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Everything posted by kerosene

  1. kerosene

    OFrP #5 Release

    I remember seeing some pictures of some kind of command interface a little while ago, it was shown with pictures of the Leclerc Tank, is that still an ongoing project?
  2. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    They should probably have a citizens charter that lays out the basic rights all E.U citizens can expect. Economics is complicated, unless you studied it or have an interest in it, a lot of it will be meaningless to you, and its probably unreasonable to put in a constitution and expect regular people to care. SGT. Jones 1) The EU is expanding too fast and people are concerned with Eastern European coutries flooding the labor market with cheaper labor Personally I feel like Western European countries should be competing with a skills based economy that relies on innovation and training not a cost based one that can't compete with lots of places, not just E. Europe. 4) People are concerned with the erosion of their national identities as Europe is merged into a union of member states I feel confident about my identity, I dont really understand were people get this idea, in U.K at least, that we're all going to turn European or something. - I don't have too much of an opinon on the others.
  3. kerosene

    VIT-Labs needs you

    Mabye you could ask preperation H if he might use his textures? Its a nice model , hope someone helps.
  4. kerosene

    what would you play ?

    I'd like to see some team vs team missons with objectives, the battlefield missons always annoyed me cause there too large, if AA supports 64 players it could be good, with people who played properly.
  5. Thanks, that did it exactly.
  6. Is it possible for me to put something in a WP condition field that would make units wait until the chopper was on the ground or mabye just above it before moving to the next waypoint? Basically I don't want to see soldiers running around in little circles under the chopper thats meant to pick them up, I want the chopper to land and then for the group of infantry to start moving.
  7. kerosene

    Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

    I want their to be 2 classes for APC's wheeled and tracked, with different handling characteristics but both have the ability to turn out, etc. I also want thermal optics in the game. New animations for troops as well, the current ones look very similiar to OFP, Ideally there would be like, half a dozen differnet anims per state, and each troop would randomly be assigned one.
  8. kerosene

    1970 vs 2010

    I prefer 2010 because it will be a lot better if BIS design a game that incorporates all the modern ideas and concepts in war, and modmakers work backwards than if BIS make a game set in the 70's and mod makers have to fight the game engine when they try and make somethng new. It's too late anyway, they already announced its 2010.
  9. kerosene

    is it worth it

    As long as they don't give them away to fileplanet subscribers...
  10. kerosene

    Armed Assault - Horsepower Hog?

    The 9800 is a good card, I had one but my jerk brother ruined it, so I upgraded to an X800 pro, I think my computer should be able to handle AA. All that stuff about the huge levels with hundreds or thousands of npcs wpndering around, I'm guessing you'll need a good processor as much a good graphics card.
  11. kerosene

    is it worth it

    I'd have to say F yeah its worth it, They've got 9 months or so to put some polish on it, it still beats the hell out of buying VBS and I need a stopgap if OFP2 isn't coming out until late 2006. Everybodys down on the screen shots but its still work in progress. If the stuff in that gameshark preview is true, about the huge dynamic war going on around you, I'd say its going to be pretty awesome. P.S if theres gonna be a closed a beta, I think forum members deserve first crack at it.
  12. kerosene

    Silver Kelpie Studios

    VERY nice, looking forward to driving that about.
  13. kerosene

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    I wouldn't make an upgrade pack if I were them, I'd sell a full price game. Besides it won't sell as well if its an upgrade to OFP. (I reckon) So as it stands, we know about armed assault and OFP x-box, so the pics with marines and an AAV7 are from an as yet unnamed game?
  14. kerosene

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    They've shown half a dozen screen shots from 3 different games, how can you say its identical to OFP except the gaphics? I noticed on the 2 new picks on gamezone.cz for armed assault, the terrain in the background looks almost identical to Nogova though, the bridge that splits the two villages in the south.
  15. kerosene

    Boiling Poinit or New GTA???

    I thought it was may 25th or june 25th, one or the other. I've been following it for a while, I don;t know that it could have come out a few years ago, when you look beyond graphics, its sounds like it has a lot of stuff going on and you could get quite deep into it, its supposed to have a branching storyline I think. I was a big Duex Ex fan, so I think i might like this.
  16. kerosene

    new americas army is out

    I always lose intrest in AA really quick, i might give it another go.. at least its free.
  17. Well ORC's has 3 different resolutions, so their low-res troops probably have the best FPS. I think I like the RHS model better though.
  18. Has anyone got any good linsk to websites about the SOBR? I can't find anything about them except that their part of the MVD. Are they very different to OMON?
  19. kerosene

    UK Elections

    I was so happy today when I found out HOwards going, won't have to hear that smarmy voice again. I doubt our politics are much more confusing than any where else, most of Europe have far-right parties and weird parties. Kilroy, It's not so much the racism I dislike, the BNP are worse for example, but the fact that he's a mentalist in love with the sound of his own voice. I voted labour cause their the best of bad bunch. Or least worse, whatever.
  20. kerosene

    RKSL Studios

    That looks pretty F'ing sweet
  21. I was just checking out a few sites and stumbled across this: The pack comes with standard BIS soldiers armed with all the weapons featured. All the weapons either have an attachable bayonet or you can hit people with the rifle butt (through the action menu.) Theres a pretty nice M60 in there too. They released their gas mask addon too. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/_hosted/spetsnaz/ P.S On the website theres a picture of something that looks like a used artillery shell, but I can't find it in the game, let me know if you figure it what it is and how to use it cause I cant even find it.
  22. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    I wish the tabloids in Britain were taking a more mature attitude towards his appointment, it makes the whole country look retarded and stuck in the past. It's really not that shocking that a 13 or 14 year old living in a time before televison or the internet was in the Hitler Youth, and "gasp" the Wehrmacht, as though anyone really gets much of a choice about those kind of things in that situation. I think its been a long time since the catholic Church challenged mainstream science, i.e they challenged it when it wasn't main stream, as far as I know that particular kind of anti-science Christianity is very American, the Anglican Church don't challenge it either. I guess, at the very least they know if they want to be taken seriously they have to mkae certain concessions. I've never really understood Christians who can't simply accept that if there was a big bang and evolution, that mabye that was gods plan and it's not heresy.
  23. kerosene

    Spetsnaz mod weapon pack

    Oh, I thought it was some kind of IED. [Kerosene gets his coat]
  24. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    The only alternatives China ever had were a monarchy or a Chiang kai-shek's right-wing dictatorship. It was inevitable, just like everyone eventually accepted the Soviet Union despite sending troops to fight for White Russia in the civil war.
  25. kerosene

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Nobody missed it, its just that it happened about a decade ago.