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Everything posted by kerosene

  1. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    Does anyone know much about this guy - John Laughland? Â I read an editorial he wrote for the guardian last week about the Ukranian opposition - he accused them of being anti-semitic amongst other things, and someone else may have mentioned him on this forum, he was criticizing the groups who have organised against the incumbent. : http://www.guardian.co.uk/g2/story/0,,1362333,00.html
  2. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    What do you mean reversing, like "most immigrants are rapists?" If it was the truth it wouldn't be racist. It's not about smearing, mentioning ethnicity serves two purposes IMO: - help identify the criminal in particular cases - inform the people of the problems, and then it's up to the individual to form his own opinion. Truth prevents prejudices, right? Yeah, but the statement "most immigrants are rapists" isnt true, making it a racist statement, the statistics may well support you in saying the majority of x crime is committed by y ethnic group, however that dosent, by definition mean most of that ethnic group are committing that crime. Aside from that, most sexual assaults are committed by men who have a pre-existing relationship with the victim. And, as I said, I dont consider describing a particular suspects looks and ethnicity to be reacist. What exactly are people being informed of, unless accompanied by a percentage figure to inform you approximatley how much of that particular group is committing a crime, or where these crimes are occuring, what are they supposed to do with the information, other than form a prejudice against that group as a whole.
  3. kerosene

    Ai thread

    I've been thinking a "civlian AI" and a "soldier AI" would be nice, with some different anims as well as behaviour. I hate it when unarmed AI stand or crouch as though there holding a rifle. Improvements to squad movement in built up areas are a must for me, Full Spectrum Warrior isnt perfect, But it would be nice to see AI taking cover, using bounding overwatch and moving to a waypoint using maximum cover and concealment. Perhaps that could be dependant on the squad leaders skill level.
  4. kerosene

    Flashpoint 2 music?

    I think classical for wurope, or appropriate traditional or native music for different parts of the world. I'm not a fan of calssical or world music, but I think its got more atmosphere. Apparently im in a minority of 1, but it bugged the hell out of me, when im playing a res misson, and all of a sudden i've got sub limp-bizkit rap metal coming at me. Or mabye just a phil collins soundtrack
  5. kerosene

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    I've seen photos on military photos.net of Venezuelan SF, they were wearing bandoliers, I tihnk in latin america and parts of asia there still somewhat common. This is a nice pack by way, I'm looking forward to the updated version, they look like they'll be good opponents for extractions upcoming SF pack.
  6. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    Did it occur to you, that it simply dosent make the news or that many rapes are not reported, espically in non-western cultures? Â Most newspapers pick up on rapes /murders of girls when their pretty or attacked by foreigners. Admittedley im using my own country as a guide here, but with a few(and I stress few) exceptions if you go buy the media, you could quite easily believe that only child molestation and abduction only happens to white children, this is not the case at all. Aside from that, considering women and children from impoverished parts of the world are forced into the sex trade by people smugglers at an increasing rate, I would have to say, fairly often. The statement "most rapes in x country are committed by immigrants) is not in itself racist. Â Reversing the statement makes it so. Â On other hand, you could argue, what exactly is the value of informing people that a particular crime is most likley perpetrated by a particular demographic group? Â Mentioning the ethnicity of a suspect is one thing, smearing a group is another. Â The Metropolitan Police caught a lot of flak a few years ago when a spokesporson announced most muggings were commited by black males, the right took the argument that its just a fact, a statement, nothing wrong with stating a fact. Â However, the same right wing papers and the same readership would probably be very unhappy if a confrence was called to announce that an noticably above average number of pedophiles are white middle class males with a professional job. ( This is true by the way, i didnt just pull that out of my butt.) Surley the information is just as relevant?
  7. @ Mr. Reality. My objection was to people using the term on the forum more than in the context of a game or film. Â And it is a racist term, perhaps not where you live, but i've heard it used as a derogatory term for asian people. Plenty of racist terms are derived from other words or the meaning is changed or becomes broader. Anyway, moving on, I apologize for swearing at you. Seriously though, ROK marines, Blue Dragons, even the VC were afraid of them, they'd make a cool addon.
  8. kerosene

    The Iraq thread 4

    They probably thought they'd have running water and electricity and that people wouldnt be dying of preventable disease. I imagine its disheartening when your country is "liberated" and the liberators then stand back and allow weeks of anarchy and looting by every scumbag and criminal in their country.
  9. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    When people demand integration, there always seems to be an assumption that the native population actually wants to integrate with immigrants or has no problem with them. I dont know what the situations like in Sweden, but in Northern England their were riots between muslims and the white population, and the right wing papers talked about how muslims needed to do more to integrate themselves into the community, while ignoring the fact that its just a more xenophobic part of the country and no one there has a job.
  10. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    Someone posted about it a few pages back on this thread, most references on google seem to be from creepy far-right sights. Â One claims that Malmos population is 70% muslim, yet their census states its foreign born citizens make up 24% of the population, the two largest groups are Yugoslavs and Poles, Bosnia-Hezgovina is number 3. Â The information I saw was old, but Malmo has about twice the average % of immigrants and twice the average unemployment in sweden, less than 3.5% of the population were non-christian in 1987. Malmo statistics http://www.malmo.se/see/work/17922/SG%202003%20En.pdf Fox are jumping on a pretty dodgy bandwagon if they went by the information I saw from typing in "Malmo" and "crime" into Google. One supplied by people who are questionable at best.
  11. kerosene

    Generic OPFOR BETA 1

    I've had no probs with my ATI 9800 either (first time i've been able to say that in relation to OFP ). I dont think its E&S addons or lack of that are the problem, its definatley dosent use the weapons either.
  12. kerosene

    New UAZ Model!

    Perhaps its just a mistake on someones part? I wonder if this games any good, I'm hunting fro a game to tide me over till ofp2, I think STALKER might do it, but they delayed it till May
  13. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    It wasnt just resources, it was a new set of tactics and superior technology that allowed them to plow over other countries. Â The British governemnt simply refused to accept that there might be a war with Germany uintil it happened, Â It was either the guy who built the Spitfire or the guy who built the Hurricane, but one of them paid for the first production run out of his own pocket with no customer lined up because the government was more or less in denial, I think they bought them when the sudenland was invaded. The Polish were still using horseback cavalry at the start of the war, and that is when britain declared war, they were slow in moving to actually attack, but it was the French had the Maginot line and I guess they felt like they wanted to use it. They probably thought the Germans would just exhust themselves on it. We're really getting into hypothetical stuff now anyway, so theres no way to really say one way or the other, its interesting to think about though.
  14. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    But if Britain and France had attacked Germany in the late 30's without soviet or U.S assistance they surley would've lost, Hitler would've then been able to attack the Soviet union in isolation. Â The U.S wouldnt have declared war on Germany in sympathy with Britain and France, and after that war was over, the U.S would have had no base to operate from in Europe. There are lots of what-ifs? but when the war started many countries could'nt even defend their own borders, what could they have contributed to a pre-emptive war aginst the Nazi's? Besides, it ignores the fact that no one had any intention of attacking or stopping Nazi Germany, the U.S wasn't worried about Hitler, they were worried about Stalin just like europeans, because they were busy shafting there working classes and colonies so they had good reason to fear communism. The Soviets suffered 13.5 millon casualties, bear in mind the military casualties for the soviet union would include women and children and I havent even included civilian casualties in that. Germany coomitted the bulk of its troops and suffered most of its casualties on the Eastern Front.
  15. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    Before the war, most countries, the U.S included, regarded Nazi germany as a bulwark against communism and saw him as a potential ally in a war against communism. Look at the popularity of eugenics in britain and the U.S in the 30's and the organisations and people that supported it.
  16. kerosene

    The Middle East part 2

    The thing is, I expect a professional army to behave professionally. Humilating or assaulting people regardless of who they are is won't actually help the situation. And yes, Its front page news when suicide bombers atatck israel, I think the people who brainwash children and use them as weapons are scum.
  17. It wasnt just Vietcong, it included "people with communist sympathies" and probably just people in the wrong place at the wrong tiime. Rape and torture as well as its infliction on relatives of the suspected were routine. Im not trying to paint the NVA as paragons of moral virtue by comparison, I just think its debatable that they were much worse. Also if you look at it as a proxy war between the powers as the only alternative to total war, shouldnt the failure of the U.S have had more visable ramifications? The region remained more or less as it was in terms of politics. - Vietanm, Laos were communist, Cambodia was barley a communist nation and Thailand, Indonesia and Phillipines didnt fall to the red menace in the wake of the defeat. Vietnam kicked Chinas ass twice after the vietnam war and these defeats were in no small part responsible for the modernisation of the PLA.
  18. kerosene

    European Politics Thread.

    Umm, Britain declared war on them and the Soviet Union suffered 13.600.000 casualties fighting Nazis. The U.S "did nothing" until the last possible minute cause they wanrted the soviet union to lose as many troops as possible for they entered the war, but Japan made that decison for them. The spanish civil war was a war against fascism, but in the 30's most of the world considered Hitler preferable to communism, he had prominent supporters in the U.S, and the U.K before the war. Most of the European countires were in no position to even think about stopping Nazi germany, Britain wasnt invaded because its an island and had an empire at the time. Besides theres very little the West can do in the Ukraine, its Russias back yard just like central america was for the U.S in the 80's, and they may tolerate their man being forced out peacfully, but I dont see any alternative to acting as an observer on this, even if the incumbent governemnt used troops/police/supporters to viloently crack down on the opposition the Russians would never tolerate european or UN peacekeepers on the ground.
  19. Tell that to the rounded up civils during Tet...oops..social justice for all! And the 40,000 civilians rounded up during the pheonix program by south vietnamese operating under C.I.A and U.S SF? Â Supporting a right wing dictatorship isnt the morally superior choice. I dont really buy into the domino effect, so I dont see the war as being as vital as preventing total war between the U.S and the communist block. North Korea was flooded with Chinese troops because the U.S/U.N didnt listen to some friendly advice. The U.S new the vietnam war was lost at least 5 years before they pulled troops out, but they prolonged the war, sacrificing lives to try and make a point to Russia and China. I' d recomend picking up "the sorrow of war by Bao Ninh if you want to read something from the N.Vietnamese perspective. http://www.amazon.com/exec....=507846 It averaged about 5 stars, check out the reader reviews. Â Also there were plenty of ROK troops in Vietnam too, they'd make a nice addition. Just say Vietnamese you prick, I hate that fucking word. I dont care what it did mean in the past, did U.S soldiers in Vietnam restrict their use of the word to describing North Vietnamese soldiers only? I doubt it.
  20. kerosene

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I like the backpacks, a game logic or something in the init line would be good, just to give you more choice, but dont get rid of them.
  21. kerosene

    Swiss mod released

    Terrorists or seperatists? or that old standard - invasion by Russia?
  22. kerosene

    The Iraq thread 4

    The "satan is Falluja" bits been shown quite widley, even the papers picked up on tht one. I'll check it out for the rest of the footage though.
  23. kerosene

    Swiss mod released

    The Eagle 3 jeep and the CV90 are cool, I think there my favs in the pack. Thats some nice work fellas.
  24. kerosene

    The Middle East part 2

    Seems a tad extreme in my view, the article dosent give the impression there was anything violent or humilating about it.