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Everything posted by karantan

  1. karantan

    demo patching

    Think not; it can be patched only to 1.46. Anyways, go look in Patches section (from a home page), and check if there's maybe something for you.
  2. karantan

    Should I Get OFP?

    Don't know what's the real difference between the PC Gamer's and GOTY versions, but GOTY have Resistance in it and it's patched up to 1.85 I think.
  3. karantan

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    True, it can't be said how flexible the engine is, but also I can't see why (the core of) some graphic engine can't be modified to some particular needs, so for all we know the devs could had reworked it (almost) completely. Don't know if this was mentioned before, but my 'biggest concern' for this game is that there would be nothing present like the Mission Editor, but just the (official) campaign ,,, and that's it.
  4. karantan


    Maldini deserves respect. Wash your mouth  Where you've find something disrespectful in that quote? Exsamine your head Â
  5. karantan

    Music Recommendations

    Not bad Ti0n3r, nice riff, with it you have a good base for some solid song there. And ,,, this band really needs a singer Â
  6. karantan


    Don't you have any sports channel scotchsoldier, it's plenty of American Football on them. American Football is quite an attractive sport, and if you know the rules e.g. 'what's going on on the field' is a joy to watch, and you see some tackles that would kill an 'ordinary' man! But it's uncomparable with football, it have more incommon with rugby from which it originates. And ,,, soccer, wtf is soccer? I remember ,,, and I disagree , Milan played their best football in this year's semi-final against Man. Utd., Gatuso hide Ronaldo in his pocket in that domestic game.
  7. karantan

    Bi forum for life?

    Everyone does, but you (the mods) do never addmit them, do you. We are all humans. And I did that (send a PM) TO YOU when you gaved me that square I have, I didn't rant in my PM but yes I was angry how/why I get it (won't put it all out not to be called for a whiner or something), but you didn't even bother to answer e.g. you have ignore it, have you.
  8. karantan


    We, who we, the Italians? Yes you are. Â Not deserved win at all, but what can be done if Benites plays with one attacker till 75 minute (a lightning reaction must say ,,, he's brain dead! ) when the Italians starting to lay down on the grass in agony for the slightest touch so all regarding the game is over, and if he favorising that Kuyt; in my sheme he would be only a third forward (behind Bellamy and Crouch), therefore on the bench. Now some of those grandpas in Milan can finaly go into their well deserved retirement. Anyways, congrats Milan. Â
  9. karantan

    Music Recommendations

    Had a few mins before the Champs Ligue final begin so ,,, I listened to that so much mentioned Enter Shikari and ,,, you should point out that this is like a 'highscool teenage' music. If all that 'core' or whaterver music is like this I don't want never ever to hear it again.
  10. karantan

    Bi forum for life?

    Hm hm hm CrashDome ,,, When you'll get your first WL, and especially if you'll think you didn't deserved it, then you'll step down from your (moral) piedestal and join the 'plebs'. But how it looks you've already deserved to loose the virginity in those past 6 years and to get your 'box' ,,, but you didn't.
  11. karantan

    Bi forum for life?

    Yea, I had/have also in mind to play with this last variant, done it on some other forums, with those uber-smart-unmistakably-rigid-tight-assed mods on OFPEC for instance (in my eyes their moto is one of the greatest lies I met on the Internet). As I see it right now this can/could be the most dignifying variant to leave this forum. And I knew this thread will turn into some kind of the anti-mods rant. But where's the smoke ...
  12. karantan

    Music Recommendations

    If/when I'm listening to the music by my choice (which is 90% in the car) then my wife inserts in the cd player something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG3nPgwvwfo
  13. karantan

    East Detection command?

    This is about the distance of/from the unit, not about a 'detection' of it, but you know that yes ? You could use a knowsabout command like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldierOne knowsAbout soldierTwo but don't expect a miracle from it; the command is not so reliable. And why you just don't use a Detected by ,,, triggers?
  14. karantan

    Bi forum for life?

    I can seriously answer with quite a degree of certainty; I'll visit this forum as long and till I'll play any of the game(s) for which this forum is created/dedicated for and inside this till it's at least a bit normal (not being disgusted with it) to visit, after that,,, Seriously and logically enough eh?
  15. karantan

    Rambo 4!!!

    Rambo, who the fcuk is Rambo? Oh yeah, that Rocky dude ,,, can't wait for Rambo 5 when he's 83 Â
  16. karantan

    Car crash on Saturday night

    He was drunk, nothing happens to the drunks (drunk drivers, passangers, etc), but to their victims ... And I don't know what you want to acheive with posting this here. You want that we admire you, to say way to go dude, you're so cool or whatever? Eatherways you're pathetic, I would jailed you and put you as a room mate to some hunk for a week or two, you know, to be his bitch, maybe that would teach you a lesson.
  17. karantan

    Should I Get OFP?

  18. karantan

    AI = joke

    @Kronzky - We saw something of this also in OFP, yes? We're just killing out time spamming. Â Â Welcome to the party! Â
  19. karantan

    AI = joke

    Yes and there're even those (like jolulure I reckon) which would just like to play it, as a game, can you belive that? Â
  20. karantan

    AI = joke

    Of course you don't need that (now that would be something weird! ), but I think you'll be dissapointed playing it; the official campaign sucks. Many dudes here are just forgetting that not all the potential new ArmA players will be a part of this community (mission/addon makers, scripting gurus, plain spammers, whatever ,,,), so sometimes their answers on a very basic questions from dudes like you can appear a bit 'strange' (to those potential new players) , and that they (the potential new players) haven't the intention to wait that the game later develop/shows 'its full potential'. Now that's your point of the view and you should understand that not all are looking on the game like this/like you.
  21. karantan

    Not all bugs in ArmA are unrealistic....

    Tell this to David Coperfield not me.
  22. karantan

    AI = joke

    Don't bet too much on that CD! But yes the 4in1 comment was a full kick in the mist. And I have a feeling jolulure is asking more about the AI 'as it is', not some 'user scipted/tweaked' AI, I don't have a feeling he's ready and have an intention to wait on all these patches and all that community stuff or whatever, he wants just to play a game, with a 'smart' AI (from a square one) if possible. And in such case ,,, momentarily I can't peronally to recommend a game to him.
  23. karantan

    Not all bugs in ArmA are unrealistic....

    Means it's a fake. Or the illusion if you want. The point is that the blades ARE TURNING, there's no other way that the chopper get airborn yes? How it's done that it's appearing that the blades don't turning is just a question of technicality.
  24. karantan

    Not all bugs in ArmA are unrealistic....

    Of course it's a fake.
  25. karantan


    I have also many times that same and similar feeling when comes to the Miss Universe contest. Didn't watched the 'EU song', out of mental higiene don't doing it for a long time now, but I saw it some in the news, and they especially showed that joke of a voting.