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Everything posted by joltan

  1. joltan

    Coca colas new water dasani

    It is well known that it's just tap water - but they claimed it to be especially 'purified' - and now it looks like the water quality is rather below average than above... ;)
  2. joltan

    Coca colas new water dasani

    Coke recalls controversial water Talk about a PR suicide...
  3. joltan

    Retaliation campaign now available in English

    Actually CTDs are usually related to a bad system (hardware or drivers), a corrupt OFP installation or a bad addon used. The latter can be ruled out in this case, as the campaign doesn't use any addons. OFP is one of the most demanding applications I have running on my computer - and the only one that tended to CTD. Still, it was a system issue causing this (fixed & rock stable now - no problems so far with the campaign either). As for the campaign: excellent work! Right up there with the FDF campaign, Resistance and the original CWC campaign. Probably even the best of them.
  4. joltan

    Anim.pbo replacement pack

    Yeah ok, but accept that some people like that anim and that not all missions play in Iraq like war scenarios (that's not a peacfull environement, it's still a war zone). There are times when people can relax and need their hands for other things (for example gesticulating, carrying something, etc.). At the moment it just looks plain silly when the anims are switching to such an animation from the safe stand and back, as these anims all were made with the gun on the back in mind.
  5. joltan

    Anim.pbo replacement pack

    Sometimes you want people to have the guns on their back (or you want to use the 'put weapon xy on back' option). It's just silly when all that happens is you carrying the gun in front of you... That shouldn't be the case. Yes it should. If soldiers are on "safe" (in real life), they keep the weapon slung across their fronts with the safety on. They also keep the gun on their backs, but that's rare, soldiers on guard duty/patrols (like the situations in OFP) pretty much always keep the weapons in front. Well, then make (if possible) a seperate 'careless' animation where they have it over their shoulder. I like the 'gun in front' for guards, etc, but if I have a soldier wandering across a base far from any danger or walking among friendly civilians I don't want him to look that threatening. Also they need the respective running/walking animations, etc. - so they don't switch between back and front all the time (maybe that's fixed in the newest versions already, tho).
  6. joltan

    Error installing

    You have to leave it running for some time (over night is best), so it runs trough some iterations. I also had memory problems (memory was ok, just the board didn't like the ram clock speed the bios selected on safe settings) and it never showed on the first run. Some more hints: check that your FSB & ram clock are identical (that was my problem), also check wether switching between ACPI 1.1 and 1.4 may help you.
  7. joltan

    Anim.pbo replacement pack

    Sometimes you want people to have the guns on their back (or you want to use the 'put weapon xy on back' option). It's just silly when all that happens is you carrying the gun in front of you... That shouldn't be the case.
  8. joltan

    Valve's computer spec survey

    He's talking about now - not a year ago. Right now you get a decent DX9 Ati card for little money - and that card will kick butt, not like the comparable priced Nvidia cards. The GF4s were great in reference to cost/gfx power at their time, but at the moment ATI is better. As was mentioned before this may change again with the next generation of GFX cards. It's just silly to claim one Company to be better than another in general - you have to compare specific products.
  9. joltan

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Not sure, but I guess a 'getdammage' might do the trick? Isn't the tripwire destroyed when going off?
  10. joltan

    Greatest robot race ever!!!!

    The point is these verhicles are not oversized remote controlled toys, but independent robots that are NOT controlled from the outside. They have to decide themselves wether they drive around or over obstacles (and for thet they have to be able to identify the obstactle), they need a good overview over their surroundings, etc. The actual vehicle is the boring part in that race - it's the ai controlling the vehicles that's the challange. And obviously it fucked up for all teams.
  11. joltan

    Fdf mod mission reporistory - open!

    Try this link instead. cheers!
  12. joltan

    Fdf mod mission reporistory - open!

    I guess you have to provide a direct link to the file, not to a php download engine...
  13. joltan

    Us presidential election 2004

    You forgot that the neighbour also has to pay a good prize for the old crap you give him as a replacement for his stuff you destroyed.
  14. joltan

    Guess the name of the game

    First FPS where glas windows could be shattered - apart from that it was not a very remarkable game. And yeah, the Commander Keen series was great on my old XT.
  15. joltan

    Valve's computer spec survey

    More RAM & better gfx (Radeon 9600 pro) - I guess that will be fine for quite some time. No upgrades planned till the OFP2 release (and then it'll be 64bit anyways).
  16. joltan

    In res addons or addons?

    I guess the addons don't show up, because you didn't follow the instructions on how to load up the mod folders when you start OFP. Check this short tutorial I made some time ago for my squad.
  17. joltan

    In res addons or addons?

    Put them in a seperate mod folder. DON'T put them in the res/addons folder nor in the regular addons folder (except a few bugged addons that only work from these folders). For instructions on how to use mod folders check the OFP FAQ (search for 'mod folders').
  18. joltan

    In res addons or addons?

    Put them in a seperate mod folder. DON'T put them in the res/addons folder nor in the regular addons folder (except a few bugged addons that only work from these folders). For instructions on how to use mod folders check the OFP FAQ (search for 'mod folders').
  19. joltan

    Guess the name of the game

    You got it ! I was a bit unclear I guess. It was part of the Infocom text adventure series and if I remember right it was the last from the text adventure series. Really weird. With my little english knowledge back then it was a nightmare to solve Don't tell me - I started learning english to be able to play Infocom's Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy on my old Atari 800 XL. When I finally got it as my second foreign language in school over a year later I could already have a basic conversation, was reading english language books on my own and had a very relaxed time in english classes. Damn I loved that game. And the gimmics that came with the game were a class of their own - like the 'microscopic space fleet' in a plastic wrapper or the 'space fluff'. And it had that friendly 'Don't panic!' sticker on it's package...
  20. joltan

    Unified animations pack v1.0

    The simplest way is to loop them in a script. Name the unit, then write in its init line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "doanim.sqs" the 'doanim.sqs' is a textfile that you have to place in your mission's folder. It should contain something like the following: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop _this switchmove "stand1" ~4 goto "loop" Of course you could add an abort condition and whatever, as the above will simply keep the unit in that animation forever. But you get the priciple.
  21. joltan

    Ask a mod

    Surerly bribes don't count as coercion, right? ;)
  22. joltan

    Broblems with mt-lb

    That's an engine bug - happens always when you place an empty vehicle and then load it with the moveincargo command.
  23. joltan

    Script startup.sqs not found

    The file is part of one of the later patches (1.9x) for OFP. What lionel4 meant was that somehow one of your data files got modified/corrupted. Maybe one of the patches went wrong?
  24. Oh, and to comment on the original question: in the 'underhill' mission the artillery is just camcreated shells. There's plenty of artillery scripts on OFPEC (www.ofpec.com). Just pick the most simple one.
  25. What he meant was simply that due to the air slowing down the bullet the shell doesn't fly in a real parabel. It will be slowed down until it either hits something or just continues to fall straight down. So the highest point in the shell's path is always nearer to where it hits the ground again, than to where it was fired from. That's in real life and it's the same in OFP.