I just updated my drivers for my radeon 64mb vivo to the current supported drivers 9031. Since then I can not get ofp to start up. During startup when the game goes to full screen I get this error message:
Cannot create 3d device:
Adaptor 0 (radeon 7200) fullscreen
resolution 1280X1024, format X8R8G9B8/D16, refresh 0 Hz
error 3dderr_notavailable
I have turned of w-buffer support as well as v-sync and messed with a few other direct 3d settings and nothing works. Have also tried to run the game at different resolutions, with and without T&L and still it won't start.
Is there anyone out there with a radeon that had this problem and found a solution for it? I guess I will probably just have to reinstall the old drivers, I have a feeling though that my video in won't work with the old ones though, so if I could get the new drivers to work I would be very happy.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.