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About kuzmich

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. kuzmich

    Mid east

    This is your personal business what you are worried about. However, CALLING someone a CRIMINAL on a public forum is not. About the gunships. My impression is that you think every suspected terrorist is Israel gets his missile right away. If you do, you are wrong. Many of the suspected terrorists are arrested and face trials (and go to prison, where there victims' familys support them through the taxes) . Barguti is a famous example (represented by a lawyer like everyone else). About Osama. In Israel press would bury someone for comparing the legally elected PM with a terrorist. But you know better, don't you?
  2. kuzmich

    Mid east

    5--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Badgerboy @ Dec. 07 2002,185)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Oh yes, he's a great commander... Thats why he's wanted for War Crimes! How the hell does someone like that get into power?<span id='postcolor'> This is amazing. The link you posted  says the case was dismissed(thrown out) . And you still say Sharon is WANTED FOR CRIME. You can not decide who committed a crime , only a court can. I thought this is a common knowledge. Obviously it is not.
  3. kuzmich

    Mid east

    Once again - the 3 victims who were shot are males. It seems that statistics works different in Gaza strip . Bullets targeting civilians find only men for some reason. And for the next post that says he was only 16 - they start military training much earlier.
  4. kuzmich

    Mid east

    In other words you did not like what the article says and you choose to ignore it.
  5. kuzmich

    Mid east

    I mean MALES (Sorry ,Newman!.
  6. kuzmich

    Mid east

    The most of Palestinians casualties are young mails engaged in hostile acticities against Israelies. And the most of Israeli casualties are civilians targeted deleberatly.
  7. kuzmich

    Mid east

    For all those who claim "IDF targets women and children". http://www.ict.org.il/articles/articledet.cfm?articleid=440
  8. kuzmich

    Predestoyed Units

    There are some recks under empty -> objects or sometnig, but add a fire under it.
  9. kuzmich

    radio problems!

    If the places you want the groups to move to are static, put there markers and use getMarkerPosition . Make these markers invisible by setting there size to 0 or colour or transparent and staff.
  10. Everybody uses them to fetch coordinates, but in a dePBOed single mission from original OFP (Ambush I think) there is a lot of gamelogic units, connected with triggers.It seems like they have important role in controlling the game flow.Does anyone know what are they intended to be used for?
  11. kuzmich

    Ofp r mission #3 -steal tanks

    I infiltrated the camp alone USING the BIZON I took at the first shootout from the dead Spetsnaz. With silenced weapon it took only a little patience. Then I called in the reinforcements, manned the undamaged tanks and took off. Killed the enemy reinforcement on the way back.
  12. kuzmich

    Ofp main, red hammer, + resistance

    I have Resistance without Red Hammer.
  13. kuzmich

    Ammo low

    I am almost sure it does not matter where the trucks meet the end of the mission. I never managed to drive them.
  14. kuzmich

    Way to get weapons back if you lose them without r

    Reproducing the bug. I just found it out after the First Strike , when you liberate hoostages having a team of two medics at the beginning. I wanted to use the Bizon I scavenged in the very first shoot out from a Speznaz, but it wasn't there.
  15. How it can be done? I want to attack a base with guards on towers, how do I put them there? Thanks everyone.