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About lostinawarzone&left4dead

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  1. lostinawarzone&left4dead

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    "Do you see a different GUI? With some Civil War soldiers sitting around a campfire, when OFP starts up? If not, then you didn't install it right." Here's exactly what I did, after first completely uninstalling Operation Flashpoint GOTY Edition and all associated files as well as all Civil War mod files. 1) Installed OFP GOTY Edition 2) Installed OFP GOTY Edition 1.96 Patch into  C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint 3) Downloaded the Civil War mod 4) Using WinRar, I extracted the files to  C:Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint  Now the civil war mod is located here  C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\cwmod-ver1.2  5)I then changed the icon as the installation instructions said to read: FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=CWMod  (not a problem there, I have the new icon) 6)I then double-click the Civil War icon and the original Operation Flashpoint GOTY opens and starts in the original GUI with the Tank and crosshair theme, no civil war soldiers sitting around a campfire. What did I miss ? What am I doing wrong ? According to the installation instructions I've followed each step I believe correctly. Sorry for being a pest, but I just can't find my error. Are my steps not like the steps taken in the instructional ? Everything is where it is supposed to be yet no Civil War mod. Thanks guys for being patient.
  2. lostinawarzone&left4dead

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Thanks, But what do you mean by -nosplash- ?? It's still not working though. It lets me change the target in properties to "C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" - mod=CWMod. I also have the CW Icon on my desktop. But when I double click it I only get the OFP missions. I've even unistalled everything from my computer and reinstalled everything and went through the steps again. With the same results. Just not sure what it is I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's this metal plate in my head, lol. Anymore suggestions would be much appreciated 'cause I'm lost. Â Thanks ! Â
  3. lostinawarzone&left4dead

    American Civil War Mod v.1.2 released.

    Help Please !! I own the OFP GOTY Edition, and have installed the 1.96 patch. Alas I cannot get the Civil War mod to work. I have followed the steps in the readme file exactly to no avail.  I guess the one main question I have is on step 3 where it says " All the files come in a single folder named CWMOD, it contains three game subdirectories, \Addons, Bin and \DTA Put that folder into your OFP directory. Ok, I'm not the sharpest tack in the box, but does it mean put it here.... C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint  ?  I wonder this because it is already there, that is where I installed it with the first step.  Or am I wrong ?  If I am wrong, then where or what is considered the directory ? I would appreciate any help I can get with this , I actually went out and bought OFP just to play this mod. I just wished it came with some brains I could use. Thanks !