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Everything posted by karantan

  1. karantan

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    Hm, haven't time (neather the will) to go thoroughly thru all those massive posts above, but watched that movie (thanks Kode ), and it seems like another 'theory of conspiracy', only this time a bit twisted around and with weak reasons, and even weaker (empiric) prooves and arguments.
  2. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Yea wow sweet nice, thanks BIS, yeah cool, great stuff, can't beleive it!
  3. karantan

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    @W0lle: In generally I agree with you, and it's sad to see how biased some can be and how they can 'turn' and 'twist' and 'adept' the rules to their liking in attempt to on a rough and sometimes unfair way eliminate the 'oposition'. As I explained to DeadMeatXM2 via PM I'm not familiar with I&C's history (I don't visit ArmA section too often because I've temporarily shelved the game but mostly because I don't like what (in general) I see there and I don't like the current athmosphere there, and after the recent expirience I had there I'll visit it even less), but as I'm informed I&C voluntarily took/choose 6 months of absence from this forum, which also says something about him; that maybe he's not such a 'monster' how some like to picture and describe him, and this just because he's not on 'their side of the bank'. There's also a lot of trolls, flamers, not to talk about the spammers on the 'other side of the bank', but no one seems to care about them e.g. it's all fine. I know that after this I will be (again) marked as I&C's friend, his right hand and similar, but I really don't care about it anymore. As I said I agree with the mayority of your post, so there's not much to add, maybe just this; also the credibility of the moderators is very important, and in this case it's mostly gained by/because of fairness and the consistancy, and from this address some of the mods here have lost all the credibility in my eyes. But as you said, you cannot please everyone. The sticky topic about the mod's actions is not a bad idea, but also the alternative can be to inform the 'reporter' of the offense with a simple PM like "Your report about this and that issue has been noted and a proper messures/steps against the offender has been taken", or "Your report has been noted, but we didn't find a valid ground in it (*the explanation why not*) to take further steps in this direction", and many misunderstandings in this direction will/can be avoided.
  4. karantan

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    Now from where that idea camed from froggyluv, get serious, you're kicking in the mist big time here, I'm just saying that PESONALLY I wouldn't react so eruptively as Balschoiw did as I don't see this insult to be so much ,,, don't know ,,, insulting as he does. As I said, I'm (more) used to it.
  5. karantan

    Ask a moderator about the forum and the rules

    I know what you mean here; I was called for a "pea brain" (not reported) and for a "BIS's officially hired forum troll monkey" (reported) from a same person, and nothing has happened, I was ignored for a second time (and they're saying this is not their practice [sic!]). I still think Balschoiw you should take this to PMs, but true, it can happened that you'll be 'send off' with the explanation that this "was a childish and immature joke as far as I can tell." as it was explained to me when I reported "you should blow karantan to show you're really sorry" insult (firstly my report were ignored and when I responded on that insult I got that WL I have, but nothing happened to the person which insulted me), and when you get mad and then complain about such a decision(s) you get an answer that you "are blowing this way out of proportions and I see now that you are a person one cannot reason with. ", so I do understand you that you've taken this way, maybe they'll listen to you, I know that I would be dissmissed by a short route if I would take such a way of complaining here. Personally if I were called for a criminal here on this forum I wouldn't even blink with my eye, I'm used (in my eyes) to much worse insults here as showed above (and not sanctioned).
  6. karantan

    Trying to make commandmove work

    Shortly; you're addressing a group instead of unit so try <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">leader alpha commandMove getMarkerPos "vuosalmi";Hint "Mechanized Platoon heading for Vuosalmi";
  7. karantan

    ArmA rule #1

    Are you all out of your rocker?? This is a masterpeice!! Can't you see, the RPG's are lying just when the Hero needs them to be, just like in Doom, and Doom was/is a masterpeice!! Fcuk Hollywood, they don't have a clue !! Gonna to watch it again ...
  8. karantan

    ArmA rule #1

    Are you all out of your rocker?? This is a masterpeice!! Can't you see, the RPG's are lying just when the Hero needs them to be, just like in Doom, and Doom was/is a masterpeice!! Fcuk Hollywood, they don't have a clue !! Gonna to watch it again ...
  9. karantan

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    As far as we know, they had the choice of either releasing it early and unfinished or not at all. What would you have preferred? Not at all? There has maybe also been some other 'way out', every (especially economically releted) situation is more flexible than this; personally I don't beleive it was such a black - white, 'do or die' situation, but if it was, then ,,, I'm afraid no Game2, Matt.
  10. karantan

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    @Heatseeker - I do understand and it's crystal clear why the game was released early (on this place I do grant them that they had balls to admit it), but is this (the 'crisis' of theirs) still the excuse to act like this? Now, here we begin to differ; I don't see this as an excuse to cheat - or you can (try to) cheat but on the end you must also to bear the consequences - and I think BIS sooner or later waits this faith; I think because of this step now they're almost totally dependent from (this) community, beleive me, the 'ordinary' custumers are gone after this bad expirience with ArmA. I agree, there's (almost) no game anymore on the market that is published in 'ready' state. Where's hiding the reason for it? As I see it in the fact that they think they can 'go away with it'; the 'market', but mostly the communities with their 'fanboy' posture gaved them that (false) feeling. But I think this is now ending and it's turning around; many dev groups already paying the price to such a policy; the last 'victim' is Piranha Bytes (the creators of Gothic series); they're on a nice track to bancrupt and to ceise to exist, and they're solely (with 'cheating' the custumers) to blame for this, and sooner or later even big companies waits this faith if they'll continue like this. And as NetWalker says I am so disappointed with ArmA, but for the difference from him I still can't understand and can't support such a policy, and I will not support it like this, giving them my money for something I think it not deserves it. Despite my grundges over ArmA I am(still) and I tend to stay -I hope a satisfied- BIS custumer ,,, or I will not, they had not grown on my heart.
  11. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    I don't defending anyone and I'm not anyone's lawyer, at least this should be obvious from my post. EDIT: is your bs somewhat better and on-t? Dont' think so.
  12. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Hm DeadMeatXM2, I don't know if your 'currage' have been boosted with that I&C's 48hrs vacation, but if you have something to say to some man, you should wait until he's able to answer - defend himself. And about that totally OT post of yours; the only sentence I do agree with in that post is: Othervise and further what's regarding the game's related issues in your post I don't agree with a single word in it, not with one single word. If these words of yours are the logic of/behind the gamer's mayority, then it's not surprising what's happening in the gaming industry and why they treat us(custumers) like sheeps, not surprising at all, and then we can kiss goodbye any possibility that this market will ever saw a completely finished game in its first release again. You can call me now however you want, you can now rant all day (just go ahaed, I'm sure you won't receive a WL), this my post is just an information for you that you won't think that everyone here agrees with you, and that everybody are clapping to that post of yours.
  13. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    I never said I wanted that. But at least it wont be hijacking the thread. As it is, the current discussion doesn't have much to do with the topic. Isn't it obvious? Ok I understand and I see your point, but what's there to discuss mate? Your intention with this thread was undoubtedly good, but ,,, I hope this thread can go back on the normal track. Bye.
  14. karantan

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    Interesting. I know the Sun have those cycles and it's like resposible for the climate changes in the past (some other scientists are (also) blaming the magnetic pole shifting - btw some scientists also say the Earth magnetism is rapidly diminishing - even a much greater danger from a global warming; solar radiation), but I don't belive this is (entirely) true; if it would be, then those 'grand polutors' with USA at the helm would vocal out this truth on all drums they have, and then they'll keep hapily and undesturbed to polute the planet. But who cares, it's saturday (for a half an hour), night is still young, life's calling, must go out to party or I won't score at my wife tonight! Â
  15. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Since this thread is already fucked up (many would say because of me); @Maddmatt - I hope you do not see this my post as trolling (as you see the others of mine here); Â It's not nice if the thread starter is behaving like he owns a thread (and anything/everything in it), but if you're like behaving like such, then proove your maturity and also act like such; go ask the moderators to close this -I think you said it yourself- pretty useless and pointless thread. And just as a side note to that 'trolling thing'; if there would be a 9 pages full of posts similar like "Amazing job" and "yeah juhuuu! a lifesign of the next official patch! juhuuuu!" and "Keep up the good work BI! Â Â " and not to go on, that would not bother you one bit, right boss? And I'm not against such a fanboy parties, not at all, have a blast, what do I care about it, I'm just pointing out the double standards which are symtomatical for the fanboys, if you catch my drift. Â
  16. karantan

    A Paradrop problem...

    Maybe it's even some more 'banal' thing in play; use an empty vehicles for a choppers. EDIT: but unassignVehicle command sure will help.
  17. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    FACT: It wasn't. Â How will whining about it help it? Just be thankful you have the option of patches. We all know that's how stuff goes with OFP/ ArmA- it's been like this since OFP first came out. If you don't like BIS' way of doing things, you know what you can do I'm afraid.. As I said, just be thankful it's possible for it to be fixed! No, I'm just thankful that I have your attention and I'm really like over the moon because of it. Not really, so (be) go(ne) and pest some one else with your ingenious remarks.
  18. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Sorry froggyluv, I really don't want or like to argue with you, but I think you'll never get it that the 'shouting out' that "all of this should have already been included" is a very positive criticism and it's oposite to 'giving it up' or 'to make a peace with it' or 'to go with the flow'. And seriously, I wish this patch will solve many things in the game 'which laready should be fixed in the original'.
  19. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Well thats not entirely true. I've complained from day 1 about the aimbots, the Ai's inabilty to cross bridges and mountains as well as LOD with current patch.- No Fanboy attacks First off, I don't see myself as a 'whiner' (but yes I'm dissapointed with a (current) state of ArmA) and I don't whine all over the forum, mostly (and rarely) I've (tried to) share my point of view on some theme or issue. And I knew it right away that my first post here will receive such a threatment/respond and such a feedback as it has, and in my eyes my first post was not a 'whining' (in yours eyes of course it was, but the posts like a few above are not a 'fanboy's bullying', right?), but as I also said so many times already, all not positive here is imediately ocaracterised as a whining. In my eyes this is just primitive, and of course the lack of arguments; as xnodunitx is saying there were many criticising topics (wonder why? ), but not so many praising ones. Again why? Because the 'fanboys' are more cultural? Give me a break! Can you see how one sided you're here for instance? 'Fanboys' started to praise the patch before it's even released, not all around. And when the 'fanboys' (one sided, uncritical, almost fanatical, untolerating dudes) prevail on some forum, then it's a dark age ahaed ...
  20. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Me too, so we should cut it out. Â ,,, to those fanboys? EDIT:@froggyluv - the basic problem here is that every post of the dissapointed member is quicky ocaracterised (by a fanboys) as a whining, moaning, whatnot. I'm repeating again; not the oposite practice. And yes, English is not my first languague, far from it, and again you're grabbing for a straws.
  21. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    No, "fanboys" or "fellow posters" as I like to call them MAKE DO with what they have, knowing they have no control over the issue other than to enjoy the game, complain to BIS directly or get their money back. And "fanboys" tend not to flood the forums with utter shite that no-one wants to read. Â Well, I was quoted here so ,,, You could guess by now that we see the things differenty and that I don't agree with you here (true, we don't have control but we have a power, won't explain you further), so please say something about that new patch. Â (EDIT: ah, you did ) And, ekhm, you're not a "fellow poster"?
  22. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Sorry to bump in gain here but froggyluv, then you don't have idea what everything means in this case and you're grabbing for a straws here. Nice try also ... And no dice.
  23. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Not true, go check the 'Whinners' thread; about/after page 3 not a single 'whining' post was without at least one respond from a fanboy. Not a practice on the oposite thread. The fanboys all mixed it up in their heads; insted to post in 'Fanboys' thread, they rather invade and pest the 'whiners' in their thread. Again, not true; fanboys are satisfied with EVERYTHING they receive from their 'object of desire', being that a masterpeice or a pile of crap. But don't mind me (anymore) mate, bo back OT and praise that new patch. Â
  24. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    BI agrees with you. (IMO its not that bad that the whiners stick around, apparently BI did *something* right, after all, they still want to see the game fixed instead of moving on to something else, which is usually the case Its just annoying to read it constantly, but now we have a whine tread its much easier to ignore most of it. ) I think you all should be more respectful towards the whiners; if not for them there would be NO patches and all would be   It's all the same, on every friggin' site I look in; the fanboys are those who works for a common good and for a better tommorow. You're apsolutely right froggyluv  : Go BIS go, go BIS go !!!  Â
  25. karantan

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Said fanboy.