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About jonderzerstoerer

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  1. jonderzerstoerer

    Squad logo

    I've been away from OFP for sometime, and now that I want to get back into, I need to update my squad.xml file. I did all the text editing just fine and everything works except the logo. Now I've read every how-to and FAQ about making logos there is, but for some damn reason I can't get it to work. Will someone PLEASE post an updated how-to concerning making a transparent texture with Photoshop 7....my main problem focuses on not being able to save the image as a .tga file WITH the alpha channels included, which, as I see it, is the essential step in this process. I'd appreciate any help I get with this issue.
  2. jonderzerstoerer

    Where can i find this file?

    When playing certain servers, I get the error that the stt_klr addon is mission...now I know this is the Kawasaki bike for the west, but I've looked and I can't find this file. Does it come in a mod pack or is it a stand alone file. If someone could provide me with a link to this file I would be very thankful.
  3. jonderzerstoerer

    Where can i find this file?

    When playing certain servers, I get the error that the stt_klr addon is mission...now I know this is the Kawasaki bike for the west, but I've looked and I can't find this file. Does it come in a mod pack or is it a stand alone file. If someone could provide me with a link to this file I would be very thankful.
  4. jonderzerstoerer


    Well, after my ordeal with the Gold Edition CD problems, I am pleased to say OFP FINALLY works correctly. Codemasters actually had the replacement CD out to me in about 3 days; I was really impresed. Now I can try to improve my skills in MP.
  5. jonderzerstoerer

    Red hammer issues

    Ok, so I just purchased the Gold Edition...I know about the issues with the disc and am on my way to getting the repaired CD. But, in the mean time, I got a crack and I've been playing; the problem is that in Red Hammer, after the Occupation mission, my campaign doesn't advance. I've beat it 3 times and the same thing occurs. I don't know if this is a result of the crappy Gold Edition or a separate issue itself. I would appreciate some help on this.
  6. jonderzerstoerer

    Trouble w/ ofp-goldedition.com

    I just tried the site again, same result; some script error.
  7. jonderzerstoerer

    Trouble w/ ofp-goldedition.com

    They must be updating the site if it's not found anymore. Hopefully it'll be repaired soon enough.
  8. jonderzerstoerer

    Trouble w/ ofp-goldedition.com

    Ok, so I've tried numerous time to send my info to Codemasters through ofp-goldedition.com to get my replacement CD, but, everytime I do I'm gettin some script error and I don't know if my information is going through. I was just curious if anyone else had this problem.