3 of them are chased and so they decide to stop and fight with the help of a baseball bat. He hits 1 guy so hard on the head that it split the bat and the others ran away. I reccomend this very much
Delta force is out of date compared to flashpoint. Land warrior looks horible
They wait there because if they go straight to the LZ then in real life they could get crushed by the Blackhawk or the blackhawk could crash by having a mechanical faliure like a gearbox broken. so its saftey
Thats odd, I am now faster than my squad running up hills, I have to stop and wait every so often
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Think I could install it on a 386 quicker than that. <span id='postcolor'> I dont know, you donut or doughnought it is 1.20AM so I dont think I will start now
Ha, that quite funny. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Canada only spends more on its military than 2 other countries in NATO, Luxembourg, and Iceland <span id='postcolor'> Where can I find all of this info? I wanna know how much us brits pay
I think I might totally reinstal OFP becuase there are some addons and missions that I dont want + some folders in the wrong place It will be fun playing it online. Hopefully I will have flashpoint reinstalled in about 12 hours
Downloading it now. I have Sachels soundpack, can I play with these sound or do I have to play with the original sounds? If the original sounds, then I will have to reinstall flashpoint becuase I dont know what I did with them.
If they took away the fog it would be too laggy to play. have you messed around with this setveiwdistance? It is laggy when flying a plane if you take away all the fog.
Wow that will be massive, you will have to build a extetion for the runways. That would look you as a object. It would be a bugger to land, on malden it would end up destroying St Peirre or whatever it is south of the airport. I would like to see something that big in the game, it would just be amazing to see
Well as far as I know, You cant add extra seats in vehicles without oxygen. Thats why you cant go in the seat next to the pilot in the chinook
Yeah that artillery one isnt very good I tried in last night and it was crap. I thought there were a few though
Its possible to add more than two to the kiowa but they cant be seen