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About kellemar

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  1. Thanks for the reply. Are you referring to the View - Gunner and View - Cargo LODs? Because the model I'm referencing doesn't have the View - Pilot LOD.
  2. I downloaded the T72 model from one of the threads here that was extracted from the Arm:A game. However, when I try to run it in the engine, the turrets dont seem to turn in First Person view. Is there something missing with the Memory selections in Oxygen2? I do notice that the turret memory LODs in the Brsseb tutorials do not work too.
  3. *Ah crap, my title got smudged.* I have an infantry model that I've imported from 3DS I've made. However, the model itself consists of 3 parts, the bag he's carrying, his main body, and a body armour part that's over him. Should the main body and armour be "combined", or can the model still work in-game?
  4. kellemar

    Raven UAV controls?

    I just downloaded both the UAV and Alouette models and noticed that they don't have the "Add waypoint" settings available to them when I run them in the engine. I'm also using them in VBS2, so both AA and VBS2 should be the same. Is there a way to enable it in the script? Also, I noticed that both models tend to hover or fly for a few seconds, then crash immediately to the ground. Is there a way to fix this too?
  5. kellemar

    KPT UAV and Alouette scripts

    Doh, sorry about that.
  6. Mods, delete this thread please.