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About jonnygo-lightly

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. jonnygo-lightly

    Sam's Sound Mod

    Yeah thats it mate, thanks. Just cant DL
  2. jonnygo-lightly

    Sam's Sound Mod

    Im looking for this, i believe its called Sam's sound mod, only for std ofp weapons, and yes ive tried the searc. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. jonnygo-lightly

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Right... i got it all working fine until i complete a mission, at the end it just CTD without any errors or nothin? Missing addons?... i got all of them though.
  4. jonnygo-lightly

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Thunderbird buddy thats what i got... done everything right got all the addons etc... only thing that dosent seem to be working are the units. Could it be my patch..? im using 1.96 not 1.96 Beta?
  5. jonnygo-lightly

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Hi, im having a bit of trouble... im installing all the correct addons, replacing the config bin etc, i have made a shortcut to resistance using the FlashFX explosions etc.... when i try to play the game however i get the regular bis units?
  6. jonnygo-lightly

    Config bin adjust

    Thanks a lot
  7. jonnygo-lightly

    Config bin adjust

    Hi, i want to change the default units in the campaign and single/mp missions etc... i gather i need to open the conig and adjust this ? can anyone point me in the direction also of un-bin and re-bin tools for the config adjustment. Cheers
  8. jonnygo-lightly

    Need missing file help please

    Ok ill give that a whirl, cheers
  9. jonnygo-lightly

    Need missing file help please

    i seem to be missing a file or something can someone please send it to me, i get this that comes up on the screen in ofp.... config.bin/CfgVehicles/eventhandlers.scope Help please
  10. jonnygo-lightly

    U.S. Soldiers 1967/68

    These units are v.cool, great work apart from the bugs also the hands connecting to the arms could do with a bit of an adjustment so people can use custom animations and the hands wont be split from the arms. Can see them landing on a hot LZ already
  11. jonnygo-lightly

    Wrecked Hueys

    Great work, can make some gd missions with these.
  12. jonnygo-lightly

    Game over confusion

    nope not that i aint changed any sides only the models for units, one thing i think it has to do with is before starting the mission i cannot select the time limit etc which i think is to do with the game over part, but i have not configered any triggers or anything
  13. jonnygo-lightly

    Game over confusion

    Hi, ive looked for a related topic but cant find so sry if its already there. Im adjusting the "paintball" mission from the malden island by changing the units (marine assault pack) however once i export to multiplayer and try to play "game over" comes up straight away even though all i have changed is the models? can anyone help?
  14. jonnygo-lightly

    Marine assault pack missions?

  15. jonnygo-lightly

    Marine assault pack missions?

    thanks again