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Everything posted by johnwilso007

  1. johnwilso007

    Leser Designator

    if i play with the SF Recon unit in game he has a laster designator, have any missions already been made with this included and if not how can it be used in missions. I assume its for designating Arial attacks so how would i set it up?
  2. johnwilso007

    Leser Designator

    cool ill give it a go now, does the harrier have to be in your group or can the support waypoint be used?
  3. johnwilso007


    well the prototype will be for us to have and then other addon makers can add to it later on and make the Lightning II with all the features that his Lightning II will have. going off that he is using VBS 2 then id say he may have been contracted to make the Lightning II and wont release it. But we get a prototype that will be the same and have all the same features, bar weapon load out. thats just what i see anyway i could be very wrong.
  4. johnwilso007


    looks very nice cant wait to see it an armed assault. is that VBS 2? that mean that that map was one of the iraq maps thats with it?
  5. johnwilso007

    Combat Ops

    just pm a few people who have the comops version if you want the exclusive stuff that much and ask them to send you a rar fo the campaign pbo and the mission:P
  6. johnwilso007

    Combat Ops

    not sure i fully understand Maruk's post on the 1.07 patch. as far as i can gather, ComOps was 1.06 and its going to get patched to 1.07 along with the rest of us in a few weeks, which is exactly what happened to the UK release and is 100% fine by me. but is the A10 going to remain exclusive to the comops? that would be very difficult for mission makers from the us to get their missions used if so? a little confused.
  7. johnwilso007

    individual weapon holding

    was the feature that different weapons can have different weapon holing anims added to the game? noticed that some weapons don't have them like the m16 acog gl. was wondering if this was never implemented at all or if it was a bug.
  8. johnwilso007

    Multiple Questions

    [Not Answered] #4: What folder do you put everything in?= your mission folder go to My documents arma/missions then the name of your mission. you have to save the mission first. [Not Answered] #5: Is it possible to incorporate a video (movie file, avi) in the game? not sure about arma but in ofp it deffinatly wasnt, however for ofp stargate mod they used 200 images of a wormhole vortex sequence that appeared on screen. it cans show Jpeg files:D [Not Answered] #6: Is it possible to lay down road tracks (like dirt road textures) and bushes/trees if there inculded in a editor update then yes but im not sure if they are or not
  9. i have a idea for a mod that could very possibly begin full construction without the major tools being released. How about a Armed assault Prequal? a campaign that follows either a Soldier from a united Sahrani nation under the rule of a king, or a Revolutionist guerilla fighter attempting to form a communist regime. i think that the units needed to be made would have to be some resistance sort of looking units. and a slight edit of the map removing the demilitarized zone from corazol. i have a good idea for a more in depth storyline, with a political impact side (im a international politics student:P), and a character development side. However i suck at addon making. but can put together the missions. what do people think?
  10. johnwilso007

    Sahrani Revolution Mod

    yeah that would be cool also. they been released?
  11. johnwilso007

    Sahrani Revolution Mod

    i being bored and wanting to put off writing a essay about third world coup detats wrote a brief outline of the history of Sahrani and the events leading up to the 1980s revolution. please give it a quick read, it basically goes into the history of Sahrani and how it got to the state in 1981 where i am planning to stage the initial campaign. my goal is at the end of the campaign to have Sahrani in the state that it is in at the beginning of the Armed Assault campaign, and add a explanation to the events surrounding the campaign. http://rapidshare.com/files/23175209/Sahrani_Revolution.doc.html thanks for the tips on the Villas addons, i will look into them shortly once i have actually finished the campaign myself:D and i begin development of the first missions. I agree EricM thats what i am hoping to achieve, hopefully be able to make it much like a Russian American Proxy war fought by insurgents using strategy's similar to those used by Che Guevara in Cuba. Both sides of the conflict are likely to be backed by a West and East forces, like much of the third world and potential communist states were during the cold war. May even do a Bay of pigs style invasion at some point of the campaign. I have lots of ideas, its just forming it into a story line thats the challenge.
  12. johnwilso007

    Bouncy tanks

    ok not too sure how this happened, but i was doing the counter attack mission, and i was advancing on Corazol when i heard a strange noise i looked up and i though i saw something moving. my first thought was that it was a Cobra gunship crashing or a Harrier crashing when i zoomed i found this this a known bug of tanks bouncing very high up in the sky, i have several theories like it fell of a bridge banged into a building or was hit by a missile under it. anyone else seen this?
  13. johnwilso007

    Blue Sceen -> ati3duag.dll

    i now only seem to get crashes when flying aircraft, ie Cobras and Harriers, but never when im infantry.
  14. johnwilso007

    ATI Catalyst 7.3 beta

    it seemed to solve the computer crashing to desktop and restarting all together for me as i was actually able to complete the first mission for the first time today. YAY ME! however it did do a GPU blue screen when i exited the game. Im going back to 7.2 until its a official update. as the 6.7 one didnt seem to work for me.
  15. johnwilso007

    Wishlist for the next 1.06 patch

    i just hope they fix this god dam crashing problem, i not been ab le to play since 1.05 release:(
  16. johnwilso007

    DSF Unofficial StarGate Simulator

    just to let the community know the mod has a new site up, for its OFP work and future ArmA work. www.stargateassault.net
  17. johnwilso007

    1.05 crashing after 5-10 mins of game play.

    yeah me too. restored them back to the newest versions as the 6.7 versions was still CTD and computer restarts
  18. ok i uninstalled my original 505 release version then reinstalled and patched it up to 1.05 with the 505 patch. before the game ran fine, completed half of the campaign, now however the game crashes after 5-10 minutes. first time it happend i was testing the new harrier systems, crashed 1 minute after take off. second time it happend it was on the opening sahrini reporter video where she introduces the island. my system is Intel Pentium D 3.40Ghz 1024mb ram Radeon X1650 512mb. anyone else experienced this problem? and are their any fixes. all my settings are to normal and some are disabled so ir runs faster.
  19. johnwilso007

    1.05 crashing after 5-10 mins of game play.

    any help from BIS on what this problem is?
  20. johnwilso007

    1.05 crashing after 5-10 mins of game play.

    cool mine is also PCI-E but the 512mb version, out of interest whats the wattage of your PSU?
  21. johnwilso007

    1.05 crashing after 5-10 mins of game play.

    ok i checked the ATI drivers, firstly there was a driver for the card released on 21/2/07 which i downloaded. however i just installed it and seemed to get some decent gameplay as a infantry on the blood sweat and tears mission, however as soon as i went to play in the harrier on the editor it crashed.
  22. johnwilso007

    1.05 crashing after 5-10 mins of game play.

    we all have the same graphics cards, that could be a reason lol. i for one have the altest catalist drivers so i know that it is not that.
  23. johnwilso007

    1.05 crashing after 5-10 mins of game play.

    i thought id leave my computer for 12 hours, to see if it was cos it was too hot and that was cos of the crashing, 5-10 mins into the game however it crashed my whole computer. i do have this problem with my computer anyway as i need to upgrade my PSU as under great strain the GPU needs too much power than the PSU can support, thats why i have most of the arma settings quite low till i can afford a new one, however i have been able to play 1.04 all day with out crashing to desktop and now with 1.05 it either crashes to desktop after 5 minutes or crashes my computer completely, and also my post processing effects are set to low. and some effects are disabled. think im gonna have to wait for 1.055 or 1.06 anyway im going to play the sims 2 for 6 months till i get a solution.
  24. johnwilso007

    Where are the girls?

    wouldnt be to hard to sort of rebuild the model of the woman reporter into a soldier model would it?
  25. johnwilso007

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    not too sure how everyone else is finding 1.05 however it seems for me anyway that this versions is more unstable than all previous versions, i have been trying to test the harrier STOVL systems however i create a mission with waypoints so i can take off fly about and land however just after take off my computer goes down. not too sure why, just like the computer restarts itself. going to try reinstalling first, then addin the patch. not impressed as of yet.