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Everything posted by killerwhale

  1. killerwhale

    Armed Assault FAQ

  2. killerwhale

    RHS release 4

    I did search for it, cannot find anything related to this issue. Anyone else please?
  3. killerwhale

    RHS release 4

    Is anyone coming up with this error also? "Addon RHS_Weap_JAM' requires Addon JAM_Magazine? and if so, how do I find this JAM Magazine thing?
  4. killerwhale

    Armed Assault FAQ

    I wonder if the fighter aircrafts will have guided bombs? in Operation flashpoint, there was no guiding system for bombs.
  5. killerwhale

    Publish via Steam?

    Why do people like to Criticise here? I am amazed, Vultures you are indeed.
  6. killerwhale

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    topic IS "Will there be a Hind in Armed Assault?" so from my point of view, this is where u ask what is included or not and for some reason some people love to criticize. or simbly should i have started a whole thread about the question i had
  7. killerwhale

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    what does this have to do with the topic? I dont care.
  8. killerwhale

    Fabulous flying & firing machines in ArmA?

    Will Armed Assault have Artillery? It would make it neat!
  9. killerwhale

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Should the Entire palm tree move including the trunk?
  10. killerwhale

    Building Interiors

    In Operation flashpoint, you were able to open doors and I think this one is the same
  11. killerwhale

    Turning OFP into your favourite game!

    hey, I downloaded the Lean mode but I do not know how to use, What key is the sprint Key? how do you lean?
  12. killerwhale

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Regardless of how Powerfull your PC is, I believe this game will always lag if you set your view distance high, but thanks for the help anyway.
  13. killerwhale

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Does this thing have patch? I am experiencing lag, I have enough RAM(768MB DDR) and ATI X800 256mb.
  14. killerwhale

    Aircraft/A-10 and others

    Whether it is ground attacking or air fight, it was and still is horrible, its hard to control those planes.
  15. killerwhale

    Latest screenshots available

    you mean battlefield 2? i never had that one and not going to get it
  16. killerwhale

    Latest screenshots available

    I read these arguements as well, the main reason I come here for is to find any updates about the game. I'll see when it comes out and see if it's worth purchasing, I didnt like operation flashpoint because of its graphichs, I had it uninstalled after 4 months. almost useless. the gameplay is very good and realistic but the graphics/texture and getting stuck in buildings made it not worth the time. COD2 (F) I am fan of MOHAA/COD...BIS is good but they got to do a whole lot of work to improve their game graphics.
  17. killerwhale

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ok I stay on TOPIC
  18. killerwhale

    ArmA Progress Updates

    the post says the game has wild life? does that mean there are dogs, foxes, birds in the game?
  19. killerwhale

    ArmA Progress Updates

    ummm, I hope it doesnt have sound problems, btw what does HI 2006 mean?
  20. killerwhale

    WWI Mod

    In this game, Operation Flashpoint Goty. why is it tough to FLY airplanes like the SU and the A-10 planes?
  21. killerwhale

    New exclusive Screenshots

    When is the release date............this awesome game that you all keep talking about.
  22. killerwhale

    New VBS1 videos

    I cant tell how this game is different than the original flashpoint, same thing...........like Medal of honor, Spearhead, breakthrough, few more guns and some graphic changes. crap
  23. killerwhale

    OFP2 Unit/Weapons List

    Hey I was wondering if the game has Ironsight like that of call of duty. the ironsight enables you to aim like you would in real life, so is this feature available in this new game..btw, who are the enemies in single players?