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Everything posted by kerosene

  1. kerosene

    PLA Demo

    yeah, some of the later missons are dodgy, that s probably the un pack that was realeased, its oldish, search on flashpoint.cz. I think it asked me for ECUSforces as well or something. Did anyone else have a problem where none of the third party addons were recognised if they were in a mod folder? I had to put them all in my addons folder?
  2. kerosene

    weird sound problems

    I have a soundblaster card and i get the static, crackling sound bug, but i've realised recently that if i have an mp3 player running in the background while i play ofp, i never get the bug. Also it only really seems to occur when im connected to the internet! I've tried all of the usual fixes without much success, but has anyone else noticed anything like the above?
  3. kerosene


    Yeah, U.S coast guard is a branch of the armed forces, they guard harbours and coastal facilites, track boats, board and search vessels, they do the same stuff in iraq, i read an interview with a U.S coastgaurd who had worked with GROM while he was over there.
  4. kerosene

    weird sound problems

    thanks i'll try that, ive got a pretty good motherboard and my SBcard is pretty ancient.
  5. kerosene

    weird sound problems

    yeah, i use winamp, actually, for the first time today i got the problem while using winamp. But if im disconnected from the internet it dosent happen at all, which makes no sense to me.
  6. kerosene

    Skyscraper Pack

    think im gonna try base-jumping with this
  7. kerosene

    special operation or grunt work?

    I think i remember reading something that defined special operations as missons that could not accomplished with conventional/standard troops, it might've been from a u.s army field manual (not that im in the army btw.) - where discretion or stealth is important i guess that means, more than Rambo shit.
  8. kerosene


    The newest version, the one with 2 different skins, dosent land as well as the previous version, i've found you need to give it tons of room to turn round and line up or it just circles endlesly.
  9. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    30,000 was the highest figure i saw for nicaragua, and thats the highest number for entire war. Considering trade unionists, civil rights activists, teachers, lawyers, and other "subversives" were all fair game i'd say the number of civilian deaths was probably pretty high. Its hard to say if theres a bias one way or the other, but right-wing, or government writing on the subject tends to ignore civilian deaths all together. - I also found a speech by John MaCain calling the contras "freedom fighters" Some people say u.s aid lengtened the conflicts as well. Even if the left wing governments were flawed it dosent justify putting in right wing regimes that are even worse. Literacy rates and health care in these countries also declined as an indirect result of u.s intervention.
  10. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    Hey bernadotte, How did you come up with only hundreds dead in nicaragua and El salvador? I always thought it was a lot higher, and looking around I havent seen much that suggests the death toll wasnt considerably higher.
  11. kerosene

    Your Favourate MMORPG

    I've never seen one thats looked very appealing, not judt graphics but the fantasy settings arent really my thing. If there was a modern day or near future mmorpg, where you could be a criminal or a cop or something i might be tempted, in a few years when (mabye more like 5?) theyll probably be some really great ones though, i'd love something that combined an mmorpg into an ofp style or Dues-ex kind of game.
  12. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    I think thats probably a big part of Bush's appeal for a lot of the people who voted for him. I doubt it'll change much in the way the u.s operates internationally anyway, Bush has probably set the U.S israel/palestine policy for the foreseeable future, i doubt Kerry would try anything different or that he'd really want to. Cant do much in Iraq except send in more troops, which will presumably piss off more iraqis, hes not going to do much fundamentally differently. Â Cant really see him signing kyoto agreement either. The best thing about him is that you can be fairly sure hes not going do anything crazy like invade Iran or something.
  13. kerosene

    Don't want to complain, but...

    Try CSLA2, its got a small movie for an intro and tons of cutscences, i prefer to get straight to the action myself though.
  14. kerosene

    what woul you like

    I cant believe no ones mentioned a certain group of veterans, falsley accused of a crime they did not commit and forced to live underground as fugitives. thats right, the A-team - we need a van, the team and that colonel that was always chasing them. Oh and face mans car, yeah that would be sweet.
  15. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    That thing is crap, For years the Iraqi people had been screaming, in effect: "Oh, my God. Please help me! Please help me! I'm dying!" How could America have answered, "We don't want to get involved"? It did give that answer, remember that one uprising where all those iraqis dies? I wish the Bush people would just pick a reason for the invasion and stick to it. ------------ "We must pick our tyrants carefully, keeping in mind not only justice but our practical interests" If this dicks taking the moral high ground, mabye he should go into detail on the things friendly tyrants do to their people while western governments look the other way. ---------- recognize your face, I recognize your name. / Your daddy killed for oil, and you did the same." We often hear this "blood for oil" accusation. After the first Gulf War we had Iraqi and Kuwaiti oilfields in our grasp. If our goal was to steal oil, why did we give them back? Are we that stupid? No A-hole David Gelernter, no ones that stupid, you dont take another nations territory and keep it, its not the 19th century, you use large corporations to ensure that your nation will have the adequete oil supplies from other countries The racism thing is almost offensive: "Racism is prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another" Not the same as disliking peoples political stance at all, I also find myself able to tolerate people with different views to myself. "Reactionaries recoil from new ideas and try to suppress and defeat them" the guy was just crying about how conservatives, particularly religous conservatives get a bashing. Does he not now what conservative means? Is he suggesting christian conservatives are open to change and new ideas? which ideas, name one new, popular or radical thing in the last 30-40 years they havent opposed. On a lesser note, British people arent a race in the sense this guy uses the term race, there are five seperate, identifiable groups in Britain.
  16. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    But hes a republican, he does think the world will be better off with Bush
  17. kerosene

    Searching For

    I think there are pictures on COlonel Klinks website of a ferry he never finished, he also had pictures of a kick-ass cargo ship, that i guess is not getting finished. I dont think theres anything currently available, someones working on a LCAC and I think that might have a cargo slot tho.
  18. kerosene

    The Iraq thread 4

    I was gonna say on the plus side they trashed a Saudi Arabian airlines office too.
  19. kerosene

    US Marines

    You can see the hint of a flag on his shoulder that looks like the South Korean flag, but that cant be right i guess, did the ROK deploy troops in the end? Edit: Yeah, i think it is, the rifle looks like the Korean Assault Rifle: http://world.guns.ru/assault/as32-e.htm
  20. kerosene

    What is the stupid HMMWV for?

    Have you got links to any pictures - or the name?
  21. kerosene

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    In regards to what I said earlier I dont support this act, or attacks against civilians at all. What I think, is that Islamic militants have seen that this is a situation they can exploit for their own ends, ordinary chechens also find themselves at risk from the rebel fighters now. If your Chechen and aged 16-20ish, you've more or less only known war, and people like that are ideal for fundamentalists, Chechens have turned up in other conflicts where islamic militantancy is involved. So basically, im saying Russia's heavy-handed tactics in Chechnya contributed to a drift form nationalism to religous fundamentalism. Which is bad, cause religous fanatics seem to a lot more prepared to appaling things to prove a point.
  22. kerosene

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Do they resent the Russians for deporting all those Chechens during WW2? I just found this on Encyclopedia.com: Recognized as a distinct people since the 17th cent., the Chechens were the most active opponents of Russia's conquest (1818-1917) of the Caucasus. They fought bitterly during an unsuccessful 1850s rebellion led by Imam Shamyl. The Bolsheviks seized the region in 1918 but were dislodged in 1919 by counterrevolutionary forces under Gen. A. I. Denikin . In 1991, as the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Chechen-dominated parliament of the republic declared independence as the Republic of Ichkeria, soon better known as Chechnya. In June, 1992, Russia granted Ingush inhabitants their own republic (Ingushetia) in the western fifth of the territory. Tensions between the Russian government and that of Chechen president Dzhokhar Dudayev escalated into warfare in late 1994, as Russian troops arrived to crush the separatist movement. Grozny was devastated in the fighting, and tens of thousands died. Russian forces regained control of many areas in 1995, but separatist guerrillas controlled much of the mountainous south and committed spectacular terrorist actions in other parts of Russia. Fighting continued through 1996, when Dudayev was killed and succeeded by Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev. The Russians withdrew, essentially admitting defeat, following a cease-fire that left Chechnya with de facto autonomy. Aslan Maskhadov, chief of staff of the Chechen forces, was elected president early in 1997 but appeared to have little control over the republic. In 1999, Islamic law was established. Terrorism, including a series of bombings in Moscow, erupted again, and after Islamic militants invaded neighboring Dagestan from Chechnya, Russian forces bombed and invaded Chechnya, capturing Grozny and forcing the rebels into mountain strongholds. The rebels have continued to mount guerrilla attacks on Russian forces, as well as terror attacks in Moscow and other Russian cities outside Chechnya. Both sides have been accused of brutality and terrorizing noncombatants. In Mar., 2003, voters approved a new constitution for Chechnya, and in October Akhmad Kadyrov was elected president, but the election was generally regarded as neither free nor fair. Both the constitution and the president were backed by Russian government. ----- I think Dudyav was the ex-airforce colonel he wasnt an islamic militant i dont think.
  23. kerosene

    Gunmen take 200+ student hostages

    Chechen conflict didnt start out like this, and the media should look at whats happened and is happening in Chechnya. I think the way Russian forces have behaved in chechnya, and sometimes how the Russian judicail system/government has reacted has made Chechnyans more militant. Its the kind of situation thats helpful for islamic militants cause they can capitalise on whats happened and use it for their own ends.
  24. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    In what way are the republicans doing there best to stop Hart from being elected? The Tennesee Republican party website makes no mention of him, ditto for the G.O.P site, all team GOP did was criticise a democrat who said that the Tennesee Republicans should publicly denounce him and that he should have looked into the E-mails sent by republicans. I cant find public, on the record criticism of him, the one write-in candidate who unfortunatley failed in his attempt to stop him getting nominated isnt enough.
  25. kerosene

    Us presidential election 2004

    The problem for me is the number of republicans who are overtly racist is too many. And yeah there are always gonna be racists in just about any group, but this prick should be ejected from the party, its not like were talking about someone whos predujiced, no one like this should be in a major political party in a civilised country. Its the 21st century godammit! He should be denounced rather than not supported.