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Everything posted by leec

  1. leec


    search results did not yield answers > sh server-1.88a.shar Operation Flashpoint Resistance dedicated server 1.88a x - creating lock directory x - extracting server (binary) server-1.88a.shar: line 60: uudecode: command not found restore of server failed server: MD5 check failed x - extracting tolower.c (binary) server-1.88a.shar: line 161596: uudecode: command not found restore of tolower.c failed tolower.c: MD5 check failed Converting OFP directory: server-1.88a.shar: line 161685: gcc: command not found server-1.88a.shar: line 161686: ./tolower: No such file or directory What programs am i missing and where to get them? ive checked rhn but the uudecode aint there. im fairly new to linux so please be gentle
  2. leec


    hmmm no one must run a linux server anymore
  3. leec


    ok to spare openong a new post i finnally got around to getting server running. now before you yell "SEARCH!!". I have searched server.cfg, linux, server. Yet I cant get the server to see the danged server.cfg file.
  4. I am workin on an MP COOP mission that if 1 player is shot with in an inch of his life he is took captaive untill the other players rescue him. Is this possible? If so could u explain. And please dont tell me to search cause i did for the past 14 hours ive went through about 6 forums over 1000 threads and still nothin. Maybe im tired and I missed somethin I dunno.
  5. leec

    Mp coop hostage

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ Jan. 10 2003,01:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do you want him to live and go into the prison, or die, or what man?<span id='postcolor'> it dont matter i prefer him to repawn in prison, but i only want one certain one to respawn in the prison
  6. leec

    Mp coop hostage

    So what your saying is this Trigger with condition : (dammage soldier1) > 0.8 on activation : soldier1 setCaptive True; player setPos getPos prison So tht would be exactly how I wouold do it? Then just the make the trigger big enuff so thaey dont kill him?
  7. leec

    Mp coop hostage

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (whisperFFW06 @ Jan. 09 2003,15:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sorry to say this, but search would have shown you : http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....captive unit setCaptive True/False Whis'<span id='postcolor'> nope aint it search does not show please read post carefully. I want a player not AI but human player
  8. leec

    Linux setup

    another thing is I was told it didnt matter cause OFP is a resource hog on winbloze and linux. So you mite as well be better to stick with winbloze.
  9. leec

    Linux setup

    couple answers im new to linux myself but ill try 1. check firewall and make sure port is allowed through 2. double check ip address 3. just a tip here, dont use it while in graphical mode
  10. leec

    New multiplayer mod: homeland security

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd say one of my favorite multiplayer strategies is, in the first round choosing the "demolitions" class, and loading up with a satchel charge for $750 and not even buying a handgun. Then, while my squadmates cover me, placing a satchel charge in the bottom floor of a building (usually petrovice). Then, you just wait for the enemy to storm the building looking for you (or whoever your leader is, because they can see him on the map). Once they get near the building, or come inside, you blow the charge,<span id='postcolor'> HAHA If your ever playin with the capn and he "says go to building and ill goto bus stop" Do yourself a favor stay in the building He is very very prtective of his bus stop
  11. ok I tried this and keep getting unknown operater info in end1.sqs playMusic "chgutc"~160;forceEnd=1; info in activation field of trigger [this] EXEC "end1.sqs"
  12. Ive tried several ways here are some. Keep getting music tam not found </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMusic { tracks[] = {tam}; class tam { name = "tam"; sound[] = {"\music\tam.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; }; };<span id='postcolor'> tried with and without quotes trigger west playmusic "tam" path C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\Users\hacker\missions\hotlz.seb_iatrang\music C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\Users\hacker\missions\hotlz.seb_iatrang\sound im at a lost
  13. leec

    Mision tool

    found it for future ref Command Editor Beta by Oskar Persson http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=utilities
  14. Im looking for a tool that had like 8 or 10 pre made init. but cant remember the name. It had move group in heli, set pos, and explosion or something like that from what I remember. all you had to do was fill in some values Any help will be appreciated
  15. leec

    Interview with selectthis

    We at OFPNAM was fortunate enough to secure an interview with SelectThis of SEB NAM 2.0 and 1.0 OFPNAM
  16. leec

    Interview with selectthis

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Nov. 11 2002,07:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol<span id='postcolor'> You know I ain't gonna let your chilidish ass remark spoil the fun for everyone else. good day to you sir
  17. leec

    Interview with selectthis

    Well Go ahead we was offering a service on the website but if this is the crap were gonna get we'll close it.
  18. leec

    Eidos interactive in very deep dewdew

    9--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Nov. 11 2002,079)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (leec @ Nov. 11 2002,07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh my god call my lawyer cause the guy who portrays hitman looks like me  <!--emo& Whats next? Everyone wanting to sue everyone. you got jesse jackson blah blah you got the kkk blah blah now this. Quite frankly its B.S. If you wanna flame me go ahead<span id='postcolor'> If you would bother to read other people's posts you would see that most of us essentially agree with you, although your reasoning is somewhat stunted.<span id='postcolor'> Reasoning is this You got the naacp ready to sue at the drop of a hat if a black kid don't get into a white college You got the KKK ready to sue if a black kid get's into a white college I'm Not prejudice in any way I hate everbody Â
  19. leec

    Eidos interactive in very deep dewdew

    Oh my god call my lawyer cause the guy who portrays hitman looks like me Whats next? Everyone wanting to sue everyone. you got jesse jackson blah blah you got the kkk blah blah now this. Quite frankly its B.S. If you wanna flame me go ahead
  20. leec

    What type of missions

    anything with nam
  21. leec

    Tail rotor failure script

    download it from ofpec i believe that one has a samp mission
  22. leec

    Tail rotor failure script

    I usually load up the sample mission and gather info then edit what i need in the script file. Or you could just c&p to your mission and see how it works, but this is not reccomended way of learning. I used it that way to help me learn about scripts. Now your not goin to be a scripting guru but you'll get the basic commands down. Hope this helps
  23. Is it possible to put an inanimate object on a animate object? I need this for missions what im saying is.... Put ammo crates in a chopper and they move with the chopper but i want it to ba able to have bodies on the floor of the chopper too. is this possible?