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Everything posted by luemmel

  1. luemmel

    Fierce Dogs

    works well, good mission!
  2. luemmel

    No quicksave?

    of course, there is a quicksave function. (manually) you can delete the file save.ArmASave in your arma profiles. switch to desktop, delete it, go back to arma, press escape and you can save again :-) it works also in ofp.
  3. luemmel

    German Patch 1.01 released

    i am very happy with this patch. i bought the cz version over 2 weeks ago and i had some problmes with the ai reaction. this issue is solved. ai is vers good - often to good for me....
  4. luemmel

    German Version out!

    the german version seems to have a major performance bug. this was stated directly by the publisher morphicon but i dont know how reliable this information is....
  5. luemmel

    public server

    not really, some clans try to host a i-net server with the origin cz version. but i saw only 1 or 2 of them.
  6. luemmel

    Armed Assault videos

    no, you cant. but when the weather is stormy, the waves are high and you are often under water :-)
  7. luemmel

    Armed Assault videos

    i can make one if there is any interst. but first eat this :-) (para soldiers) Para Soldiers Thats the german version Is it out now in germany or why do you already have it? its the czech version but you can change the languages.
  8. luemmel

    Armed Assault videos

    i can make one if there is any interst. but first eat this :-) (para soldiers) Para Soldiers
  9. luemmel

    Bug fixes in ARMA?

    i am sure that BIS have an answer (patch) for the reported bugs from the arma community in the near future (hopefully this year).
  10. luemmel

    Where to buy ??

    now it seems that they are out of stock after the rest of the world bought the game by this shop :-) no wonder that the game reached the first place in czech
  11. luemmel

    Where to buy ??

    i found an czech online shop (english) which delivers world-wide. game is on stock (confirmed by email). http://www.bontonland.cz
  12. luemmel

    Any clans recruiting?

    have a look at the sqaud & fanpages section.
  13. luemmel

    Who will Host ArmA Dedicated Servers

    Global Earth Re-Union will host several ArmA Servers on different hardware from the locations Frankfurt and Dusseldorf with 100mbit and powerfull hardware capacitiy (3,2 GHZ P4, 2GB RAM). You will find them under following Server Names: [GER] ArmA Server #1 - CTI or [GER] ArmA Server #2 - C&H So stay tuned and have an eye on Gamespy or All Seeing Eye :-) We'll see you on Sahrani!
  14. luemmel

    Latest screenshots available

    have you recognized this amazing screens from artillery? i think its the first one we saw.... Artillery
  15. luemmel

    ArmA Windows Server

    Hello, the current OFP Windows Server needs more or less a complette OFP installation plus the dedicated server file. In total it was aprox. 1 GB which have to be uploaded to a windows server to run the OFP server. ArmA needs 3 GB free hdd space to install it. Does it mean that we have to upload 3 GB to run the ArmA Server?
  16. luemmel

    ArmA Windows Server

    its the same version. no additional copy is required.
  17. luemmel

    My First Armed Assault Vid

    hope it was your last video...
  18. luemmel

    Where to buy ??

    hi, i am interested to buy a czech arma copy from germany. I checked the available online stores but there is no english support for the ordering forms. does anyone knows an english site to buy a czech arma copy? (I know that the sub-titels are in czech, but the voice is in english. thats enaugh. I will buy a german version when its availble). Can anyone help?
  19. luemmel

    Latest screenshots available

    btw, this is one of the best ofp movie I have ever seen. worth to download... http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=6937
  20. luemmel

    Arma internet release?

    UK has an own publisher "505". so bis will not publish directly to the UK market.
  21. luemmel

    Latest screenshots available

    yep, alexander themes not to be very good informed about arma and the next steps.... i believe he dont played the cwc campaign....
  22. luemmel

    Demo speculations

    Hi, within the next weeks a demo (or 2) will be announced (if gold status has reached). What do you think how big will it be? (Official game needs 3 GB). I expect at minimum 1.5 GB to download. I heard that the island "Sahrani" will need approx. 900 MB. Hope we will have enaugh download mirrors :-)
  23. luemmel

    Demo speculations

    the german publisher "morphicon" stated that 2 demos will be available after arma has gone gold. furthermore they said that the gold status should be reached by the beginning of november to have the possibility to release the game by the end (30.11) of november.
  24. luemmel

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I can only say: wow!!!!! I am looking forward to see the game in high quality with my PC. Thanks a lot for the latest infos!
  25. Several game magazines tested some actual game titels with direct x 9 support (e.g. BF2, Fear) under Windows Vista RC1. They found out that the general performance is reduced by approx. 15% (frame rate) against XP. Armed Assault uses direct x 9. What do you think? Should we avoid Windows Vista to have maximum game performance for Armed Assault?