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Posts posted by jens198

  1. Hi folks,

    my current problem is, that the imported terrain doesn't fit to the mapsize itself.

    That's what I did until now:

    1. loaded terrain data from SRTM1 NASA data into VTP.

    2. cut out the appropriate part of the map and saved it as a *.bt file (terrain size is 5,12km x 5,12km)

    3. loaded file into wilbur, greyscaled it, looked for min and max height.


    4. made a nice pbl file for visitor

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class cfg









    5. New Project in Visitor with the following details:


    6. Import via png-picture into Visitor

    And that's what I got: The map size (looking at the rulers on the map's edge) seems to be ok: 512 x 512 x 10m (per cell) equals 5120m x 5120m

    But why is the map stuck in the lower left corner?  sad_o.gif


    Well, any help is appreciated !!


  2. Hi,

    I'm currently in the research/learning phase. My object is to recreate the Ft. Benning, McKenna Urban Training Site. While searching the internet for useful material (which reveals an astonishing amount of information) I stumbeld upon this site:


    As one of the files is more than 200MB I'm very curious what information is hidden in this thing. I tried a few viewers for dte files and so on. But no luck so far.

    Can anyone give me some hints what to do exactly with these files?

    Thanks a lot in advance.


  3. Hi,

    in the lack of tutorials for o2 beginners I revisited brsseb's old modeling lessons (link) and I just finished the first lesson (the good old red crate). It's basicly just a box with two textures. One normal LOD and a geometry LOD. Nothing more. In bulldozer everything looks fine.

    If I try to view the crate ingame I get the message:

    No entry 'bin\config.bin\CfgModels\Default.sections'

    My config.cpp looks like this:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


    class Crate


    units[] = {Crate};

    weapons[] = {};

    requiredVersion = 1.0;



    class CfgVehicles


    class All {};

    class Static: All {};

    class Building: Static {};

    class NonStrategic: Building {};

    class TargetTraining: NonStrategic {};

    class TargetGrenade: TargetTraining {};

    class Crate: TargetGrenade








    Any hints are welcome. If anyone has some links for tuts, please tell me so.

    Thanks a lot in advance


  4. Hi,

    I'm trying to create a single weapon via script

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_m113 = "M113" createVehicle [(getpos table select 0),(getpos table select 1),(getpos table select 2)];

    creates a nice M113 just where I want it (near the object "table")


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_m16 = "M16A2" createVehicle [(getpos table select 0),(getpos table select 1),(getpos table select 2)];

    doesn't create a M16. I tried it with camcreate as well. No joy so far.

    So my question is: How can I spawn a weapon via script?



  5. In Arma we got these nice looking red targets (which look far better than the old OFP blue targets). These red targets pop up by themselfs if dropped by the shooter. If you want to animate/control them by scipt you can use

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">animate["terc",1]


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">animate["terc",0]


  6. Hi,

    just a short question to those who saw ArmA at the GC or spoke to someone from the BIS staff. When the first details of ArmA came up some months ago I remember that the original CWC and Resistance stuff will be part of ArmA as well as the new island and campaingn. Is this still the case today?



    Hi nominesine,

    played the first and second mission so far and I really like them.

    I just escaped the SU-25 and have to evacuate the camp from Kimbe. When I arrive at the first US checkpoint (ar the bridge) I can't cross the bridge because some pieces of the bridge don't fit in their height. Seems like a map problem rather than a mission problem. Can you confirm, that the bridge is crossable?


  8. Hi folks,

    as I saw Artak's thread with his nice little girl I thought that I might also introduce my newborn son SIMON to you biggrin_o.gif



    Name: Simon

    DOB: March 7th 2006 12:05 GMT

    Weight: 3620g

    Height: 52cm


  9. An xbox emulator would most likely be illegal unless it's made by MS, hence any talk about it violates the forum rules.

    Ok, sorry! I had no criminal intentions. Just out of sheer technical curiosity. Can one of the mods please close this thread. Thanks.


  10. I thinking emulating is very difficult because you're pretty much emulating a windows based platform. It's almost like emulating a PC.

    That's what I've heard, anyways.

    Well emulating a pc isn't that hard if you look at stuff like vmware and virtual pc (we use vmware at the office. pretty easy). I don't have much xbox experience, but isn't the inside of a xbox pretty much made of pc-stuff and some kind of windows as an operating system?


  11. Quote[/b] ]FFUR Desert and Winter packs won't work on 1% of peoples' computers because they will have some missing "intro" messages that we haven't been able to fix.

    This error is due to the fact that the island's directories in the CPP aren't recognized by these 1% of peoples' systems, We're sorry, but you'll may enjoy the rest of other FFUR packs without any problem.

    I had the problem after installing and was deeply shocked (wait soo long and not able to use that mod mad_o.gif ). But I got a solution. I installed the packs not in the given folders (like "OPF\ffur1985d") but into "OFP\@ffur1985d", as I always try to use a "@" for ustom folders. That was my problem. Renamed the folders to "ffur1985d" and everything works fine.


  12. Hi jens,
    Quote[/b] ]I'm using the JAM2 (the one that was linked on he Revolt 1998 thread) and get the save/load error while playing the "Deal with the dealer" mission. I've (re)downloaded all the addons and put them in a seperate mission folder (looks exactly like the one, that came with the readme files). Any ideas what's up there? I never had somehting like this in OFP.

    It's not really an error - it just takes a very long time to save/load. The reason is that there are 24 JAM ammocrates in the shed at the first objective, and OFP wants counts the ammo in all those crates as part of the save smile_o.gif The initial release of JAM3 made this worse because I'd filled the ammocrates with even more ammo by default. whistle.gif

    Now though, it's fixed and the save/load times are exactly the same whether you use JAM2 or JAM3 (about 90 seconds on my computer).

    Great mission though - very atmospheric and almost reminds me of Thief: Deadly Shadows smile_o.gif



    Ah, yes that sounds logical to me. Well, I'm a impatient guy... biggrin_o.gif

