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Everything posted by joltan
I think you misunderstood the problem: You will not ban anyone effectively by blocking a simple xxx.xxx.xxx.255 subnet as in many countries the ips are neither static nor limited to the same subnet. Actually - as others already explained - with big providers who take their ips from several completely different ip ranges and distribute them at random among all customers you'd have to ban several (!!!) xxx.255.255.255 nets to effectively keep offenders out of your server. Doing the latter would keep an extremely high number of potential and perfectly fine players off your server. One example for this kind of IP distribution is German Telekom who provides ~90% of the DSL accounts in Germany - and thus represents the second biggest gaming community world wide... That's an awfull lot of active players considering how small the OFP online community is. For you that may be fine, but for servers in Europe or those interested in having European players on their server it's simply not practical. And I guess there's providers in other parts of the world, too, who use the same scheme to assign ips to their customers. In short: banning IPs may work for a few players who have static ips or get them assigned from a single subnet. For most players it won't work without severely limiting your own servers availability to the majority of good players. Just an example for 3 ips I got assigned today (simply disconnecting and reconnecting): Disconnecting and reconnecting took 2 seconds - and I had a new IP within a completely different IP range. While the third IP is again in the same xxx.255.255.255 range as the first you can see that they are in completely different branches of this net.
Who the f... can drink 4 litres of milk before they get bad? I'll never understand the need for mega-double packs for consumables that only last a few days once opened. That is, as long as you don't have 10 kids to feed cereals to each morning - or the food is full of conservatives (the chemicals, not the political faction)!
Nowadays OFP is dead cheap even if bought new (GOTY for 15 Euros and less), so if they don't even want to pay that little money they don't deserve to play. There's a great demo out that is good enough to test wether they like the game or not.
What's up? No games today?
It's also the same god - both religions stem from judaism - and share the old testament and most prophets.
Looks like Oettinger beer - man, that's plain cruel! Edit: ah, looks like more people recognized the picture as what it really is: torture!
Well, "99 Luftballons" by Nena and "Russians" by Sting come to mind first. And yeah the Genesis song was great, too. Of the three I'd probably select "Russians" as the one song I associate most with the cold war. And then there's always that little tune at the end of 'Dr. Strangelove - or how I learned to love the bomb': "We'll meet again,..."
what's the big difference between the two anyway ? Oil!
I think the problem here is what people mean when saying realistic: most mean just more 'real life'-like, better looking graphics and effects. They don't see artificial map borders and other limitations as 'unrealistic'. They don't care wether a weapon or the environement is realistically simulated as long as the bang's big enough.
Are you crazy, those make even more noice than an old 9-needle printer!
I became crazy long ago, now i've got there im sitting in the corner slowly rocking back and forth... It's not hard - it took me quite a while, but once you have more or less figured out how the tiles move simply restart the level (i.e. close the browser and connect again selecting 'continue' to return to the start of the level). On the second try it only took me 3-4 moves to solve it.
Question: Do I have to light up the whole green wall (not 100% possible I think as at least 8 points will always stay dark)? Or how else do I access the passage seen on the map in L12?
That's what I'm doing - results in the same message, tho - and yes, I checked back with the color map in the other room. ;)
argh, damn - I'm stuck at the color mixing transport I try to mix the colors to fit the one shown on top of the teleport, but somehow it won't work. I always get the message 'wrong mixture detected'... any hints?
how do you get the door open once you've got the tiles and the head caught in the box?
try updating your motherboard drivers and bios - my usb ports wouldn't deliver USB 2.0 until I got the latest mobo drivers (funnily it had worked before with an older version just fine).
There's nothing better than massive wooden planks like they were used in old houses. I personally hate carpets. I think they're unhygienic and the only places where they make sense are small rugs in the bathroom (so you don't have to stand on the cold stone floor after having a shower) and in the bedroom. Of course, if you have dirty shoes it should be ordinary custom to 1. clean them on the mat before the entrance and 2. take them off if they are very wet/dirty - even with non-carpet floors. A guest can always ask for a pair of slippers (or they can be offered to him).
How about using the All-Seeing-Eye? Oh, and I'd recommend getting Resistance. It's dead cheap nowadays and 1.46, well, sucks in comparison.
1) No, only if they are very dirty or wet, there's some rooms (bedroom) I don't enter with shoes usually, tho. 2) Yes, some mission editing stuff a long time ago
Well, if you consider the time spend with a game, then it's not much. One night out in the cinema with a beer and some popcorn is more expensive than a whole month of most MMORPGs (including EVE or SW Galaxies). The good thing with EVE is that your character is not deleted when you stop playing (and paying), so you always can come back a later and continue with it instead of having to train up all skill again from scratch. You can even train during that time (some very high level skills take up to a month real time to train) if you start the training just before your subscription runs out.
I have a Radeon 9600 myself - works perfectly fine with the latest ATI drivers, even in windowed mode. Two recommendations, tho (already mentioned earlier I think): - set AGP to max. 4x - turn off Fastwrites I don't know why, but EVE seems to be really having problems if you're using AGP 8x and Fastwrites with Radeon cards - even if other games work fine with these options. Note that neither of these options will have a negative impact on your gfx performance: no games really need >4x AGP and Fastwrites doesn't give you any recognizable performance gain with a modern gfx card & computer.
Well, what do you expect? With places having 5 names in 3 local dialects, in addition to the lack for ground truth due to a complete breakdown of the afghan mapping agency in the aftermath of the russian invasion and the following civil war. You may see the villages and huts from your satellite - but who tells you what's the name of the village, if those huts belong to a neighbouring community or are actually a seperate entity? That's just day to day geography - and you certainly don't have to go to afghanistan to encounter these problems. Of course not having proper possibilities to survey a country (and to keep the data up to date) due a civil war and later the isloation of the country they may in some cases even be forced to use data up to a hundred years old. And who knows what errors those may contain...
MMPORG.COM offer a 14-day trial to their registered members. Might be worth a look. The usual trials are only 7-days.
Thanks for wasting our time...
One possibility would be backpacks - like the one in FDF1.3. Basically a portable ammo/weapon crate. Of course something like that would have to be severly limited to prevent players from carrying 20 rifles, 10 launchers and ammo for the whole company.