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Rough Knight

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Posts posted by Rough Knight

  1. Hello!

    I been having problems with missions were it is ideal to use an CRRC boat. I can't find any in or arround Nimitz. In operation Roundup it says that my men are waiting in the CRRC facility but when I go to them I find nothing but an empty room, what is wrong? Then only way for me to play these missions is to "steal" a helicopter.

    Hi mate,

    I havent heard of that problem before, you should be joining your squadmates so follow the icon to their location. I am assuming you are in the wrong room here, do you know what and where the CRRC facility is on USS Nimitz (it's on the lower flight deck near the stairs up to the control tower)?. The AI cant launch the CRRC on their own, so maybe you are using an old version of Nimitz? You got the lastest version from the link on the first post? The CRRC facility was one of jdogs latest additions to Nimitz, so thats my guess at this stage that you have an obsolete version.

    Good luck mate, let me know how you go.

  2. You can play mp missions in multiplayer without having to go on listed servers in the community,

    just hit new at the bottom, and choose your mission and you created your own server.

    surely you know this already.

    Looking forward to DAP's next update!

    Yeah, I did realise this, but I guess I am more refering in my comments to add some more singleplayer features like teamswitch ability when the player is playing in a non-multiplayer scenario. As mentioned however, I am not sure how friendly this is for DAP to implement. It would just compliment single player use as it seems he intended the mission to also be able to be used for this purpose.

    Anyway, no big one..I am sure he has many other more important matters to look into : )

    Looking forward to DAP's next update!

    ten four rubber ducky!

  3. @feint - good post. More than a third of shark species are on the endangered list, mostly killed for the fins to make soup.

    The deadliest non-human animal on the planet is still the mosquito, and likely to become more so as climate change encourages the spread of Anopheles and other species, and more accidental introductions of parasites occur (e.g., West Nile Fever - now endemic in much of the US and spreading through the EU & RF/CIS).

    OT - I like your idea of inflatable-buoy lifting; opens various scenario possibilities, such as smuggling CBW agents, or drugs (as in 'Once Upon a Time in America'). IIRC, weren't there also some mines that were dropped onto the sea bed which after variable delays blew the buoyancy tanks to hazard shipping & tie up the minesweepers?



    Yes....but I live in Western Australia on the coast...it's a little hard to explain the feeling here steping into the water. Many are a little spooked due to four deaths attributed to White Pointers within a few hundred km of coastline in the last 6 months (not sure those numbers indicate a shortage of white-pointers which are a protected species). It doesn't feel like you are more likely to be hit by a car on the way home that's for sure.

    Anyway, there has been a few posts in the Lingor thread about Oil Rigs native to the map, this addon should be cool in a number of scenarios for that map and compliment Icebreakrs latest release well I think : )

  4. Hi DAP,

    Firstly, thanks for your Insurgency\Incurgency mission, I can see a lot of work has gone into them and they are heaps of fun. I hope you don't mind if I add some suggestions or considerations for your next version. All my observations are based on singleplayer use.

    1). Is it possible to make your recuited squad switchable ie.. if (!ismultiplayer) then {{addswitchableunit _x} foreach units group player}; I am sure it's not that easy however : P

    This would add more options to the player who often has to take control of AI who are prone to doing your head in sometimes. For example, the squadleader then would not have to take the UAV terminal if he wishes to use UAV support in singleplayer mode. Which leads to the next question.

    2). Is it possilbe or plausible to in singleplayer mode to equip your squad mate with the UAV terminal, but then have the players action for "request UAV" available to the player?. This would be a realistic appoach to RL combat, where the squad leader would not always carry the terminal. With this method, you could forget the above step of having teamswitchable AI because you can still use the UAV without actually carrying the terminal. The system you have in place now is IMO the best situation for MP however and is best to stay that way.

    3). I can't work out how to deploy a rally point in SP or if this feature is working. I am assuming my misunderstanding somewhere along the line : )

    4). The actions menu for setting gras layer and viewdistance does not appear in SP. This may be the intention as I notice there is still grass present, but I was wondering if there are any other options configurable in that menu that may be usefull in singleplayer mode?

    Anyway, thanks again for the mission. I love the fact you have taken the extra time to make this work for us who mostly play SP mode, as many MP missions do not allow us to play without going online.


    Rough Knight

  5. Nice work there panther42 it looks great,

    I wish you made this about 6 months ago, it would have saved me a lot of pain : P

    I did some similar things in my Carrier Operations -Duala campaign and had a few problems which I should mention.

    If you use the "playMove" command, then be aware that tides seem to effect to posASL of Nimitz. This can have implications on the playback of your recorded moves in different months of the year (because the tides are different). Your wheels on an aircraft can be half buried in the carrier deck on move playback for example. I found when launching off a catapult, the AI aircraft really shudder and shake, and a player controlled aircraft can on some conditions all most stop dead when the catapult lets go.

    I only found the issue late in my campaign development because I used the first mission as a template with the intention of just copying the mission, editing it as required then changing the dates to suit my campaign timeframe.

    Anyway I am not sure if its going to be a problem for you, I hope not but I thought I better mention it : )


    Rough Knight.

  6. True but I think those odds go WAY up when you enter the water.

    Especially when the poor guy was diving 1.6km out to sea, the odds may well be much lower on the shoreline. The guy before him however was apparently recovering his anchor stuck on the bottom at Rottnest Island. Both guys where obviously diving. It would be interesting to know if he had a shark-shield on.

    I think the shark addon implemented into diving missions will work here, it is definitely a consideration it shows for any diver.


    Rough Knight

  7. Although pelhams method is probably easier, here is what to do with my script if you want to use it.

    1). Add a helo to your map, give it a name ie helo.

    2). Add your two groups give both the leaders a name ie. leader1 and leader2

    3). In both leaders init fields put: {_x assignasCargo helo} foreach units group this; {_x moveincargo helo} foreach units group this;

    4). Add one marker where the helo starts and finishes from and give it a name i.e. "marker1"

    5). Add one marker where the helo flys to (insertion point) and give it a name i.e. "marker2"

    5). Add one marker where the inserted sqaud is to goto when they disembark i.e. "marker3"

    6). add the following to a trigger [your dead dudes name is for example mydeaddude]

    7). Edit the unload.sqf chats [at the bottom of the script] or delete them if you don't want your squad leaders to say something when they disembark

    triger [axis a & b]: 0

    trigger [activation]: none

    trigger [condition:] !(alive mydeaddude)

    trigger [on act:] nul = [helo, leader1, leader2, "marker1", "marker2", "marker3"] execVM "unload.sqf";


    //Script to drop troops at a location then order them to go somewhere.
    //See desctiption for array fields below. Called by:
    //nul = [helo, leader1, leader2, "marker1", "marker2", "marker3"] execVM "unload.sqf";  
    _helo 		= _this select 0;	// Name of you helo
    _leader1 	= _this select 1;	//Name of the 1st inserted squads leader
    _leader2 	= _this select 2;	//Name of the 2nd inserted squads leader
    _marker1	= _this select 3;	//marker for chopper to return to (perhaps also start from)
    _marker2	= _this select 4;	//marker for insertion location
    _marker3	= _this select 5;	//marker to tell troops where to go when insertion is complete
    _pilot		= driver _helo;
    [_pilot] joinsilent grpNull;
    _group		= group _pilot;
    sleep 0.1;
    //Ensure pilot will not engage enemy and actually land at location.
    //The following code makes pilot not engage, but allows gunners to still fire (they are no longr part of pilots group)
    unassignVehicle _pilot;
    _pilot disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; 
    _pilot disableAI "TARGET"; 
    _pilot allowDamage false; 
    _pilot setBehaviour "careless"; 
    _pilot allowFleeing 0; 
    _pilot disableAI "FSM"; 
    _pilot assignAsDriver _helo; 
    _pilot moveindriver _helo; 
    _helo allowFleeing 0;
    _helo setfuel 1;
    _helo setdamage 0;
    _helo setCaptive true;
    waituntil {_pilot in _helo};
    //hint format ["name of helo driver is: %1", name _pilot];
    _h1 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle (getMarkerPos _marker2);
    _waypoint0 = _group addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos _marker2), 0];
    [_group, 0] setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _waypoint0 setWaypointStatements ["true", format ["%1 land ""land""; {[_x] orderGetIn false; unassignVehicle _x} foreach units group %2; {[_x] orderGetIn false; unassignVehicle _x} foreach units group %3", _helo, _leader1, _leader2]];
    _waypoint1 = _group addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos _marker2), 1];
    [_group, 1] setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD";
    _waypoint1 setWaypointStatements [format ["(({(alive _x) && (_x in %1)} count units group %2 == 0) && ({(alive _x) && (_x in %1)} count units group %3 == 0))", _helo, _leader1, _leader2], ""];
    _h2 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle (getMarkerPos _marker1);
    _waypoint2 = _group addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos _marker1), 2];
    [_group, 2] setWaypointType "MOVE";
    _waypoint2 setWaypointStatements ["true", format ["%1 land ""land"";", _helo]]; 
    //Code to make units inserted do whatever you want them to.
    //wait until unit has jumped out of chopper at location.
    while {(_leader1 in _helo) || ((_leader1 distance (getMarkerPos _marker2)) > 100) || (_leader2 in _helo) || ((_leader2 distance (getMarkerPos _marker2)) > 100)} do {sleep 1;};
    //Waypoint for squad one
    _waypoint3 = (group _leader1) addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos _marker3), 0];
    [(group _leader1), 0] setWaypointType "SAD";
    [(group _leader1), 0] setWaypointCombatMode "RED";
    [(group _leader1), 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
    [(group _leader1), 0] setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
    [(group _leader1), 0] setWaypointFormation "LINE";
    _waypoint3 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""];
    //Waypoint for squad two.
    _waypoint4 = (group _leader2) addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos _marker3), 0];
    [(group _leader2), 0] setWaypointType "SAD";
    [(group _leader2), 0] setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
    [(group _leader2), 0] setWaypointFormation "COLUMN";
    _waypoint4 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""];
    //Leader one chat
    hint parseText format["<t color='#00FFFF'>Master Sargeant<br/>%1:</t><br/><br/>Fall into line squad...Move to the objective...Engage at will!!", name _leader1];
    sleep 10;
    //Leader two chat
    hint parseText format["<t color='#00FFFF'>Master Sargeant<br/>%1:</t><br/><br/>Lets move team...Eyes sharp, this is hostile territory!!", name _leader2];

  8. Hi _qor,

    An example mission I made for you can be found here. Just throw the extracted folder into your missions folder in "my documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\username\Missions" so you can view it in the editor.

    Feel free to do whatever with it if it is kind of what you are trying to do [just modify "unload.sqf"]. It is scripted, but is easy to modify. I am not sure of your scripting knowledge, but if you are not sure how I will help you out. Otherwise just basically use the information from the setWaypointStatements fields into the relevant mission editor waypoint fields.

    Basically instead of using the radio trigger to call the insertion, just either change the trigger activation to (!(alive nameofGuywhodies)).

    To do what you are trying to do there are a number of considerations. Basically you need to change the behaviour of the helicopter to ignore any potential targets it see's on the way to the insertion. Otherwise it will forget temporarily what it is supposed to be doing and can be unpredictable in its actions.

    You can get around this by adding in the helo's init: this setbehaviour "SAFE"; this disableAI "TARGET"; this disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; this setCombatMode "BLUE";

    Trouble with that is the gunners will not engage during the course of the landing which is not realistic IMHO.

    I hope that helps.

    EDIT: I am just editting the mission, as I just read you want two groups to be inserted at the insertion point. - > DONE!


    Rough Knight

  9. But when I preview my mission with facing an OPFOR unit, the OPFOR unit lays down and aims on the civilians/Independets, but doesnt shoot.

    I find the easiest way to get around the opfor engaging issue with civilians is to do the following.

    1). Add a bluefor unit in the editor but set his Probability of presence to "0", and set his rank to sargeant or something.

    2). Make him the leader of your civilians by dragging a group line from each of your civs to the blufor guy (who will never spawn).

    3). In your Init.sqf add: EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0]; CIVILIAN setfriend [EAST, 0];

    Then you will find east troops will attack the civs with no additional scripting required. In using this method, I believe the civilians are still of the side "Civilian" even though you may think otherwise (unconfirmed).

    For some reason AI will not always engage civilians by just using the setfriend command I have found from previous experience.


    Rough Knight

  10. Hi Guys,

    Has anyone asked if there are any animals implemented into the new version. The Phrase "The Hunting Ground" sounds promising, although I am not sure what that is refering to? Can anyone enlighten me?

    I just found this:

    We're still testing new units while map update is 100% complete. There will be two versions:

    - Lite (island & civilians & snakes & crocodiles)

    - Full (all of above + units (4 factions) + charon's predator)

    So with the predator, will we be the hunted or the hunter?


    Rough Knight

  11. But you're probably talking about objects that BIS made and configured in vanilla configs? I don't remember putting down a custom radar object on Duala.

    Yes, these radars are the warfare radars, and are vanilla objects. I can make you a sample mission if you would like so you can see it and decide if you want to do anything about it. Personally I would remove them as they could be added by a mission maker, however I am not sure if they are strategicaly placed [they typically are located on high ground which is logical]....but you are the boss : )

    To be honest, maybe ingame no-one would place a satchel or try to blow one up from the ground anyway. You wouldnt notice the graphical glitch from an aircraft. I just saw the issue so thought I would mention it.


    Rough Knight.

  12. Hi guys,

    New version is up.

    v1.13 | 19-Mar-12

    * Added: Description of task added to overview for each mission in the campaign lobby.

    * Added : kbTell used for all mission chat\radio dialogue.

    * Fixed: All missions, ambient plane on your wingman's catapult (#1) could be deleted in clear view of player at launch off Nimitz.

    * Fixed: All missions, recruited Wingman was unable to fire.

    * Fixed: Mission6: Chat dialogue was not initiated.

    * Fixed: A few mission animation errors.

    * Changed: Mission1, "Hunt the squirrel" secondary objective is now optional.

    * Changed: Improvements in final mission.

    Any testers and feedback would be welcome as usual. I will probably need to update the campaign again when Meatball updates @MAR-2MAW, which could be shortly for all I know.

    Thanks blackfox34 for getting me off my backside to implement kbTell. I think that is the biggest change in the campaign, although many other smaller fixes have been added. There where some changes to mission6 also improving the transition from pilot to marine as well as a CAS fix from memory.

    Just one remark: Can you replace the MARSOC Units with either the BIS Force Recon or some other Addon? The MARSOC just don't look very good. The Campaign itself is topnotch and meatballs F18 and icebrakers duala island are beautiful. The Nimitz is of high quality too. Comparing these with the MARSOC units, they kinda feel out of place.

    MARSOC will stay at least for the moment, I actually like them as for one, they have the first-aid module auto implemented and also they are afterall Marines which would operate off a Carrier. What other units would you recommend out of interest. A Seal Team 6 addon would be ideal, but I think MARSOC is here to stay. I have not had any complaints from other players as of yet concerning this addon: )


    Rough Knight.

  13. I have been noticing that sometimes when NAPA soldiers (spawned with side WEST) join player team (US soldier) as members, one of them may begin to shoot player (without me shooting any friendlies before that). Dosent happen always, but sometimes. With allowdamage false for player, it continues often for long time. Cant reproduce that yet, but have someone else spotted similar bug?

    Yes I have noticed this SaOk, when I was trying to spawn armed civilians from the Isla Duala addon to the independant side (by default they are east [intended to be rebels]). No amount of spawn delay; setFriend [West,1] etc seemed to fix it. Nearly always one or two units in a group of 10 would spawn as east.

    In the end I found a workaround by spawning a Guerilla [or a guy of whatever side you want] as a placeholder. Then join the spawned units to him and after that delete the leader [the side placeholder] and do whatever you want with the group that is left. In the spoiler is the script I wrote to get around the issue, it took ages to find a solution, although I am not sure if it was attributed to the beta or not as I always just use the beta. Excuse the script, I am not very good at it but hopefully you get the idea of what worked for me.

    //Script to spawn enemies for an attack at x location
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    private ["_unit", "_spawnpoint", "_wp1", "_wp2", "_patrol", "_delay1", "_delay2", "_entry_locations", "_sideHQ", "_group",
    	   "_car1", "_ca1", "_ca2", "_ca3", "_ca4", "_ca5", "_ca6", "_ca7", "_ca8", "_ca9", "_ca10",
    	   "_ca11", "_ca12", "_ca13", "_ca14", "_civ_all_array", "_enemy_leader_array", "_waypoint1"];
    sleep 0.1;
    _unit 			= _this select 0;
    _spawnpoint 	= _this select 1;
    _wp1            = _this select 2;
    _patrol			= _this select 3;
    _delay1         = _this select 4;
    _rn_array		= _this select 5;
    _wp3			= _this select 6;
    _SideHQ = createCenter RESISTANCE;
    RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST, 1];
    RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST, 0];
    sleep 0.1;
    _group = createGroup RESISTANCE;
    sleep 0.1;
    _ca_td = _group createUnit ["GUE_Commander", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _group = group _ca_td;
    _delay2 = time + _delay1;
    waitUntil {Time > _delay2};
    sleep 0.1; 
    _car1 = "V3S_Gue" createVehicle (getMarkerPos _spawnpoint);
    _car1 setDir 270;
    _ca1 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel11", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca2 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel22", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca3 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel33", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca4 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel44", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca5 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel55", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca6 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel66", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca7 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel77", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca8 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel83", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca9 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel95", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca10 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel102", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    _ca11 = _group createUnit ["ibr_rebel111", getMarkerPos _spawnpoint,[],20,"FORM"];
    sleep 0.1;
    deleteVehicle _ca_td;
    _civ_all_array = [_ca1, _ca2, _ca3, _ca4, _ca5, _ca6, _ca7, _ca8, _ca9, _ca10, _ca11];
    {_x allowdamage false} foreach _civ_all_array;
    sleep 0.1;
    _count1 		= count _civ_all_array;
    _count2 		= 0;
    while {_count1 > _count2} do {
    							//Assign the unit as a new group
    							_unit = _civ_all_array select _count2;
    							[_unit] joinsilent grpnull;
    							[_unit] joinsilent _group;
    							_group = group _unit;
    							_group selectLeader _unit;
    							_group allowFleeing 0;
    							_unit allowfleeing 0;							
    							//assign unit a name;
    							_a = random 20000;
    							_b = (_a - (_a mod 1));
    							_name1 = format["obj3civ_%1", _b];
    							_unit setVehicleInit format ["%1 = this;", _name1];
    							_VarName = _name1;
    							_unit SetVehicleVarName _VarName;
    							_unit Call Compile Format ["%1=_This ; PublicVariable ""%1""",_VarName];
    							sleep 0.1;
    							_dir = 0;
    							_dir = [_unit, getMarkerPos _wp1] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo;
    							_unit setDir _dir;
    							if (alive _unit) then {obj3_civs = obj3_civs + [_unit]; blueforunits = blueforunits + [_unit]};
    							_unit addEventHandler ["killed", {obj3_civs = obj3_civs - [_this select 0]; blueforunits = blueforunits - [_this select 0]; civ_casualties = civ_casualties + 1; if((side (_this select 1) == resistance) && ((_this select 1) in switchableUnits))then{civ_cas_by_west = civ_cas_by_west + 1};}];
    							_count2 	= _count2 + 1;
    							//deleteunits causing a problem due to spawning on the wrong side.->fixed?
    							//if (side _unit == east) then {deleteVehicle _unit}; 
    {_x setBehaviour "AWARE"}  foreach _civ_all_array;
    {[_x] joinsilent grpNull} foreach _civ_all_array;
    {addswitchableunit _x} foreach _civ_all_array;
    selectPlayer (_civ_all_array select 0); 
    {[_x] joinSilent player} foreach _civ_all_array;
    {_x enableAI "MOVE"} foreach units group player;
    player addWeapon "Binocular";
    sleep 2;
    {_x allowdamage true} foreach _civ_all_array;
    if (true) exitWith {};

    What I did find with this script also was that originally I was trying to spawn them in a truck as cargo. If I do this, I can order them out but most of them refuse to move anywhere after that. I am not sure if that is a beta bug also. I will try do some more testing later tonight.


    Rough Knight

  14. Hi Guys,

    One thing I noticed was that if you place satchels and destroy any of the radar towers like the one on GR:059953, the radar tips over but from one side you can see all the earth and dirt sitting up in the air which looks horrible. Perhaps it could be fixed by changing the editor object or something. I was going to make it part of my campaign to destroy the radars, but when I saw that I figured I couldn't because it doesnt look very good.

    Other than that..no bones to pick here. Thanks for you hard work Icebreakr and Co.


    Rough Knight.
