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Everything posted by johnwilso007

  1. johnwilso007

    Central Addon database

    some mods have already done or beginning to do this on the wiki for example http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Stargate_Mod http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Project_UK_Forces
  2. johnwilso007

    Arma bugs

    was the lift put into this version of ArmA. i found the hotel building but couldn't get it to work:(
  3. johnwilso007

    ArmA Addons

    i was wondering if the people who have ArmA can let us know if the old addons are backward compatible to the new game, i think i read at one point that the old addons will be but they will need a few changes to them for them to function correctly. does anyone know what changes are needed? thanks.
  4. johnwilso007

    Sahrani map!8

    ha everon in the south. ah a little reminder of home!
  5. johnwilso007

    Helicopters in AA

    going back to the initial point about fixed wing aircraft i think that they will be much easier to fly in ArmA. The A10 was probably added so that people could go about making fixed wing aircraft and you wernt limited to the choppers for Air support. they were very difficult to fly when you first started in ofp and i hope that with a much faster, fast jet included in ArmA that the flying the harrier will be much more realsitic and may have more avionic controls. one question though. Is the harrier VTOL +STOVL capable? also yeah id like to see someone straff the DKM Tunguska used them in test flying the SG F302A and its beta Anti missle capabilities. they were a bitch to take out before they got you the best way to avoid the missles was to hit the afterburner and head upwards.
  6. johnwilso007

    The Iraq thread 4

    blair likes to play doggy with mr George "lame duck" "Dubya" bush thats why. in all respects he should really come out and say that the death penalty for saddam was wrong, and state why. even if he did there would be no back lash. what would happen if he did? the iraqis wouldnt change their verdict and it would mean less political suicide for him already. and his people and the labour party may repect him a bit more. the only down side is that george would probably say no to the next blow J** blair wants to give him or the next game of fetch they play at Camp david. the shit will hit the fan on the day hes hung, will he be hung publicly or in private i wonder? they may allow people to spit on him like they did with mussollini. sadam says hell show no fear in death but hell be shiting himself. cant they see thoguh that hanging will only lead him to a matyr, hes bound to shout something out before they hang him to make him sound like a martyr.
  7. johnwilso007

    Stargate mod, important!

    JdB your a twit. the people who are making these addons are doing it so that they can relive their Scifi fantasy in their favourite game, ofp is a very open soure game so its easily modible and the missions can be made into the storylines of the show. not cos they want popularity and to get more people in the team. POWER TO THE OFP FANS. (scifi bully MGM, MGM bully the fans)
  8. johnwilso007

    Stargate mod, important!

    does sound like it, is this a court order that has got you to do this cos then that is legal, otherwise its blackmail.
  9. johnwilso007

    Stargate mod, important!

    wait till general moters gets wind of all the hummers being made ingame and taking their trademark. and whoever makes M16s and various other weapons
  10. johnwilso007

    Stargate mod, important!

    i was toying with Chap'eye do MGM own the Goa'uld language?
  11. johnwilso007

    Stargate mod, important!

    the mods main site has no advertisements and it porbably why they have not recieved a letter from MGM. changing the site to .uk wont work as the site already hit was .de anyway heres a link to ofp-sgc get the addons befre you cant get them anymore if anything happens http://www.ofp-sgc.com/
  12. johnwilso007

    Stargate mod, important!

    so if a site has no money making advertisements on it its safe? funny why they targeted you and not ofp-sgc site isnt it? this could be a mass discredition project ocorstrated by a select few people, but i doubt it. maybe a rename Wormhole extream. dnt worry lukemax i think Starship troopers mod is safe as long as no more starship troopers games come out. I would like to know it its the STARGATE name itself or weather its the title of the island Stargate worlds that has them pissed. MGM are putting 50million into developing theire MMOFG (what ever the characters are) game, stargate worlds, is that what they are targeting mr burns?
  13. johnwilso007

    Digitalae Stargate Addons

    blazin hit this site http://www.ofp-sgc.com/ therea a help forum u can get info on. sadly the F302 doesnt work in mp. even my latest update doenst work:( its linked to the same problem with the altitude meter giving wrong figures but i dnt know what the problem is. anyway digitalae i emaield you about a joint collaboration project. hopefully to intergrate the 1.4 stargates into the jumper let me know if you got it.
  14. johnwilso007

    Stargate Mod Released

    also MGM are putting in 55million dollars intotheir MMORPG game theri making Stargate worlds so i can see why theyd be a bit pissed.
  15. johnwilso007

    Stargate Mod Released

    just thoguht id say that there is no profit making on the ofp-sgc site so i think that that site is ok. i heard that this is what happend to the older SG mod's that never published any work. was frightend this would happen for a while now since i heard about the other sites. also Dave the internet is not controled by anyone.
  16. i made a capture the flag MP mission, do i need to add a score counter somehow to the mission or is it done automatically as a MP mission. if i do need to add one how? the Uber Mission editor says i need to ad one but doesnt say how?
  17. johnwilso007

    markers only visible to one side

    thanks, any idea how to do a score counter for a Hold the flag mission? i used the uber tutorial on how to create a HF mission but it just says now add some counter tiggers. looks like its not so uber.
  18. om making a mp mission how do i place markers for lets say Westr base that the East side cant see and vice versa.
  19. johnwilso007

    Stargate Mod Released

    yeah it might not be a very good host thats why we need a new one like ur place and ofp info.
  20. johnwilso007

    Stargate Mod Released

    original post by CRIONYK on http://www.ofp-sgc.com release of all addons and all required addons in one single pack. includes a beta GUI. please please please can somewhere like ofp.info and any othe rbig site host the file. if link is not used after 24 hours it will be deleated. Hi all it's 22H33. i've spent all my day to you, community... Stargate MOD team is proud to present you their new addons. It's not a real big release, but most a standardization of existing addons... Here the stargate MOD : MiniMod folder. I've added in all SG MOD addons (see list below) and required addons. I've added too a demo pack of my units and weapons, Horus guards, new F302... I know that there is not much of addons, but others aren't ready for release. In this pack you will found : - Units and weapons demo - Stargate Worlds - Needed addons for StarGate Worlds - BXBX and DSF Gates (v1.3 RC4) - TatooÄne objects - Stargate FX & Audio - Stargate monitors - Bierrolt pyramid - StarGate MOD Game Interface User - JAM 2 - Walmis jaffas - ICP/ORCS Weapons - Horus Guards - StarWars Platform - New F302 - Editor update and upgrade 102 - Dragon Warrior (Beta 4) - Lord Horus DeathGlider - CRDS Effects - Big Dawg Chaos Grenade Pack v3.2 - Llaumax sky - Some missions examples - All documentations - Some pictures - New sound pack - Sanctuary anim pack These addons are a little parts of our work. We will release more in the incoming weeks. To show you the units addons, Matt SG-3 and me have make two missions... (play it and enjoy ) I hope you will like this... Stargate MOD - MiniMod Folder target="_blank">http://dl-1.free.fr/52616e646f6d4956472d5e6a423ae4712ccdb5892224e1458dae3d674d243ec5/StargateMOD- Demo.exe Temporary link, mirrors needed !! (file deleted after no download during 24H) After installation, create a shorcut of your flashpointresistance.exe and add -mod=SG_MOD at parameter line (hope newbies will succeed to) Also, read the read me files located in docs folder. EDIT: thought id do a brief read me of what i added MY FIRST EVER ADDON RELEASES YAY ME F302 F302 contains 3 versions -F302: original BXBX and Honza_SG1 F302, AMRRAM missles and FFAR AG rockets -F302A: F302 with AMRRAM rockets and Rail Guns, no FFAR AG rockets. -X302: bit of eye candy its a F302 with no weapons, and X302 name on it, made it for testing ACES weapons and new cocpit systems im working on. none of the addons are mp-able im working on it, as usuall please report any bugs. Hourus guard the first public version of the hourus guard. its a serpent guard with a different head. this is still beta so please report any bugs. do not complain about the fact that its helmet does not animate. if u can find someone willing to do it ill let them id rather work on replicators and F302. have fun playing.
  21. johnwilso007

    Custom rounds

    i was making a fighter for stargate mod, i was trying to get it to fire my custom rounds. eventually as i couldnt get bullets to work i used it as Zuni rockets, but the rockets replaced with my custom rounds, the effect was very good. however i now want to make a ground based version of the weapon. im thinking a anti aircraft rail gun. but im having truoble with it using the custom weapon and ammo. can ground units take Zuni weapons aka FFAR weapons? i think thats my problem, when i tried swapping it with AT3 the game crashed. any other weapon classes i can use?
  22. johnwilso007

    position command

    is there a command i can insert into a playersidechat that will state my postion at the time the message is sent? its for a ejector seat i want it to say mayday blabla bal (unit position) ejecting
  23. johnwilso007

    position command

    thanks while were at it are there any really good ejection scripts about? also is there someithng that has to be added to a CPP to get building objects to appear as builings on the editor map.
  24. johnwilso007

    Custom Zuni Rockets

    can you have custom zuni rocket models? if so how? when i try it says No Entry '.ModelSpecial'. nevermind i got it working, Admin can delete thi post.
  25. johnwilso007

    Digitalae Stargate Addons

    ill be able to help with Sheilds and cloak, the sheilds work and the cloak is experimental:D take a look at the Y wing it can take off verically adn ha a Auxillary power booster http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8956