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Everything posted by johnwilso007

  1. johnwilso007

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    myne was going to be 7hours until it had finished (and im behind a 10mbs server! however i found another link at OFPEC get it from their im about 8 mins away from getting it. ill post what i think in about 30 mins.
  2. johnwilso007

    website development tutorials

    anybody know of any good .doc or .pdf tutorials on how to start creating a website? hoping to create a website on which i can host my armed assault addons and missions and such. im hoping that some people who use these forums from various mods extra can help me. thanks in advance for any help.
  3. im intrigued about the name Pulau? its a actual island that i did for my geography case study at A-Level the other year. is it based on the actuall island?
  4. johnwilso007

    System Requirements Q.

    yes on low or very low settings, may just about be playable. u might want a new graphics card, upgrade to a 9800 or a X800 somthing like that
  5. johnwilso007

    Really bad fog?

    are you sure its not a foggy day?
  6. johnwilso007

    British Forces Addons

    sorry for the confusion. clearly someone had some wrong infomation somewhere, i read on the site after making that post that they are looking at a Q1 2007 release at the moment whcih will be cool.
  7. johnwilso007

    Resolution Problems

    whats the size of your screen? mine is 19inch widescreen with a resolution off 1440x 900 x summat so i use that ingame and slighlty reduce the settings so i dnt get these jagged edges.
  8. johnwilso007

    Really bad fog?

    ok done one on a sunny clear day. same problem, i should be able to see the town of modesta as it is 2km away, where the waypoint is, however i cannot at all can barly see the outline of corazle
  9. johnwilso007

    Really bad fog?

    heres 2 ive take included one with my settings displayed i very much doubt that that is 1996 view distance? my system is a Intel Pentium D 3.4Ghz Duel core, 1gb ram Radeon X1650Pro 512mb got all the latest drivers. running the 505 release of the game. thought id and another one with all settings set to low, and the view distance as high as possible. not much difference as you can see, and with my rig i should be capable of getting much more than that shouldn't i?
  10. johnwilso007

    Horrible Graphic Problems, HELP!

    i get the texture ones i think everyone does and its problems with the game not loading them fast enough, i got this strange bug today, one of my infantry units had a giant spike sticking out of his back pack that went 10m up in the air, had a few problems like this in ofp when using stuff id made, was problems with the selections not being correct.
  11. johnwilso007

    British Forces Addons

    didnt realize that falklands had been disolved. thats a shame their work had so much potential, and the campaign would have been awsum. Falklands would have been awsum in arma. maybe some people can help revive it.
  12. johnwilso007

    British Forces Addons

    nice to hear, i suppose that the good thing is that all the later addons from UKF for OFP (Weapon pack 2) were that highly detailed that they probably just need a little texture work for the new engine and their good to go, like working on the 3d weapons sights. one thing, can you customize the way of holding the weapons in arma? oh yeah and any word if falklands mod is moving to arma?
  13. johnwilso007

    Really bad fog?

    i think i may also have this problem. i have the view distance set to two km, however i don't think i can see one km when im flying before it goes all hazy. i set all settings to low or disabled, then tried 10000 view distance and no change occured. im running the newest 505 release version, just arrived today. Computer specs are Intel Pentium D 3.5Ghz Duel Core 1024mb Ram Radion X1650 pro 512mb going to try updating my drivers, but i dnt think it will have a effect.
  14. johnwilso007

    UK Release Version

    thats why i always preorder on play.com they usually come to you early, i got a sims one a week before its release once, sadly this has not been the same for arma as it was shipped yesterday so im expecting it tomorrow or saturday.
  15. johnwilso007

    Abom in arma ???

    would be cool if it was possible to swap the tree models with ones where their are no leaves too, and to line all the trees flat and such,
  16. johnwilso007

    Your ideal PC to play ARMA?

    my rig is Pentium D 3,40GHz Dual Core. 1024mb ram Radeon 1650 Series. im running it on 1440 x 900 most things set to normal. and post processing to low which i think is the biggest graphics hogger. not sure about those details that your after, but if you had a system like that it should do it quite well. also id like to point out that my power is only 350 watts. when i get some money im going to get a better one, i dont want to overdo the graphics card as it might crash due to a lack of power.
  17. johnwilso007

    Team Switch Problem

    i also experienced this problem, the only way i could complete one of the missions was to move the squad individually by team switching them all.
  18. how about creating some sort of addon maker alliance, where people who want to make their addons realistic and standardize values can join it. their addons can then be certified by the alliance? this would prevent many different versions of jam, and ACES?
  19. johnwilso007

    Ports needed

    thanks ill give it ago
  20. johnwilso007

    Ports needed

    hey Im a university student eagerly awaiting my UK 505 edition ArmA, was just wondering so i can get on MP as soon as it is released, how to get the game online through my university's server? i am required to open ports on the fire wall but i do not know what they are, any help?
  21. johnwilso007

    UK Weapons

    shocked at some of the first responses, seems that alot of people just look at the pics and dont look at the text that someone has wrote. i think they look great sassy. anyone remember the very poor SA80 models that were initially released for ofp? before any PUKF release and they were quite poor. even still had the flash effect visible at the end of the nossil when it wasn't fireing. i assume that sassys project is just so that his COOP team can use UK weapons online. so they don't have to use yank weapons, until the PUKF ones are released. good look sassy, most of my projects i started died a early death, and they were mostly texture swapping, and very little model making, if you require any help, which i doubt as you have a very experienced team around you, then give me a message on msn. keep up the good work dude and i hope to see you soon in mp.
  22. johnwilso007

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    US english is commonly known as Yankish in the UK, where as in england we speak queens english, same language but we have words the right way around. lol thats a quote going on the wall!
  23. johnwilso007

    Los Angeles

    do it man, then i can do a 24 mod there:D
  24. johnwilso007

    505 release editing guide?

    is there going to be a editing guide released in the 505 shipment nations?
  25. johnwilso007

    Any word on new O2 for ArmA?

    they will be released when they are ready to be released, think they working out any bugs and such, and a AI tool. probably sometime after the 505 release. on BIS know