Jesus! Just beat Res.. The last mission was kind of a joke. I started with my legs shot. (I thought they hit Gastowsky..:p  )  Anyway i just had to ice those 'Snatz and get up to the hill, saved, and fired rpg's a those planes. Tadaa.. And BtW
What did you think about that terribly off drummer in the end sequence? I nearly went insane..
They want to sound like Korn but do sound more like Capricorn.. Well, Viktor didn't have to listen to it to the end. Lucky bastard..
And what about those supplies? That feature was totally shot during my game. I nearly got killed dragging my ass and the american supplies to my shithole in the woods just to find out they're gone the second mission after that..
I had the magazines but the rifles "disappeared". Talk about black market..