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Everything posted by jphilapy

  1. jphilapy

    in-game browser without dedicated server

    I don't want to run a dedicated server on my machine because that will involve me having to run both the server and the client seperately which comes to quite alot of ram and processor usage. I want to host from within the client but have it show up ingame. However I have not seen anything in this forum on that yet. Jeff
  2. jphilapy

    in-game browser without dedicated server

    This is already possible since 5 years. ok... How?
  3. Hi, I have this snippet which will allow me to detect and report when an ai has been shot. It detects based on groups now. But I want to be able to use just this one snippet and have it to detect and report anytime anyone is killed on the map. I possible it would be nice to be able to include this script 1 time in the init file or in a trigger without having to attach it to each group or each unit. "_x addeventhandler [{Killed}, {_this select 1 sidechat format[{killed %1}, _this select 0]}]" foreach units someeastgroup; What must I do to get it to detect every unit killed on the map? I tried to thislist and set it in a trigger but didn't work. Thanks, Jeff
  4. jphilapy

    addeventhandler detect when ai killed

    Hi thanks for the help. I used your first snippet as it will work fine for now. I tried it out in my mission and it works great. Much appreciation. Jeff
  5. jphilapy

    Stargate Mod Released

    hey thanks!
  6. jphilapy


    Hi, I installed the mod, but I get the following error Prepocessor failed on file config.cpp - error 1 Can you tell me how to fix it? Jeff
  7. jphilapy

    Stargate Mod Released

    Hi, According to the install instructions, I need this file: SG_DHD.pbo Where do I get it from? Thanks, Jeff
  8. jphilapy


    hi, Is it possible to get this mod as one file? Or do I have to download all the files seperately? Thanks, Jeff
  9. hi, I want to organize my missions so that my missions list isnt so chaotic re. mp missions. For example I want missions that can only be played in resistance to show up only when I am running resistance or goty. But when I host mp missions in 1.46 I don't want my resistance only missions to show up in the list. Is there anyway to do this? Thanks, Jeff
  10. jphilapy

    Convert files to the ase format

    nevermind I answered my own question: TGA2ASE located at: http://koti.mbnet.fi/kegetys/ofp/index.php?p=others
  11. I like the visitor tool. The only problem is I don't have any way to get my terrain into the ase format. Is there some other way aside from buying 3D studio max  to do this? Maybe a plugin for Visitor that allows for the importing of other formats? Or a tool that will convert a format from wilbur? Thanks for your help. Jeff