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jason h

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About jason h

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  1. jason h

    Way to get weapons back if you lose them without r

    I had the same problem as others were having, when playing fireworks the second time my gear was gone. This is what I did to make me loose my gear: Finished reckoning where you blow up the helos Went through the two cutscenes Started fireworks without changing my gear. Passed the first update point got to the top of the hill, ended up getting killed, aborted the mission and ended playing for the night. The next night I went to play fireworks again, but reverted to the beginning of the mission since a continue was showing. Got into the briefing to change my gear and it was all gone. I was able to get my gear back the same way as others by reverting to the second cutscene after reckoning, letting it play and then starting fireworks. All by gear was back and I was able to play the mission.
  2. jason h

    All my weapons are gone!

    nevermind, I just found the answer to my problem in the resistance forumn. Guess I should of spent a little more time looking around.
  3. jason h

    All my weapons are gone!

    Been playing the resistance campaign and am at the mission where you have to take out the bridge. Last night I started this mission but had to go to bed so I aborted it. Tonight, I start the mission back up by reverting because I hadn't taken the proper weapons the first time. So I go into the briefing screen click on the gear tab to make sure I have some satchels. Unfortunately all my gear is gone. All I have is a rifle, I can't pick any other weapons or gear because it doesn't show any to pick. Last night I had ton of gear I had painstakingly acquired over previous missions and now its all gone. Has anyone had this happened to them? I checked the FAQ but didn't find anything. I have replayed previous missions as well, and when I am in the briefing screen there still isn't any gear to choose, so reverting back a few missions won't help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Oh and if this is in the wrong forum, mods please feel free to move it to the right one.
  4. I just updated my drivers for my radeon 64mb vivo to the current supported drivers 9031. Since then I can not get ofp to start up. During startup when the game goes to full screen I get this error message: Cannot create 3d device: Adaptor 0 (radeon 7200) fullscreen resolution 1280X1024, format X8R8G9B8/D16, refresh 0 Hz error 3dderr_notavailable I have turned of w-buffer support as well as v-sync and messed with a few other direct 3d settings and nothing works. Have also tried to run the game at different resolutions, with and without T&L and still it won't start. Is there anyone out there with a radeon that had this problem and found a solution for it? I guess I will probably just have to reinstall the old drivers, I have a feeling though that my video in won't work with the old ones though, so if I could get the new drivers to work I would be very happy. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.