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Everything posted by klavan

  1. klavan

    Multiple lights

    Maybe it will not solve my problem, anyway it looks very interesting for sure! Thank you Ironsight Klavan
  2. klavan

    Multiple lights

    Hi all. Here's what i'm currently modelling: I wonder if it's possible to add multiple selections to the model in order to obtain four different light sources instead of only one. By looking at the standard BIS streelamp the selection is named "light" simply. What if i add light1, light2 and so on? Thanks in advance for the help. Klavan
  3. klavan

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    I've joined the WCP, but i can't join Malden league. Klavan
  4. klavan

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Ah! silly me, i thought you were dutch. Nevermind me then. Klavan
  5. klavan

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    @Raedor Having seen your predictions I suspect you've got some revenge sentiments against Italy....... Klavan
  6. klavan

    Constuction Kit

    Interesting offering. Me too i don't know when the v2 of the pack will be ready, it mostly depends by how many objects i will decide to include and by their complexity, by this evening additional 6 objects will be ready for an ingame test, but they are very simple. However i've noticed that you've created several objects that i would like to include, so it would be waste of time and resources to create 'em by scratch again...... edit Ideally I would like to sse the new pack ready before august. Klavan
  7. klavan

    Constuction Kit

    Hi all, here's another addon suitable for island makers. I was thinking about something missing for island design and here the (weird) result! The content: The file: Badongo FileFront Mirror1 by ofp.info Thanks to Cpt Viper Mirror2 by ofp.info Thanks to Cpt Viper Mirror by OFP Center PL Thanks to MiragePL Additional mirrors are welcome. This is an open source addon (MLODs are included in the archieve), do what you want with it. Some objects are animated, so please pay attention to the readme file included. It's my intention to update it in the future, so feel free to post your suggestions/ideas here for additional objects/buildings (no vehicles or men) suitable to be included, or send me a PM/mail. Enjoy it! Klavan PS Please mods correct the topic title. Thanks.
  8. klavan

    Constuction Kit

    @Chris Detah Thank you very much for you inputs and suggestions, the next version will deal with these problems. Your hint about the geo lod will prove to be very helpfull in the future. @Sinping-Jack Your words makes me really glad. Klavan
  9. klavan

    An Najaf map beta release

    Silly me! Klavan
  10. klavan

    Constuction Kit

    Added in the "to be done" list. @manhunter09 No vehicles or men will be part of the pack. Thanks. klavan
  11. klavan

    Constuction Kit

    @Chris Death Excellent stuffs, very similar to what i'm planning to include in the next updated version! Klavan
  12. klavan

    Constuction Kit

    Naturally! You can do what you want with this addon. @All Thanks for the nice comments and mirrors! Klavan
  13. klavan

    An Najaf map beta release

    Impressive effect! But what about performance hit? Klavan
  14. klavan

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Unlucky, yes, nothing more, really...... Klavan
  15. klavan

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    South Korea sold it's soul (and most probably something else) for having their moments last time (the whole Italy and Spain population can confirm). Klavan
  16. klavan

    Football World Cup 2006 in Germany

    The football scandal here in Italy is dooming our team too, so I say "GO BRAZIL!". Our corrupt players doesn't really deserve my support. Klavan
  17. klavan

    Free textures on the web resource thread

    <a href="http://www.turbosquid.com/Search/Index.cfm/FuseAction/ProcessSmartSearch/intMediaType/3/stgType/Free " target="_blank">Turbo Squid</a> CYGAD's 3DXtra Mega-Tex Studios Image*After The TextureBin Got3d Klavan
  18. klavan

    Free textures on the web resource thread

    Another one: Jerusha It would be nice to see this topic made sticky and maybe moved to the A&MD thread. Klavan
  19. Hi all, just wondering if there's a way to suddenly stop a rotating animation. Here's the config part: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Kla_Betoni:Kla_objConKit { scope=public; mapSize=5; destrType = DESTRUCTNO; displayName="Cement mixer"; model="\KLA_ConKit\betoniera.p3d"; animated=1; class Animations { class ani_VascaMixer { type="rotation"; animPeriod=100000; multiplyer=20; selection="vasca"; axis="rotate_axis"; angle0=0; angle1="-20000 * 3.141592654"; }; }; class UserActions { class StartMixerRotation { displayName="Start mixer"; position="pos_start"; radius=2.000000; //condition="this animationPhase ""ani_VascaMixer"" < 0.5"; condition="this animationPhase ""ani_VascaMixer"" <= 0"; statement="this animate [""ani_VascaMixer"", 1]; [this] exec ""\kla_conkit\scripts\mixer.sqs"""; }; class StopMixerRotation { displayName="Stop mixer"; position="pos_start"; radius=2.000000; //condition="this animationPhase ""ani_VascaMixer"" < 0.5 or this animationPhase ""ani_VascaMixer"" >= 0.5"; condition="this animationPhase ""ani_VascaMixer"" > 0"; statement="this animate [""ani_VascaMixer"", 0]"; }; }; }; With the config above the mixer starts it's rotation, but when i decide to stop it, it reverse the rotation, turning back until it reachs it's statement, instead of stopping it. Any help? Thanks. klavan
  20. klavan

    Stopping animation

    It works, but the "stop mixer" action won't disappear and the "start mixer" action won't appear again. Klavan
  21. klavan

    Free textures on the web resource thread

    Some nice textures, there. I was recently wonderig if could be usefull to open a specific thread in th A&MD thread for this pourpouse (free textures and model available on the web). Klavan
  22. klavan

    backround objects dissapear

    Try to add this property in the geo LOD of the grass object: canocclude 0 Klavan
  23. klavan

    Exclusive Armed Assault report

    Lots of usefull and nice infos, this should cut down a lot of speculations about new features and more generally about BIS approach both to ArmA development and to the community expectations. Thanks BIS, Mapfact and ofp.info. Klavan
  24. klavan

    Power lines & Antennas

    @DRB_ONIX I hope to see more open source addons coming in the future, at least for those created with island editing in mind. Personally, my future releases will be so. @JGreyNemo Although i suspect it would be quite simple to implement such feature i decided to let the mission maker decide. Btw the tower is not destructable, but it's something easy to change. Atm an update it's not planned. Klavan
  25. Hi all. I've been workin in this small addon for the map i'm currently creating, but since i really don't know when it will be ready i decided to release it, so that someone may eventually benefit from it: The images above shows the content of the pbo. Get it here if you want: BADONGO RapidShare Ofp.4players.de OFP.info Thanks to Imutep and OFP.info staff for the additional mirrors Other mirrors are welcome! Hope someone will enjoy it! This is an open source addon: read the readme to know more! Klavan