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About karl76

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. karl76

    Latest Beta Patch: 72018

    This patch certainly made the Jackal mission a lot harder than it was before (playing on Veteran). Before I could complete it fine as long as I didnt open fire at anyone and stayed prone all the time and kept my distance from soldiers. Now with the new patch I have some problems especially dealing with the gas station but also staying alive for more than 2 seconds after detonating the bombs although I'm at the very edge of the detonation distance. 1. test: Placed my final bomb about 1m away from the gas station (about 4m-6m from the soldiers), after it was placed they turned around and I was shot (slow prone was used at all time). <--- This approach worked fine in the previous beta patch. 2. test: Placed my final bomb about 2m away from the gas station, not detected. 3. test: shot out lamp near the gas station, apparently that caused one of the two soldier to cover the east side while the other stayed at the west, which basically made it impossible to plant the final bomb, two dead soldiers later I was killed off a few seconds later. 4. test: placed all bombs, went prone on top of the first hill south of the gas station (about 100m) detonating the bombs only to be found and killed only 1 or 2 seconds after enjoying the fireworks. <--- This approach worked fine in the previous beta patch. 5. test: placed all bombs, walked in low stance to the detonation distance (about 200m from gas station), again killed after 2 seconds of detonation.
  2. I have the retail versions of Arma2 and AO and I never had to use the command scripts to get Arma2 content working in AO. 1. Installed Arma2, and patched it to 1.07 and I believe I started it to adjust my graphics settings before installing AO. 2. Installed AO, it automatically found my Arma2 folder so it was all good. It skipped the 1.06 patch installation just like it was suppose to. Started up AO and it had all content from Arma2, its single missions and campaigns (a total of 3) and I adjusted the graphics setting for AO. 3. A few days later I installed the first AO patch but also a beta patch and I can launch both just fine and still see all the content from Arma2 when I startup AO. Whoever did the installers of the retail versions at BIS, I gotta congratulate you, it was simple and easy and worked like a charm. Thank you. :)
  3. karl76

    hypothetically ArmA Everything High/V High?

    I have all settings on very high and it runs excellent since the 1.07 hotfix. C2D at 3.2 Ghz and single 8800GTX. I do play "only" at 1280x1024.
  4. karl76

    Total Arma Sales?

    German DVD version here. 224 total
  5. karl76

    will BI add a functioning AN/PEQ-2

    We already have something like laser beams inside the game.... the tracers. Make the current tracer effect constant and only visible through NV and semi-transparent and since that effect is actually a 3D object it should behave like a laser/light source and be stopped by other 3D objects. Anyway, that was just a noobish idea of mine, it probably wouldn´t work anyway.
  6. karl76

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    First off all, thank you BIS; ArmA never ran so good before! Specs: E6600 @ 3.2Ghz, 8800GTX (165.01), 2GB. Settings: 1280x1024, all very high except AA is set to "low", VD 7700. + LOD issue gone, even in the middle of the big city where it was at times pretty bad and where it was lagging pretty bad. There is still some mini-lag (or pause) when I quickly turn around (180 degree) but nothing that messes up gameplay and I´ll take this mini-lag ANYTIME over LOD issue or the VRAM allocation one. + "Very high" shadows are back working again! + No CTDs, or BSODs in my test session (+1hr) - Medium distance fog is back, and its about as it was in 1.05+ 1.05 (release patch, NOT 1.05+, don´t have a picture of 1.05+) http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/779/fogmania105fx6.jpg 1.07 (old beta, 5154) http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/8428/nofog107rq7.jpg 1.07 (new beta, 5157) http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/3303/107newfogsbackmi0.jpg (VD is set to 10000, time 12.30, weather is set to perfectly clear, no fog neither in the future) As much as I dislike this fog, I still prefer the improvements and accept the fog if it would otherwise break the improvements in 5157 again. Thanks again BIS!!
  7. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    It was a leaked beta, not a public beta like on nzone.com or nvidia.com but the download links in this thread should still work: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=89885 and they are here as well: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/drivers/xp
  8. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Nope, thats XP Pro (32 bit) with a 8800GTX and the 165.01 beta drivers. Well I dont know how you've completely got rid of fog, I've just installed those drivers and as you can see there is still more fog than yours. I tried changing HDR back to 8 no change either still white mountains, ffs now you've got me going again lol, I thought everyone at least had "slight" fog using 8800, this game is just too damn random. I really don´t know, but like I said I´m using HDRprecision 8, and my brightness is set to 1.5, and gamma is set to 0.8. These values fit best to my LCD screen and my "taste" of HDR. I´m pretty sure these settings (brightness/gamma) might have an effect on the fog, and one more thing, when I made the screeenshots I set the weather to perfectly clear, and no fog both current and future, and time was 12.30 midday.
  9. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Nope, thats XP Pro (32 bit) with a 8800GTX and the 165.01 beta drivers.
  10. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    That is not foggy?. This is the original fog bug , its better now but not 100% fixed. Hmmm for me is completely gone with 1.07: http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/8428/nofog107rq7.jpg I was talking about the fog that started around 400m, not the distant haze that was removed with 1.05 beta. 1.05 (non-beta) http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/779/fogmania105fx6.jpg Once I set HDRprecision to 16 or 32, I get some of that medium distance fog back, but not as much as in 1.05.
  11. I see. I was experimenting a little and noticed that when you use HDRprecision 16 or 32 (instead of the normal "8"), it actually brings back the some of the fog as in version 1.05.
  12. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Lee, how come you still have the fog bug? It´s gone here with the 165.01 drivers.
  13. You know whats funny about your picture? I actually prefer the darker/higher contrast look in 1.07 over the grey-fog jungle in 1.05 anytime.
  14. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    The hardware is fine bro and so are the drivers, why? Because the BSODs are a lot more rare on 1.05 (once a week vs. once per hour). I´d rather get rid of ArmA than roll back on my hardware. Anyway, once I´m done with work I´ll check the codes and report back.
  15. karl76

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    I don´t know if I would go that far, maybe you´ve had more problems with yours but I wouldn´t switch to ATI if I were paid. ArmA is the only game that had LOD related issues but by now its at least toleratable (for me) and every other game I can play with 16AF and 16AA smoothly well above 60fps.